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It's that time again, the time when my PQ box is too full!

skoolmunkee at 11:20AM, Feb. 22, 2007

First an announcement from mean skoolmunkee!

OK, remember everyone, forum signature images shouldn't be larger than 480x60 COMBINED! That means if you have two they can't both be 480x60… Do you know how annoying I find it to have to go PQing everyone because they didn't read the Rules thread in General Discussion, eh? EH?! Stop making work for me!

OK nice skoolmunkee is back now.

Remember there's a new interview up! Would you like to read an interview of Ronson?

On a related note, the admins are letting folks know that we've scaled back the Featured Comics to 3 a week (M-W-F) because we felt like the comics we feature should be given more attention than just a day or so before they get knocked down to #2 (and then seen less, or missed completely by people who don't visit every day). Plus, that means we can spend more time looking for great comics to feature!

kingofsnake wants everyone to know that this is the LAST WEEK (last couple of days really) to sign up for the second round of the Comic Remix Project. They have 34 participants so far so it looks really promising! You can find the redesigned project website here, and the sign ups and guidelines here!

I don't remember if I mentioned this before (probably but just to make sure) but DDer fern has a fun project going. You write/draw your thoughts on lined paper and he'll post them to a comic account, One Third Of Your Life Is Spent Sleeping One Third Of Your Life Is Spent Working And Half Of One Third Is Spent Waiting The Question Is It Really Your Life (yes that is really its name). It's to show the different thoughts and worries and etc. that people have. It's an interesting project and often funny too! There are more details on the page…

Why is Magical Misfits in the newsposts so often?! Is it because the author is an updating powerhouse? It must be, because the comic is 400 strips old!

Speaking of news-hogs (I mean that in the nicest way), WingNut would like everyone to know that Acquired Taste is 20 pages old and he has introduced a new character in celebration!

Rick Xeros has a comic named Digimon Legend and guess what? It is 50 comics old!

the_poet's Grounded Angel is a lovely 100 pages old as of Wednesday!



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