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Halloween QUACKCAST! Please contribute!
Ozoneocean at 10:37PM, Oct. 9, 2014
posts: 29,131
joined: 1-2-2004
For Quackcast 200 which will be recorded on the 25th of October Banes and I will be journeying beyond the viel, down ito the depths of webcomic HELL…

There, we hope to vist the LOST and the DAMMED: the lost and tormented souls of abandoned webcomics that were ended before their time.

What we'd love is for people to give us little promos of any good little comics that are unfinished and have never been updated since- either your own or someone else's that you just want to mention.

Basically the lost soul webcomic should tell us about itself and why it was abandoned. Which means we'd love you to write up a short review of the comic, not just tell us its title. ;)

This is a way of giving old, dead comics some zombie life after death, as well as a bit of a novelty promotion.


Please add a link to the comic.
Remember, NOT just a title. Please tell us what was good about the comic.
last edited on Oct. 13, 2014 9:59PM
usedbooks at 7:42AM, Oct. 10, 2014
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Looking at my favorites list is like walking through a row of webcomic masoleums…

I'll name a few I miss the most and what I can remember about them. Honestly, I couldn't give a synopsis because most have been gone for a long time and exists as barely wisps in my memory.
Misfit Assassins: The first comic I ever read on DD and one of my first reciprocal followers. It's manga style and has a crazy cast of characters and relationship things, and um, fighting? I don't remember much more about it.
The Hub: I can't remember much at all. There was a bar. And all these weird mutants or something, and the writing was awesome.

Cricket's Creature: I LOVED this comic. It had style. It had a great story and great writing. It was all hand-inked and hand-lettered. A steam-punk world with an alien creature hiding from overnment people and such.

Magiversity: Another one of my earlier followers, so I followed back. Another manga-esque story. This one is more fantasy with a school of magic and magic girls.

Angelfish: Another one I followed long ago and for as long as it ran. It was whimsical with charming artwork. A woman falls into a portal and ends up on another planet.

The Rose Killer: Where'd you go, Nicotine? You left us hanging in this story about gangsters and serial killers set in NYC prohibition era!
last edited on Oct. 17, 2014 2:14PM
PIT_FACE at 6:30PM, Oct. 10, 2014
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
I have to second that. Cricket's Creature was awesome.

usedbooks at 8:14PM, Oct. 10, 2014
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
PIT_FACE, Patrick made another comic (sadly also abandonned) off DD called Calico Jack:
KimLuster at 1:25PM, Oct. 11, 2014
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Opey the Warhead: Incredible Art! Deep Drama and Wry Humor! How in the world anyone could make a story about a sentient nuclear warhead, as a kid, with parents, attending school, dealing with bullies, love… how could that work? But it most certainly does! If I had the Author's number I'd call and beg for this thing to get resurrected!
last edited on Oct. 17, 2014 9:14AM
Dragonaur at 12:09AM, Oct. 13, 2014
posts: 162
joined: 5-14-2007
BLANK_LIFE_insert_player_rokulily : It's not super dead. But hasn't seen life since May 2012. A very whimsical “slice of life” style comic. It looks like Rokulily is in college slugging it out in art classes!
.edit Grumble grumbler. Link thing looks busted to me! This looks like an area with a bug or two! Let's try editing the HTML directly… Found the trick. Use “” instead of “” and the javascript code won't crap it up!
last edited on Oct. 16, 2014 8:34PM
bravo1102 at 6:23AM, Oct. 13, 2014
posts: 6,337
joined: 1-21-2008
Going through the comic lists or checking out Quail's random is like walking through a graveyard. So many dear departed comics, lost abandoned and forgotten. Many are like so wonderful and taken from us too soon.

But for every one of those there are a dozen that are better left forgotten and I'd like for them to remain in the graveyard and not come wondering back down from the graveyard looking for readers.
Follow the advice of Charles Dexter Ward: never bring up what you can't put down again.

