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What If...
Digital_Ink_Stories at 11:04PM, Sept. 1, 2019
posts: 32
joined: 2-3-2019
…you went back into your story and changed something? It could be something big, it could be something small. What do you change, and how does this impact your story from that point onward? How drastically does it change? Does it change for the better or the worse?

For example, “What if the main character was the other gender?” or “What if this character died in this scene?”. How does changing one thing like that make any difference in your story?

Bonus Points if you actually write the scenario of what would happen.
bravo1102 at 1:12AM, Sept. 2, 2019
posts: 6,110
joined: 1-21-2008
Simple. Then I have s new story. Change the names and it's a brand new script.

Or, figure out how to make it an arc in an ongoing story.

Use it as a story seed and see what grows.

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