Thursday's feature is Timeloss!

skoolmunkee at 12:40AM, April 16, 2009

As Timeloss is still pretty new, it isn't fully clear what's going on… scenes are just long enough to give a few tantalizing hints before the setting is changed and readers are dropped into a new situation. Would ‘frustratingly interesting’ be a good description? The art is fantastic ...

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Monday's Feature- London Underworld!

skoolmunkee at 1:02AM, March 30, 2009

Amelia is a rather unladylike lady, stifled by Victorian society, whose primary source of entertainment is consorting with low criminals and swindling her peers out of as much of their money as she can. She cannot abide her uncle, the family patriach (a boor and a great one for rules ...

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Monday's feature: Harkovast!

skoolmunkee at 10:27AM, March 16, 2009

Sorry the description is a bit late, kind of a crazy monday here for me.

Harkovast is an epic fantasy tale set in a land populated by various peoples and under threat of a dark and overwhelmingly evil force. All your favorite fantasy things are here, but Harkovast is… different ...

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Good news: today is Friday, not Saturday!

skoolmunkee at 4:32PM, March 13, 2009

Just a bit of news today!

Round 6: Drasnus interviews Pastel of ELO and others!

…I'm happy to report that Skullbie, creator of the comic Plastic, is my winner.
I'll be sending out her autographed copy of House of the Muses #3 shortly, and I'll be ...

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Heroes By Hand ---> Thursday's Feature!!!

Ozoneocean at 2:39AM, March 12, 2009



Paper Heroes are a silly bunch of funny heroes. There's Shape, Meteor, Raven, Pirate, and others, all with there own special skills and comedic talents. There isn't much more to say about them really, it's a good looking humorous gag comic about silly superheroes. Highspeed comics ...

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New interview, 2 contests, and lots of milestones this Monday!

skoolmunkee at 12:52AM, March 9, 2009

OK all- on Saturday we had the last of the interviews from Round 5. We've had 30 of these interviews come in this year, pretty amazing don't you think? And there's even more coming- Round 6 is underway and we have new ones next week! Maybe I ...

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Monday's feature - Good Taste!

skoolmunkee at 12:39AM, Feb. 16, 2009

Not everyone likes comics with a gritty story, huge plot, and message to send. Simpler comics just about people and their lives are also appealing (especially if they have art as pretty as Good Taste's). This is obviously a character-driven comic - they have clear, believable, interesting personalities and relationships ...

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Podcast interview and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:51AM, Feb. 15, 2009

Following up on last week's news announcement that a podcast was going to happen, houseofmuses would now like to announce that the podcast did happen:

I had a great time with Robert Shelley and Roy Duncan last night at The Villain's Corner web comic chat

I think ...

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Monday's feature is Blood Reign and Devil Jack!

skoolmunkee at 11:10PM, Feb. 8, 2009

Is ‘superhero horror’ a genre? Blood Reign and Devil Jack takes you back to the ‘90s indy comic days when the shelves were stocked with fresh takes and new experiments in style and content. It may remind you of Spawn with its demons, curses, and supernatural powers. Most pages are ...

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New community interview, lots of milestones, and the end of a comic!

skoolmunkee at 2:18AM, Feb. 5, 2009

Hi guys! Sorry, I think the news is a day late or something. My inbox was getting a bit crazy with the Quack with the Ducks project and I didn't have time to sort everything out properly until this morning!

Speaking of Quack with the Ducks, the first of ...

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