(Twilight Zone: Garrity and the Graves.)
Gunwallace at 11:06AM, Oct. 13, 2014
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
Going dipping into my favourite's list and seeing what hasn;t been updated in forever …
The People Who Melt in the Rain: pro-level comic with greta art and compelling story and characters.
1946: dark, period piece that had me hooked and wanting more …
Gore: A suitable title for the theme, and a fun fantasy story with a great art style.
Lovecraft Jr: Indiobunting's finest hour.
So many more out there …
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
Ozoneocean at 10:34PM, Oct. 13, 2014
posts: 29,131
joined: 1-2-2004
OK, I'll show you how to do this. :)
Drawn by the uncomparable diva Skoolmunkee, Abby Sanders was a smart, funny black and while comic about a lawyer dealing with the silly problems of undead monsters.
This poor lost soul was a victime of the demands on its creators time and failing crative energies and tragic ly lost its life in 2012.
By Rick… it never had a chance to grow up and get its own following. Tagically shot down before its time Ballywo had so much potential! It had such lovely drawing style… No one knows why Ballyhoo was taken from us so early, but due to the slow spead of its updates one suspects that the creator, Rick, had some problems producing it.
By davidmejia, Ballman seems to have just run out of steam. About an angry man in the shape of a ball and his hillarious angry anger issues. Ballman was just an angry round face with arms. RIP Ballman.
This was a spinoff from Bad Blood, a homosexual vampire comic by everyone's favourite business-suited goth girl punk Liriel… Badblood was one of the earliest comics on DD and this comic was a window into the character's even earlier beginings. Unfortunately after Liriel's sister died in a car accident she lost heart to continue with webcomics and so her work ended. We miss you Liriel! (NSFW)
This story about a dominatrix superhero had SO much potentials! Drawn by Leatherwoman, aka Rorey, the art was lovely and the story and setup were really interesting. Unfortunately it never got past a few pages, no one knows why.
By Slus, this magnificent comic was so art, clever and beuftiful, it was just too poerfect to last. It had always taken him a very long time to put out pages, but the intervals between updates eventually grew too long and stopped. We miss your arty cleverness Silus! (NSFW)
This raunchy beast of a comic by ChrisJ was a reposting and reworking of published work he'd done in the 1980s or 1990s in australia. His gorgeous work was very much in the style of Playboy comics from back in the day with a touch of Masumune SHirrow. Eventually he moved on to host ot as a for money porn comic on its own site.
Alejkahn's opus went in some strange and unexpected directions. It was a stablemate here on DD with Pinky TA. Our two comics would always update at similar times and be at similar spots on the top ten listings… I followed Jump through a lot of changes and enjoyed it, but eventually we just lost touch and Jump seems to have faded into the background…
This was the second iteration of Detective Fork by Kevin J Ghul, a story about the frought relations between forks, knives, and Spoons on the meanstreets and the efforts of Detective Fork to cut crime and uncover rampant corruption in his city. I loved this comedy detective strip but the author has since mved on to other things.
Genejoke at 11:37PM, Oct. 13, 2014
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
Holon by Abt Nihil was a great sci fi comic that ceased to be.
There was a comic on here called Broken, or maybe Broken things which had gorgeous (mostly) black and white art and a story about a tormented young man and a haunted tree. Sadly it doesn't appear to be on DD anymore.
Here's a link to an interview with the creator about the comics
I've just ressurrected one of my lost souls, Underbelly has updated for the first time in over two years.
KimLuster at 11:20AM, Oct. 14, 2014
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Wow…!!! Some of the comics you guys are linking are just incredible!! I try to go thru the gigantic list at random on occasion, but as I've only been here a little over two years, most of these just slipped through my fingers (as they haven't updated since I've been here)…
I think… I'm about to wear out some glasses haha :)
KimLuster at 2:51PM, Oct. 16, 2014
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Here's a few more I'd LOVE to see revived.

Elspeth: A female Orc, who's quite sexy and relatable, though not in the same way as Rimjob haha - Elspeth is much more reserved and chaste (I'd let kids read it). Elspeth is also a trader/merchant and something of a weapon's expert, and much of the story is her wondering around making deals, getting cheated, etc… and it's very interesting. The fantasy world is similar to other classical fantasy worlds (has elves, fauns…) but it just has a very different vibe… a very realized, living ‘feel’.

