Networking & Community Projects*

DD Awards: 2016 Planning
Niccea at 6:01AM, Nov. 1, 2015
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Comic Jam Sign Ups

Page 1: Tantz Aerine
Page 2: plymayer
Page 3: usedbooks
Page 4: cdmalcolm1
Page 5: fallopiancrusader
Page 6: ashtree house
Page 7: genejoke
Page 8: genejoke
Page 9: rawdale
Page 10: El Cid
Page 11 (last page): VinoMas

Though all official pages have been claimed, I will allow for commercial parody pages. (The pages are not required to be in cannon with the story or feature the characters)

Planning ~ Now - July

FYC Comic Jam ~ April 25 - July 10

The Drunk Duck Award Design Contest
Submissions ~ June 5 - 12
Voting ~ June 12 - 14

Drunk Duck Awards Voting Opens ~ July 3 - July 31

Tie Breakers (as needed) ~ July 31 - August 7

Finalists Announced/Volunteers Assigned ~ August 7 - August 13

Judging ~ August 14 - September 24

Emergency Wrap Up ~ September 25 - October 9

The Ceremony Begins ~ October 10

Original Post
Feel free to provide feedback and ideas here.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work this year. Also, for two years I have not been able to keep up with judging for the awards. I would love to still host, but I would love to bring on a Judge Wrangler ahead of time.

Some ideas that have come up:
Best Newcomer Award (still up for debate to include in future years)
Most Improved Art (discussion about tweeking the dates to include more years, only award this to a comic once, and/or giving this award only to completed comics)
last edited on May 30, 2016 6:27AM
AnisykesComics at 7:12PM, Nov. 15, 2015
posts: 5
joined: 7-11-2014
Niccea wrote:
Feel free to provide feedback and ideas here.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work this year. Also, for two years I have not been able to keep up with judging for the awards. I would love to still host, but I would love to bring on a Judge Wrangler ahead of time.

Some ideas that have come up:
Best Newcomer Award (still up for debate to include in future years)
Most Improved Art (discussion about tweeking the dates to include more years, only award this to a comic once, and/or giving this award only to completed comics)
I would love to see a Best Newcomer award.
Niccea at 6:54PM, March 31, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
It is about time to bring this to the forefront again. Stay tuned for details.
bravo1102 at 1:04AM, April 8, 2016
posts: 6,329
joined: 1-21-2008
What would the qualifications be for best newcomer? Just a new member within the past year? If how long? Would there have to be a comic?

Since there are no membership time constraints for comics anything in the way of best new comic would be redundant and it should just be best new member.
last edited on April 8, 2016 1:07AM
Niccea at 6:28AM, April 9, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
We did a best new member award before, and the time frame was membership within the last year.

I would be loathe to have a comic as a requirement because we have just as many valuable members to the community that do not make comics.
Niccea at 11:19AM, April 9, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Also, at this time, I would like to ask for a volunteer to be the judge wrangler. It just means keeping the judges on track and reporting people that aren't pulling their weight. The last couple of years I haven't been able to monitor the judge forum as efficiently.

Also I want to ask about the FYC plot. Do we want to hold a contest again or pick one of the scenarios from last year?
Genejoke at 5:51AM, April 11, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
I can be a judge wrangler if you like.

FYC plot… hmm.

We could do something like a comic jam rather than have a specific plot. Have a setup page which can lead to a plot and see where people take it.
Niccea at 7:58AM, April 11, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
It would have to be well organized with a very short turn around. I think I have some organizational ideas for it that I can expound upon when tomorrow I get to Niccea Command Central (aka home computer)
Bruno Harm at 8:08AM, April 11, 2016
posts: 122
joined: 10-18-2015
Noob Questions:

What's an FYC?
What award categories are there?
Niccea at 9:40AM, April 11, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
FYC stands for “For Your Consideration” It is a one to two page comic that artists use to plug their comic before voting begins. The last three years they had to fit a specific plot.

