FEATURED COMIC --> Psycho Babble

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 18, 2015


Please pull up a chair and lean in close because this week's Feature is incredibly enticing.

Set in a surreal world that is very different (or similar) to the planet we live on, this story examines the adventures of an unpredictable pair of a ...

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Avoiding the Mary Sue (+ a contest!)

HippieVan at 12:00AM, March 6, 2015

This newspost was inspired by this week's Quackcast on testing your writing and knowing your characters. In the comments, KimLuster posted a Mary Sue test and discussed her annoyance in finding that one of her characters scored highly.

So what is a Mary Sue? Everyone sort of knows one ...

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The Digital Dark Age Cometh!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 16, 2015

Does everyone remember floppy disks?

This morning, the top trending topic was the warning issued by Vint Cerf, vice-president of Google, that we must create tangible back-up copies of all our digital works or else we may lose everything, every memory in a “digital Dark Age”. So I read about ...

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Radio Play 2015 - What can YOU do to help?

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 2, 2015


2014 saw a very sad thing happen, or rather not happen – the first time in four years that we did not to a DD Radio Play. For those who haven’t participated in the past, the Radio Play is truly one of the coolest ...

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Handmade versus Store-Bought Gifts

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 15, 2014

The tradition of creating handmade gifts began sometime in elementary school when it was not only appropriate, but expected, to give our parents original creations. Eventually, a handmade knick-knack has a difficult time competing with the latest smart phone or drawing tablet and is pushed aside to make room for ...

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2014 DD Secret Santa - Sign up now!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 28, 2014
tags: 2014, santa, secret, sign, up

Christmas is just around the corner – it’s time to watch Christmas movies, sing Christmas songs and stuff ourselves silly with baked goods.
And of course, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without DD Secret Santa!

Check out the sign-up thread here: http://theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/176725/

Step One – Deadline ...

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The Art of Rick Menard

drunkducknews at 12:00AM, Oct. 19, 2014
tags: Guest, Post

Rick Menard’s a cool guy. He was a rebellious young whippersnapper who flipped his mom the bird when she told him to wash his hands once, this self-proclaimed smartass now spends his time making surrealist art that serves as a form of social commentary. Here are some of his ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 1, 2014
tags: by, COMIC, E, FEATURED, pao, Rat, rated, The

It's a Bird. It's a Plane! No, wait, is it The Rat?!

In the same vein as other comic heroes that name themselves after creatures, the Rat is a bit unique.

Danny is a high school student from North Side Chicago's Irving Park neighborhood and living with ...

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Quackcast 181 - Colour your world! part 2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 26, 2014


- Art by Ozoneocean

This is part 2 and the final of our look at advanced colouring techniques. This week we had even more heavy hitters with fantastic ability and skill weighing in on the topic of colouring. These guys can teach us a LOT! We like to do ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Comic Book Movies

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Aug. 8, 2014

Apparently the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is coming out right about now. While the explosion-filled trailer I saw for it (before the equally explodey Transformers 4) made up my mind that I won't be seeing this particular movie, comics have been the inspiration for some great films.

Because ...

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