Episode 145 - The Third Duck, 2013 DD Radio Play

Dec 11, 2013

Finally! The 2013 DD Radio play is complete! It was a long time in coming but it's out now and still within 2013, despite everything that has happened. The radio plays were started by Ayesinback and have been going for 3 years now, begining with The Karaoke Caper, then last year it was The Duck Always Quacks Twice, and now this year we're proud to bring you The Third Duck! Many great people contributed towards this, our voice actors, producers, writer and musician... and let's not forget all the great comic artists who did the lovely illustrated version! So please enjoy our radio play. -The first one was written by Ally Heart*



kawaiidaigakusei at 1:42AM, Dec. 13, 2013

Omg, and before I forget! Will next week's Santa Cast/Father Christmas Miracle include a Prarie Home Companion style radio show complete with Garrisson Keillor inspired stories (ie "The News from Lake Wobegon") where you talk about Christmas memories of your childhood, with crinkling plastic to mimic a fire, and using a washboard for sound effects?? Old-fashion radio is timeless, but it HAD to be entertaining because it was before the Internet and television.

FormerDDer at 9:40PM, Dec. 12, 2013

Excellent show, excellent voice talent, excellent comic artists, and excellent everything else. :) I truly enjoy doing this every year. I hope we do another!

Banes at 8:15PM, Dec. 12, 2013

p.s. - I DID do a performance for my assigned role...haha. I guess the track got lost in the changing of the editing guard.

Banes at 8:10PM, Dec. 12, 2013

Mucho kudos all around!

bravo1102 at 6:49AM, Dec. 12, 2013

Greatness all around! So much fun. :-D

kawaiidaigakusei at 5:39AM, Dec. 12, 2013

Brava, bravo, bravissimi! I liked how many of the same characters continued from last year's radio play. GREAT accents and voice acting from the enitre cast. Also Bravo picked up more roles apart from his French henchman (Oui! Man?) from the previous year, it was like playing a game of "Spot the Bravo". If it took one hour for each minute of editing, it was totally worthwhile.

gullas at 2:27AM, Dec. 12, 2013

Good work everybody ^^

gene hole at 1:18AM, Dec. 12, 2013

lol, love the Benny Hill music gag when he chases the peanut vendor. great work putting it all together.

Gunwallace at 12:41AM, Dec. 12, 2013

Great job, everyone :-)

Ozoneocean at 7:46PM, Dec. 11, 2013

Hooray! It's much better with the new slaps

ayesinback at 6:20PM, Dec. 11, 2013

AND - I think ALL the actors hit every note of Gunwallace's hilarity point on (... almost against their will). bravo1102 was Himself a fantastic four, and Nicky has just never been better. *iamsohappy*

usedbooks at 6:18PM, Dec. 11, 2013

Turned out great! Worth the wait. Good job, all.

ayesinback at 5:51PM, Dec. 11, 2013

Why thank you, Hippievan. :) And Thanks to ozoneocean!!! Huzzah! The best Drunk Duck Radio Play yet. Super editing!!

HippieVan at 5:47PM, Dec. 11, 2013

Ayesinback has such a lovely voice! Very jealous. : )

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