Episode 356 - Readers

Jan 7, 2018

READERS are a massive part of Drunk Duck! Actually readers are a huge part of ANY comic. But Drunk Duck tends to focus far more on creators than perhaps we should… This idea was inspired by a newspost of Tantz's. We talk about ways to make DD more accessible to readers, including highlighting comics in similar genres and guest representatives giving us recommendation lists of comics they like from a genre so we can promote them on the front page. Emma_Clare has done some GREAT mockups for a redesign of DD and in those is an example of the DD front page where we highlight comics by genre! We chat about comic listing sites like Comic Rocket, Top Webcomics and the brand new Archive Binge, along with other various topics like who are the best hosts for adult comics, cross promotion etc. This week Gunwallce has given us the theme to Blood and water: Cool, quiet, and creepy. This one will have you on edge from start to finish. There’s an undertone of cool nonchalance that’s surprisingly at odds with the on-edge feel! Please donate to our our Indiegogo drive to raise many for the latest improvement to DD: Comment notifications! We know that everyone wants those.

Topics and Show Notes

Topics and shownotes

Featured comic:
Invaded - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2018/jan/02/featured-comic-invaded/

Tantz's Readers newspost - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2018/jan/05/creators-vs-readers/
DD Redesign mockups - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/177679/?page=3
Promotion via Twitter - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2018/jan/04/the-dark-broadcasting-experiment/
Archive Binge comic list - https://archivebinge.com/
Comic Rocket list - https://www.comic-rocket.com/explore/
Top webcomics list - http://topwebcomics.com/

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Kawaiidaigakusei - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/
PitFace - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/PIT_FACE/
Tantz Aerine - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean

Featured music:
Blood and water - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Blood_and_Water/, by Genejoke, rated M.

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Ozoneocean at 9:26PM, Jan. 10, 2018

There are a lot of things we can learn from those sites!

cdmalcolm1 at 12:48PM, Jan. 10, 2018

Some very good points were said in the PodCast. Sites like Tapestry have a readers' viewer where they can log-in and only leave comments and have creator side where all the editing are done by the creator. DD/Smackjeeves/Comicfury is old school Webcomics to me. DD however, has a very tight group of ppl that not only reads but comment and help each other out. (plus there is a creative freedom for Adult rated, comics that helps). I think with Webtoons they are catering towards mobile units for scrolling as appose to clicking from page to page, (Desktop/Laptop). Their page loader is way different than the ones used here. Plus, a creator can Preview before publishing. Not to mention Add music. SmackJeeves have GIF uploads for animation. Comic Rocket is just a mirror. We are due for a game changer for both Readers and Creators. Great PodCast this week.

Ozoneocean at 1:12AM, Jan. 10, 2018


Banes at 9:44PM, Jan. 9, 2018

I read this.

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