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member since February 02, 2010


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Comics By Kitishane

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Comics Assisted By Kitishane

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Comics Recomended By Kitishane

The balance between technology and magic is a fine one in the realm of Amya; and the war between Fate and Chaos just as unsure.

1810 England. It was thought that humans walked the path of enlightenment leaving monsters and dark things behind. However, those monsters and night stalkers merely hide in the darkness, as a young maid, Bernadette, soon finds out.

Random mayhem and artwork featuring a cast of lovable miscreants and sociopaths. Irregular updates.

It's a fantasy comic loaded with unashamed homages to my favorite horror movies, featuring a colorful cast of characters, and for some of them I mean that literally. The cast is mostly non-human, both mythological creatures from folklore and original creatures. A lot of friendship and found family, and a few rampages of revenge.

Adult. As the title suggests, this lurid epic is full of graphic sex and violence... and not a whole lot else! Definitely not for minors, and not for squeamish adults either! You've been warned!

Ethereal Legacies is a fantasy-themed comic set in an alternate past Earth. The story line follows two Elven sisters, Bianka and Gatan, set against a backdrop of war between Light and Dark Elves.

A weird crossover comic about a dog and a beaver and a bunny.

In the twilight of the Age of Gods, man emerged into a world of darkness.

Medusa is five years old. Her mom is a giant snake. She comes froma magical land. Now she lives with Jake. Updates Monday and Friday!

Kick Girl, otherwise known as the villainous harlot "Mystery Babylon" from Revelations, seems intent on keeping the seal to the Pit closed. But can she really overcome the thousand year prophecy and keep Lucifer and his army of demons from breaking free?

The story of two fellows who are destined to blow up the ocean or die trying.

Story of a revenge in the world of vampires


After inadvertently becoming ensnared in the phenomenon known as The Authority Game, Micki Morris has just one month to fight her way to the top and keep her promise! A lighthearted, full colour manga set to update twice a week.

Patrick Gentry is a normal 27 year old living in an Abnormal world. Or Perhaps, he is an abnormal 27 year old living in a normal world. The jury is still out on that.

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!


Kitishane's friends

  • Volte6

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