You are so beautiful to me (not anyone else)

skoolmunkee at 9:45AM, March 27, 2007

Astute front-page readers will notice we are re-featuring some comics we've already featured before… we lost them out of the archive somehow, so this is the easiest way to get them back in. Thanks for your patience! :) There are only 3 of them.

Come on, you know you want ...

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Let's keep this short and sweet, shall we?

skoolmunkee at 4:43AM, March 17, 2007

[Edit by Black Kitty: I don't know why I keep missing Drazi500 but his comic Dragon Blade reached 30 pages AND it reached its first chapter…three weeks ago. >.<

So this is just a public apology to Drazi500 for being a jerk and keep missing his PQ. I'm ...

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I have news too! :D Yay!

Black_Kitty at 6:43PM, March 9, 2007

Hey everyone! Wizard World is coming up and guess who you will see if you go? Guess guess guess! :D

If you've guessed any of these people, then you're right!

Mr Riot
Mr Mustard Seed
Mr Granger
DJ Coffman

Speaking of DJ Coffman ...

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The PQs are burning a hole in my account

Black_Kitty at 8:13PM, March 3, 2007

We got a lot of news items today! To all those who sent me news: Sorry for the long wait. :(

Did you know that Wizard Magazine did a write-up about DJ Coffman's Hero By Night? Well they did! :D And you can see a scan of it in this ...

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More news! Milestones galoore!

Black_Kitty at 3:32PM, Feb. 22, 2007

HapyCow's For God's Sake has reached Chapter 3! And there's a nifty cover page too!

Remember basketcase? It was a comic here on DD that was featured around the beginning? Well to celebrate the fourth anniversary of its main site, Jebus would like everyone to know that ...

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It's that time again, the time when my PQ box is too full!

skoolmunkee at 11:20AM, Feb. 22, 2007

First an announcement from mean skoolmunkee!

OK, remember everyone, forum signature images shouldn't be larger than 480x60 COMBINED! That means if you have two they can't both be 480x60… Do you know how annoying I find it to have to go PQing everyone because they didn't read ...

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Television and I have much catching up to do

Black_Kitty at 1:56PM, Feb. 12, 2007

Just wanted to peek in with some more news!

Crimson Dark has just reached 100 pages! YAAAAY!

There's a bunch of tutorials floating around on DrunkDuck. One of them that just popped up recently is TutorialXP which is a tutorial for sprites~

Don't forget about our beloved Comic ...

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Does it smell like potatoes in here to anyone else?

skoolmunkee at 11:56AM, Feb. 2, 2007

Keep an eye out in the next day or two for a new Interview (under the News tab)! We might end up editing this line here when it is posted…

Aussie_kid's Enter the Duck is hitting 100 pages (and will also feature the return of an old friend to ...

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Movin' on up

skoolmunkee at 11:29PM, Jan. 22, 2007

Not quite so much today, but every bit is important!

carrollhach's Clench and Cheese (you know, the featured one) is 100 pages old today! Congratulations! If you check his author's comments, you will see there is a Trivia Contest going on too…

Also about to turn 100 is ...

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Would you rather ride on a train, dance in the rain, or feel no pain? (Oh and here's some news)

Black_Kitty at 11:51PM, Jan. 15, 2007

Firstly, Skoolmunkee is asking that anyone who has sent in news within the last week to please send it to her again.

Edit from skoolmunkee with some recovered news!
carrollhach would like people to know:

Clench and Cheese is going to hit 100 next week and I'm going to ...

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