I don't have the resources to paste the categories at this time but you can check the previous comics in my profile for examples of both.
Genejoke at 11:03AM, April 11, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010

This might give you some idea.
Niccea at 10:00PM, April 11, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
* = Changed Award
** = New Award


Best Adventure Comic:
Quests, missions, explorations, and/or other dangerous or exciting ventures.

Best Adult-oriented Comic:
A-rated comics. XXX No one under 18 admitted! Live nudes! Or excessive violence. Or both!

Best All Ages Comic:
Child-friendly comics that the whole family can enjoy.

Best Anthropomorphic Comic:
They act like people and think like people, but they look like foxes or dolphins or toasters.

Best Community Project:
Comics and projects that bring together a variety of DD members for
massive synergy! (DD Awards are not eligible, for giving ourselves an
award would create a paradox vortex from which there is no escape.)

Best Drama:
A story focused on a real world setting and is character-driven with a focus on emotions. Courtroom dramas, medical dramas, crime dramas, romantic dramas, high school dramas (but when is high school not dramatic?), etc.

Best Fantasy Comic:
Magical, mythical, mystical, marvelous. Comics set in fantastical
settings, involving magic or mythical creatures, abilities, or beings.

Best Horror Comic:
The dark, scary, and twisted. Monsters, psychological thrillers, and
ax-wielding psychos all have their place among these wonderfully
horrific comics.

Best Humor Comic:
Gags, jokes, lols, roflmaos, and such. Format and subject matter aren't important. It just has to make you laugh.

Best Mystery/Crime/Noir:
Crime drama, police, mobsters, mysteries, hard-boiled detectives, and/or meddling kids.

Best Parody/Tribute:
Comics that use the characters, worlds, or creations of other creators. It's not copyright infringement! It's an homage!

Best Philosophical/Political Comic:
Make-you-think comics that address deep topics from the spiritual and philosophical to the cultural or political.

Best Sci-fi Comic:
A form of speculative fiction so named because the fantastical
elements are rooted in or explained by actual or fictional scientific

Best Superhero Comic:
Too super for other categories.



Best Action Within A Comic :
Chase scenes, fights, big explosions; CRASH POW ZOOM – you know the stuff

Best Manga Style Comic:
Comics inspired by the artistic style and conventions of Japanese cartooning.

Most Deliciously Offensive:
These f


Best Background Art:
The background, setting, environment, and surroundings. Including architecture, scenery, furniture, vehicles, etc.

Best Character Design:
The artistic design of the characters. This includes anatomy, facial
expressions, and clothing (but not speech, mannerisms, or

Best Comic Layouts:
The components of visual storytelling that harmonize the artwork
into a page and direct flow and pacing. Includes panel shape and
position, placement of speech balloons, lettering, and general

Best Dialogue:
It's all about what they say and how they say it.

Best Plot Development:
The overall story composition and pacing, and the use of storytelling elements.

Best Use of Non-Traditional Medium:
Comics that use 3D rendering, Photography, Sprites, or Maccoroni Art
Best Use of Traditional Medium:
Comics that use traditional artistic mediums or the computer to simulate them.

Most Improved Art:
The comic that shows the most artistic improvement between July 2011 and now.



Best Protagonist:
Contrary to popular belief, the protagonist is the main character of the story whether they are good or evil.

Best Antagonist:
Opposes the protagonist. Doesn't necesarily have to be evil
incarnate, it could be Superman in a comic about Lex Luthor for example.

Best Supporting Character:
A noteworthy secondary character; can be good, bad, or other.


Outstanding Achievement Within the Community:
user that will win this award is always there to particpate in the
community no matter what. These people show their support for the site
within the forums and by participating in community projects.

Most Dedicated Creator:
That creator who seems to be a page-making machine, every day on
time – or maybe the one who has been at it forever and has a thousand
pages of the most amazing quality – or the one who is updating five
different regular comics on a schedule. Whatever they are doing, they
sure are DEDICATED.

Most Supportive Reader:
Maybe they leave the most comments or the most insightful ones, or
they draw wonderful fanart, or they are always available to discuss your

script ideas or send you cards when you're on hiatus.

