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New community interview, lots of milestones, and the end of a comic!

skoolmunkee at 2:18AM, Feb. 5, 2009

Hi guys! Sorry, I think the news is a day late or something. My inbox was getting a bit crazy with the Quack with the Ducks project and I didn't have time to sort everything out properly until this morning!

Speaking of Quack with the Ducks, the first of the Round 4 interviews is up! Mosey on over and read kaleygemini's interview of PieGuy259! Do it! You guys had better get into the habit, because there are lots more interviews coming in soon… personally I find them all really fascinating! Hear about people or comics you may never have heard of, learn some interesting things, and get involved in the community!

We have a comic ending (with a proper ending and all):

Aurora Borealis
After exactly 11 months, my first webcomic Din_Krakatau has just wrapped up this Monday (followed by a post-wrap up Tuesday page to avoid spoilers for new readers) with its 128th page. Also, a week earlier it has hit 125th page milestone.

Print edition is currently being worked on.

This is a few days late (sorry!) but Interim State by the2ndredbaron has now reached 25 story pages!

Just a day or two ago, Eduds's Life and (Maybe) Death of Ed reached 250 strips and is also 2 years old!

Hall of Randomness by HiNaTa_fan_13 reaches 100 pages on Friday! (And updates Mondays through Fridays!)

Hitting 225 strips is Rebound by reboundcomic!

Star Trek: As the Galaxy Turns by Smiling Platypus has turned 50 pages old this week! “For the unitiated, its a photographed parody of the original StarTrek series. Its mostly single-panel gags although characters and situations do repeat, and if you read from the beginning, you'll start to grok the personalities of the zany characters. Grok - man, that's a word I hardly hear anybody use…”

Me neither, Platy.



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