Illuminia: How long does a comic have to be on hiatus to qualify? This one hasn't been updated in almost a year and a half. Another female, a silent warrior type, wandering through a world that feels like exotic middle-eastern fantasy. Minimal coloring, and a lot of it almost silhouette, but wow is it gorgeous! And the demon-creatures in it…! I've never seen anything like them - in any work! They are horrifyingly grotesque, in a totally unique style…

Eliada: Another fantasy world that is just beautiful. It's hard to describe as lot of reads like a journey of the soul - it's just unearthly and dreamlike, thoughtful (very philosophic) and epic. And it's long… I think it has to be looked at to fully understand what I'm trying to say. Art style changed a lot. Early pages seem to be very lightly rendered watercolor (I think). The last pages digital created and much, much bolder in color and darkness. The creator, Kallikak, was also a very helpful and supportive - I'd love to see him/her come back!
last edited on Oct. 17, 2014 9:12AM
Dragonaur at 8:40PM, Oct. 16, 2014
posts: 162
joined: 5-14-2007

ozoneocean wrote:
OK, I'll show you how to do this. :)
The link thing is fiddly. But I fixed my post in situ! Actually any kind of fancy text is fiddly! ^_^;
last edited on Oct. 16, 2014 8:43PM
Ozoneocean at 10:56PM, Oct. 16, 2014
posts: 29,131
joined: 1-2-2004
Thank you! :D
For links though you just have to paste them in full and they automatically turn into working links, no formatting rquired.

I think that horrible stuff can happen with links sometimes… like the rest of your post gets cuttoff or something, but it seems to work in this case.
KimLuster at 9:12AM, Oct. 17, 2014
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
I got off my butt and made links in mine ;)
Banes at 11:29AM, Oct. 18, 2014
posts: 692
joined: 8-13-2008
As the Ferryman transports us across the river Styx, I examine our surroundings and spot two lost webcomics.


A faithful recreation of the characters and sets from the short lived CLERKS cartoon by Crispiest Fortune. The comic looks exactly like the cartoon looked, which is impressive! The stories are original ones by Crispiest Fortune, I believe. Sadly, it seems to have been abandoned since 2008!


Ah, how I loved the comic, and the character LENA. This was a compelling story about a lonely teenaged girl who is visited by a worm creature from another dimension. Was Eyewatcher a friend to Lena, or did he have sinister intentions of some kind? The last page or two take a sudden detour to some new characters, and there are maybe two or three other pages elsewhere, but it seems that “lenadventures” has not done anything with the story since 2012. A damn shame!

I see we're getting close to the other side of the River Styx. Maybe I should just pay the Boatman now, get it over with…

Genejoke at 2:14PM, Oct. 21, 2014
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
Another lost soul.
Ozoneocean at 8:30PM, Oct. 21, 2014
posts: 29,131
joined: 1-2-2004
Thanks Genejoke, but could you please add a small description/review? :D
bravo1102 at 6:04AM, Oct. 22, 2014
posts: 6,337
joined: 1-21-2008
bravo1102 at 6:07AM, Oct. 22, 2014
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joined: 1-21-2008
You can copy and paste the whole box that comes up when you search for the comic including the avatar. I can't do links but I can copy and paste.

My long and better off dead comic. Where I started this whole mess of photographing dolls for webcomics. Considering that it introduced some undead characters near the end it is really appropriate for Halloween and undead comics. Proving that before bravo got obsessed with boobs he did have an imagination.
last edited on Oct. 22, 2014 6:13AM
Call Me Tom at 9:23AM, Oct. 23, 2014
posts: 359
joined: 10-28-2010

It was a fantastic comic! Always changing, Always trying something new and Always being full of wit and charm!