**Best Newcomer Award
Awarded to a newcomer who has come to the site who has really stood out. They could be creators or dedicated readers



Best Completed Comic:
Comics that were concluded sometime between July 2014 and now. (Indefinite hiatus doesn't count.)

Best Overall Comic Strip:
Best webcomic with stand-alone updates or short, unrelated story arcs, usually in a horizontal or vertical strip format.

Best Overall Story Comic:
Best webcomic that tells a continuous story, usually in full page format.


Create Your Own Award
Didn't see the proper award for the comic/person you were thinking of on this
list? Make one up. Create your own award and give it a winner. Best
awards will be chosen by a dedicated team of judges.

Last call to make changes to categories (and to help with a short description for the Drama A.ward)
Niccea at 7:05PM, April 13, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Some of ideas for how to do a comic jam for the FYC:

  1. Start sign ups earlier and have strict deadline/turn around time expectations. If someone hasn't done a page, it goes to the next person.
  2. Don't have a specific sign up list and let people dibs the next page from the comments section.

The main issue that I can think of with the jam is the timing. However, I do think that this is a good idea.
Z74 at 1:56PM, April 14, 2016
posts: 24
joined: 9-14-2015
Does a comic have to submit a fyc to be considered or is everyone automatically in on this
Niccea at 5:50PM, April 14, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Anyone can be nominated. The FYC is optional and is just a way to plug your comic.
Niccea at 8:33PM, April 15, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Anyone else want to chime in on the possibility of a FYC Comic Jam?
Niccea at 1:58PM, April 24, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
I decided that for this year we will try out doing a comic jam for the FYC.

Instead of having a theme for the FYC's they will be following a little more of a plot. The first volunteer is going to be the one to set the stage for this. However, my one stipulation that the main character(s) for this needs to be a new made up character. The characters from your comics can have cameos, but the main characters need to be originals, so that they are easily accessible to anyone.

Genejoke has the following suggestion, but it is really up to you:
I would suggest requiring each page to follow a character or two as they navigate “things” which have the ads for the FYC. it could be beavis and butthead style watching TV or wormholes jumping, or even visiting different movie sets.but A common them needs to run through them.

  • Keep the comics rated PG
  • Let try to stay to one week max to page creation
  • Let me know what awards you want your comic considered for, so I can put it in the comments. (The list might not fit into the comic as easy this year)
  • Please let me know if you wish to be reached by PQ or email.

So, if you are interested in making an FYC page please let me know. You can comment in the comic, post in the planning thread, or PQ or email me.

I am mostly looking for volunteers for the first and last pages. The first page will set the story for the comic, and we need to get this out as soon as possible since we are trying to do a little bit more for the FYC. The person who volunteers to go last will have July 3rd through 10th to work on their page.

For those pages in between, I'll be keeping a loose list of who is going next. If I get to the end of the list, and there is still time for more pages, I'll make an announcement, and it pages will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.

Sounds easy right? We'll see.
last edited on April 24, 2016 2:07PM
ashtree house at 11:38AM, April 25, 2016
posts: 128
joined: 1-15-2015
I'll def help out, although I don't want to do the first page because I am not quite sure how this works yet and am terrible under pressure, but sign me up otherwise!!
Niccea at 7:31PM, April 26, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
I think with this, we will officially end out with something near 11 pages. So, I'll also open up for a limited amount of standard FYC pages. Rule, they are to be something like television commercials.
usedbooks at 10:47AM, May 26, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Have we discussed changing the scope of “most improved art” criteria? The judges have struggled with it every year, since improvement within the scope of a year is pretty subtle for nearly everyone.

I think we were talking about expanding the judging to the past two years for that category (and maybe making the previous winner ineligible for the year). Any thoughts?
Niccea at 5:35PM, May 27, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
It hasn't been discussed, I put up the idea, but nothing else.
bravo1102 at 12:31AM, May 28, 2016
posts: 6,329
joined: 1-21-2008
I like the idea of making the previous year's winner ineligible. Ideally it'd be nice to have previous winners judge the next years nominees. But that's just me.
usedbooks at 4:07AM, May 28, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I wasn't talking about all the categories. As long as we are looking at a single year worth of material, there's no reason to cut anyone out. (It would be unfair to do so, imo.)

