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I draw funny noses.
Xerocorpse Boomer at 9:34AM, April 18, 2019
posts: 11
joined: 4-17-2019
I don't know why I do it. People tell me my characters look wierd or off, and I know they do. I just like drawing their profiles with wierd noses. People tell me to change it, so I tell them to change their perspective on whats “proper nose drawing”. ;)
Ozoneocean at 9:00PM, April 23, 2019
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Whoa, yeah… that's quite a thing XD

OK. You do anime style faces. From the front they have pretty much zero nose, but in profile their faces are extended into almost a animal style muzzle, like you'd draw on Sonic for example.
There's nothing wrong with that but I can see how the contrast from no nose in a portrait view to long nose in profile would be disconcerting to people.

Have you considered modifying it a little? You don't have to, but if you're concerned about the criticism it's an option.

I'm someone who does unique noses myself, but in a less stylised way/
usedbooks at 5:44AM, April 24, 2019
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
They look a bit like animal snouts. It's not necessarily bad, but if you are going for a human look, the eyes and mouth should be on roughly the same plane with the nose out beyond both.

Not that it's a bad thing if that's the style you like, but they don't look human. They look more like the characters from the Dark Crystal. If you like the style, tell your critics that they are a fantasy race.
bravo1102 at 6:06AM, April 25, 2019
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Not really the nose as opposed to the upper lip jutting out like a snout. Rein it in a little and let the characters have overbites rather than snouts and long jaws like early hominids.
BustyLaroo at 8:24AM, May 4, 2019
posts: 52
joined: 7-19-2014
Me tooo lol a mean person once referred to my style as “Jewish Anime” xD

It's gotten better over the years but yeah lol

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