What are you doing reading my crappy decription for go read this wonderfull comic that ended to soon!
I'm sorry for any offence I cause.
awsome owl 98 at 6:43AM, Oct. 24, 2014
posts: 79
joined: 9-27-2011
My whole original reply got deleted but I'll try to reconstruct it.
I guess it would be apt to start with the first comic I read on the duck. Carrot and Roper namely a humor comic about a carrot named carrot and a potato named roper. While maybe not the best comic ever it did introduce me to the duck so that's good.
The next comic I want to talk about is a great comic that seemed to halve quite a few commentors on it but I've never seen it mentioned anywhere else. It was called A pathos of Kittensand was a delightfully bizzare comic falling into the category of random humor comics. Aparently it was just a test comic for the author to figure out how to use photoshop but it actually got more popular than the authors main comic.
Another comic is so fantastic nine o'clock pork show which was verry poular in its day. It had verry good art in a sketchy sort of style and verry poetic feel.
44 union ave is the only one of the comics I've mentioned so far where I know what the author is doing currently namely they have a comic on called pinkerton. This one is in the style of a newspaper comic. I haven't read it in a while but I remember the art being verry professional looking. Back on the subject of it looking like a newspaper comic I actually remember the author mentioning at one point on some other blog of his that it was self syndicated in a few small newspapers at one point. I think you can find the whole archives of this comic at but I'm not sure.
Poopdeck swabbing was a DrunkDuck featured comic. In fact it was one of the earliest ones. It was about a pirate kid and whatever the author felt likewriting/drawing that day. It never made it passed thirty or so pages unfortunatly.
Onecomic Ideffinetly wouldn't want to leave outis Bear VS. Zombies which was not only featured but also was probably on the top ten list at some point judging from the ammounts of comments it got. This was a great comic because it was one of the rare cases of a comic managing to halve a good story while still being humorous at the same time. The art was also verry good. It was really bright and caroony.
WithKentucky fried Popcorn I think, I was the only one to ever read it. It was fun though and was a big tribute to pop culture of the past.
The Webcomic Review Comic on the Webwas a great place to find great webcomics (as well as some not so great ones). It was a colaboration betweenwell knownDuck user Harkovast and his friend ifelldownthestairs.
last edited on Oct. 25, 2014 10:03AM
kawaiidaigakusei at 6:13AM, Oct. 25, 2014
posts: 814
joined: 3-23-2007
The Adventure of Experiencing Your Perspective by Conned

Review: This was a community collaboration project in which Drunk Duck users submitted original photographs to Conned and she would then draw her character hanging out in those places. It was a really unique comic because she would use all sorts of camera angles for varying perspective shots. The fascinating part of the comic was that the photographs submitted came from all over the world, so it showed the global DD community. The project ended right after Conned left on holiday for her gap year. I can only assume she experienced more adventures beyond her comic.

Date of Departure: April 27, 2008
Conned mentions in her artist comments, “Uhhh.yeah I haven't done anything recently because I was planning my backpackers trip. :( Sucks though because after I go to Nigeria and then Canada, probably won't start properly until I've settled down in Toronto
You'll live without me :D”

LAX: Light Motion Dreams by Terminal

Review: I must have read through the archive of this comic at least five times because, like a good book, it is a webcomic where new details emerge each read. The story focuses on employees of the Los Angeles Airport in a futuristic version of Los Angeles. Emi is a shy girl who has been unexpectedly promoted into the position of Airport Director following the suicide of her boss. Unsure of her position in the airport, she finds friendship with a loner, and IT genius Chris. The comic focuses on the human condition that only airport employees could experience. An airport feels like a setting that it neither here or there–it is a nonplace and that isolation is felt throughout the comic as shown through the 1950s Encounter Restaurant and the Control Tower. Originally the comic combined a radio blog, an accompanying soundtrack to each chapter, and there were even flash files that played out like a movie. It was an experimental comic because the website used to be a lot more customizable.

Date of Departure: est. December 9, 2007
In the authors comments, Terminal says, “As sad as it maybe, I think that LAX might be at it's last cough.
It's just that I don't feel like going on. I'm stuck in this permanent mixture of writer's and artist's block. Mixed together to create a horrible, yet oddly delicious mixture that I imagine tastes like Jello.”