I was suggesting extending that one category to two years' material. And, if so, making a previous winner ineligible due to the material overlap. I've judged “Most Improved” before, and none of the nominees had really marked changes in a year. I can't imagine it has been easier for any other judges.
bravo1102 at 10:47PM, May 29, 2016
posts: 6,329
joined: 1-21-2008
usedbooks wrote:
I wasn't talking about all the categories. As long as we are looking at a single year worth of material, there's no reason to cut anyone out. (It would be unfair to do so, imo.)

I was suggesting extending that one category to two years' material. And, if so, making a previous winner ineligible due to the material overlap. I've judged “Most Improved” before, and none of the nominees had really marked changes in a year. I can't imagine it has been easier for any other judges.

Neither was I. I was referring to Most improved art. I'm also in favor of expanding “most Improved art” to cover the last two years of an artist's run. But if the artist won the previous year he couldn't win the next.

And that he would be encouraged to judge the following years nominees in “Most Improved Art”

And now building on that: a super crazy idea that would mean revamping the entire awards system currently in place:

Comics could not win an award in consecutive years.
The comic would win one year and be exempt from nomination for the following year.
The winning creator would be obliged to judge the next years' nominees.

This would expand the amount of people/comics eligible for winning awards and potentially increase the number of judges.

But that is a crazy idea out of far right field and probably not in the realm of possibility. Since most of us can't remember what won a year ago let alone two, and how many comics come and go in months let alone year, it isn't realistic either.
usedbooks at 4:57AM, May 30, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I was also thinking that (having “winners” judge) wouldn't be in the spirit of the awards. The awards were never about actively trying to compete. Other people nominate favorite comics, not the creators. If creators were forced/asked to judge, they might want to “opt out” of competition to begin with.

I suppose it's one way to do awards, but showcasing *the best* of the year was always how I saw it.

That said, winners make good judges because they have an eye for the category. I usually volunteer to judge awards I have won or previously been nominated in. – Or in categories I personally want to improve myself in because judging also gives you are better eye for comics, art, and writing.

Anyway, sorry for misunderstanding/derailing. I'm more than willing to have the first “ineligible” comic for Most Improved if we want to try the change. (And I'm happy to judge the category too.)
Niccea at 6:35AM, May 30, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Bravo, just so you know, I keep a list of winners dating back to first awards show I ran. I keep them in a spreadsheet that also includes everyone who volunteered and for what (and if they never turned in their work). I keep 2 years of all the data for the awards on my computer the rest is on an external hard drive with my old college papers and music that I may never listen to again.

But yeah, while forcing a judge sounds tempting, I'm not in favor of it. I do try to, however, strongly encourage people that have won in the past to volunteer in some way shape or form.

Now, since I have the ability to delve, is two years of improvement acceptable or do we want to go longer? I wouldn't go from start of a comic to finish (unless it falls in line with an agreed upon time frame) because that really gets rehashed under Best Completed Comic category.

Also, is there an comic age minimum for this category? Like can a comic that is only a year old compete, or do we want at least more than a years worth of data to compare it with other comics. (Sorry for play monkey with a wrench)
usedbooks at 9:01AM, May 30, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
From what I've seen, two years should be good enough and most fair to newer comics. I'd say most artists improve more rapidly when they are starting out, so age of the comic shouldn't be terribly limiting if they haven't been around for two years.

Going beyond two years might get tricky with overlapping content and different length/age comics. (We could “test” by looking at what content would have been considered for, say, last year's nominees or something.) Plus, it would be easier to just say “previous winner ______ is ineligible” rather than decide whether 2/3rds new content is enough to be considered or whatever.
Niccea at 10:11AM, July 2, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Here are the categories for this year. We need one presenter per category and 2-3 judges per category with the exception of the User Awards, Readers' Choice Award, Create Your Own Award, and Best Presenter Award

Visit the Volunteer Sign Up Thread to sign up to volunteer.


Best Adventure Comic:
Quests, missions, explorations, and/or other dangerous or exciting ventures.

