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What's your fave Christmas movie?
Ozoneocean at 10:42PM, Dec. 22, 2017
posts: 29,130
joined: 1-2-2004
I used to have a few but because of the internet I haven't watched any in ages…

Actually I think my fave Christmas movies were The Great Race (the inspiration for Wacky Racers) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. They're not about Christmas but were always shown around that time her in Australia when I was little.
bravo1102 at 5:30AM, Dec. 23, 2017
posts: 6,334
joined: 1-21-2008
The Laurel and Hardy March of the Wooden Soldiers. I also watched for the Disney Babes in Toyland because I had the soundtrack album.

But as I got older I became a fan of various versions of A Christmas Carol. I have six that I'll be watching later this week.

Though not a Christmas movie for me Blake Edwards's The Great Race is one of my favorites. Tony Curtis as the clean cut hero, Keenan Wynn, Peter Falk and one of Jack Lemon's greatest comic performances.

Two films were inspired by it include Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines and those Daring Young Men in their Jaunting Jalopies. Both with Terry-Thomas. Dudley Moore and Peter Cook were in one during their great comedy duo years. Gert Frobe in a great comic portrayal.

I had childhood crushes on both Susan Hampshire and Natalie Wood.

And Chitty, Chitty, bang, bang A Roald Dahl script of an Ian Fleming novel with both Gert Frobe (Goldfinger) and Benny Hill. And I'm a huge Dick Van Dyke fan. Can still recall most of the lyrics to the songs.
Tantz_Aerine at 6:31AM, Dec. 23, 2017
posts: 2,029
joined: 10-11-2006
Most versions of A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life. I also like The Nativity Story.
Froggtreecomics at 7:36AM, Dec. 23, 2017
posts: 126
joined: 10-29-2009
Gremlins and Home Alone 2!
usedbooks at 9:29AM, Dec. 23, 2017
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I have several Christmas Carol (Muppets, Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammer, and Scrooged) favorites. I also like White Christmas, Home Alone 2, and Hogfather.
stinger9 at 11:44AM, Dec. 23, 2017
posts: 55
joined: 10-1-2007
Die Hard…
Okay, maybe not! I guess really though, the Alastair Sim A Christmas Carol would probably be up there for me. Scrooged, National Lampoon's, and the guilty pleasure that is Jingle All The Way! Watership Down, for if I'm in the mood to get deeply disturbed at Christmas! The Wizard of Oz, while not a film I actually watch, has a certain sentimental value to me for a few reasons, so I'll occasionally watch a couple of minutes just for that.
Ozoneocean at 7:41PM, Dec. 23, 2017
posts: 29,130
joined: 1-2-2004
Yes, Scrooged! And National Lampoons :D

@Bravo- YES! The flying machines and jaunty jalopies! Yes!!!!! Those are fave too ^_^
rickrudge at 11:12AM, Dec. 21, 2019
posts: 130
joined: 10-3-2019
Happy holidays everyone. Yes, there’s “Reindeer Games”, “Home Alone’s 1 & 2”, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, and the “Die Hards 1 & 2”.

As far as the traditional Christmas movie, I guess my all-time favorite is “A Christmas Carol” from 1951 with Alastair Sim as Scrooge.

Unfortunately, they don’t play that version anywhere except on Turner Classic Movies and some of the few other channels will broadcast the shredded and scratched up version.

— Rick Rudge
BearinOz at 4:12AM, Dec. 25, 2019
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
rickrudge wrote:
Happy holidays everyone. Yes, there’s “Reindeer Games”, “Home Alone’s 1 & 2”, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, and the “Die Hards 1 & 2”.

As far as the traditional Christmas movie, I guess my all-time favorite is “A Christmas Carol” from 1951 with Alastair Sim as Scrooge.

Unfortunately, they don’t play that version anywhere except on Turner Classic Movies and some of the few other channels will broadcast the shredded and scratched up version.

— Rick Rudge
Well !!! Apart from Reindeer Games, my son (37) has watched that list over the past few hours and last night, plus Bad Santa 1 and 2…now we're in the lounge together with a mate and watching “Scrooged”. Took a non-Xmas break in between, with Sin City though. I like Gremlins too.

p.s. We've got a rather dark re-do of Christmas Carol (in 3 parts) starring Guy Pearce running on one of our Foxtel channels all day, since yesterday. Look out for it.
last edited on Dec. 25, 2019 4:16AM
rickrudge at 3:06PM, Jan. 29, 2020
posts: 130
joined: 10-3-2019
Yeah, BearinOz,

That Guy Pearce version was pretty dark and close to “R” rated. I doubt that Charles Dickens could have written that with those Victorian sensibilities. Tom Hardy had produced that version. It seemed very similar to his “Taboo” series.
MegaRdaniels at 1:19PM, Jan. 31, 2020
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
hushicho at 4:44PM, March 7, 2020
posts: 161
joined: 10-4-2007
My very favorite holiday films have to be Make the Yuletide Gay, which is absolutely delightful, and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, which is ridiculous but still pretty heartwarming. Both of them are different than the usual holiday fare, and they each, in their own way, present a good, uplifting message. I'd recommend them to anyone. Though I'd probably add that the Santa film also has Rifftrax and has appeared on Mystery Science Theater 3000, which may make the experience more palatable for those of us who aren't connoisseurs of…different film.

Make the Yuletide Gay, though, is beautifully made, with an overall very charming script, solid acting, and a lot of fun to be had. It's also one of those great films where watching it once informs future viewings and makes it even more delightful and enjoyable. Check it out.
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