A View of Venus by Fugli

Review: This comic featured two female roommates with very different personalities. Conservatively dressed and mild-mannered Penny works in a coffee shop while Venus makes money keeping her webcam running 24/7 for her paying subscribers. The concept dates back to the earlier days of the Internet when displaying the day-to-day through an online broadcast could still make money. The art style in the comic used very clean vectored graphics. The dialogue and interactions between characters were funny.

Date of Departure: December 15, 2010
In response to a comment, Fugli writes, “I totally lost my belief in the plot and story. I like the characters but I don't care for the overall concept. I also think it feels kind of dated. People being sexy-naked on the internet and making money doing it. Feels like old news. And by the time I got around to finishing (at my current rate) it would be a period piece.”

Smores by Polnareff

Review: This comic featured that delicious campfire treat of graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows. There are several parodies of film, art, and actors using smores. Best one-liners puns: “Good sMorning!”; LoTR themed “Smordor run by Smauron”; “Chuck Smorris”; “Smorigami” It is apparent that the creator of this comic REALLY loved smores.

Date of Departure: June 16, 2006
In his final post, Polnareff outlines all the reasons he left his comic behind:
"I'm really sorry to have to say this, especially when we're so close to the 50 benchmark, but I'm officially ending the Smores comic. There are three main reasons why I feel I must do this:

1. We are running out of material to usethere are only so many ways you can use the word Smore XD
2. The less material we have, the less funny the strips get, and it's very clear as the latest comics are nowhere near as funny as the older comics.
3. We don't have enough viewers anymoreif we had more people viewing this comic, we'd be more inclinced to continue it. But seeing as how the only true daily viewer is Hariku (thank god for you man!), this comic has become completely useless.
Although I loved working on this comic, it's taking up too much time, and I am not benefitting from it at all.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
last edited on Oct. 25, 2014 6:16AM
Ozoneocean at 8:10PM, Oct. 26, 2014
posts: 29,131
joined: 1-2-2004
Thanks for all the great contributions! We were able to give the dead and departed a voice and a few moments in the sun again with this Quackcast. We had enough material for a two-parter!
Now we've shut the lid on the crypt once more…
But feel free to keep on discussing your old faves if you like!
kentuckyfriedpopcorn at 10:06AM, Nov. 4, 2014
posts: 11
joined: 4-3-2012
awsome owl 98 wrote:
WithKentucky fried Popcorn I think, I was the only one to ever read it. It was fun though and was a big tribute to pop culture of the past.
You were probably the only one on this site, but it carried on much further on Comic Fury. If you're curious, you can read the further adventures of Chris and George and Twitch here:
^That bookmark goes to the next strip after the last one I posted here at the Duck. I could always post all the rest of them here but I just never felt like it would be worth the bother, sadly. I arrived at the Duck just as everyone elese seemed to be leaving it, and just never found an audience. I experimented with the strip a great deal so the art style changes wildly, going from its original very-Photoshopped look to eventually settlng on an entirely hand-drawn and inked and lettered style.
KFP is over and done now, even on the other site, but thank you for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
awsome owl 98 at 7:03AM, Nov. 7, 2014
posts: 79
joined: 9-27-2011
kentuckyfriedpopcorn wrote:
awsome owl 98 wrote:
WithKentucky fried Popcorn I think, I was the only one to ever read it. It was fun though and was a big tribute to pop culture of the past.
You were probably the only one on this site, but it carried on much further on Comic Fury. If you're curious, you can read the further adventures of Chris and George and Twitch here:
^That bookmark goes to the next strip after the last one I posted here at the Duck. I could always post all the rest of them here but I just never felt like it would be worth the bother, sadly. I arrived at the Duck just as everyone elese seemed to be leaving it, and just never found an audience. I experimented with the strip a great deal so the art style changes wildly, going from its original very-Photoshopped look to eventually settlng on an entirely hand-drawn and inked and lettered style.
KFP is over and done now, even on the other site, but thank you for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Oh OK. Thanks!

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