Best Adult-oriented Comic:
A-rated comics. XXX No one under 18 admitted! Live nudes! Or excessive violence. Or both!

Best All Ages Comic:
Child-friendly comics that the whole family can enjoy.

Best Anthropomorphic Comic:
They act like people and think like people, but they look like foxes or dolphins or toasters.

Best Community Project:
Comics and projects that bring together a variety of DD members for
massive synergy! (DD Awards are not eligible, for giving ourselves an
award would create a paradox vortex from which there is no escape.)

Best Drama:
A story focused on a real world setting and is character-driven with a focus on emotions. Courtroom dramas, medical dramas, crime dramas, romantic dramas, high school dramas (but when is high school not dramatic?), etc.

Best Fantasy Comic:
Magical, mythical, mystical, marvelous. Comics set in fantastical
settings, involving magic or mythical creatures, abilities, or beings.

Best Horror Comic:
The dark, scary, and twisted. Monsters, psychological thrillers, and
ax-wielding psychos all have their place among these wonderfully
horrific comics.

Best Humor Comic:
Gags, jokes, lols, roflmaos, and such. Format and subject matter aren't important. It just has to make you laugh.

Best Mystery/Crime/Noir:
Crime drama, police, mobsters, mysteries, hard-boiled detectives, and/or meddling kids.

Best Parody/Tribute:
Comics that use the characters, worlds, or creations of other creators. It's not copyright infringement! It's an homage!

Best Philosophical/Political Comic:
Make-you-think comics that address deep topics from the spiritual and philosophical to the cultural or political.

Best Sci-fi Comic:
A form of speculative fiction so named because the fantastical
elements are rooted in or explained by actual or fictional scientific

Best Superhero Comic:
Too super for other categories.



Best Action Within A Comic :
Chase scenes, fights, big explosions; CRASH POW ZOOM – you know the stuff

Best Manga Style Comic:
Comics inspired by the artistic style and conventions of Japanese cartooning.

Most Deliciously Offensive:
These f can be good, bad, or other.


Outstanding Achievement Within the Community:
user that will win this award is always there to particpate in the
community no matter what. These people show their support for the site
within the forums and by participating in community projects.

Most Dedicated Creator:
That creator who seems to be a page-making machine, every day on
time – or maybe the one who has been at it forever and has a thousand
pages of the most amazing quality – or the one who is updating five
different regular comics on a schedule. Whatever they are doing, they
sure are DEDICATED.

Most Supportive Reader:
Maybe they leave the most comments or the most insightful ones, or
they draw wonderful fanart, or they are always available to discuss your

script ideas or send you cards when you're on hiatus.

**Best Newcomer Award
Awarded to a newcomer who has come to the site who has really stood out. They could be creators or dedicated readers



Best Completed Comic:
Comics that were concluded sometime between July 2015 and now. (Indefinite hiatus doesn't count.)

Best Overall Comic Strip:
Best webcomic with stand-alone updates or short, unrelated story arcs, usually in a horizontal or vertical strip format.

Best Overall Story Comic:
Best webcomic that tells a continuous story, usually in full page format.


Create Your Own Award
Didn't see the proper award for the comic/person you were thinking of on this
list? Make one up. Create your own award and give it a winner. Best
awards will be chosen by a dedicated team of judges.
Last call to make changes to categories (and to help with a short description for the Drama A.ward)



Readers' Choice Award: Presented to the comic that received the most votes overall.

Best Presenter Award: Created last year, and presented after the regular awards. Readers vote for their favorite presenter.
last edited on July 2, 2016 3:31PM
Genejoke at 1:09PM, July 2, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
I'll be up for both presenting and judging. I'm not fussy on what categories.
Niccea at 7:27AM, July 13, 2016
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
These are some categories that it is anyone's game on the ballots, so if you haven't voted yet, please consider nominating a comic for one of these.

Best Manga
Most Deliciously Offensive
Best Dialogue
Best Use of Traditional Medium
Best Antagonist
Most Improved Art
Best Supporting Character
Best Completed Comic

So, if you haven't already don't forget to vote and volunteer.

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