We've been getting reports of some pretty bad ads and stuff recently. See the newspost about it HERE.
If you've seen an adult ad, had your browser redirected to another site, or saw anything on TheDuck that seemed just plain sketchy please report it to us in this thread.
Alternatively, you can send a PQ to myself or ozoneocean, or email me at hippievannews@gmail.com
Please do your best toprovide us with the following:
1. Any evidence you can gather: screenshot, url, source code of the ad.
2. What type of machine is being used (PC/Mac/Tablet/Phone/whatever)
3. Browser
4. Country/State (we suspect this may be a regional issue, but were not sure)
And any other info you think might be useful!
If you can't get all of that, please let us know anyways. The more evidence we can gather on this issue, the better.

Comic Talk and General Discussion *
at 8:24PM, Jan. 2, 2014
last edited on Jan. 2, 2014 8:29PM
at 9:08PM, Jan. 2, 2014
Common ones that show up:

I should not really complain about this one. They finally got my orientation correct at least!

iPad2/Safari and Google Chrome

I should not really complain about this one. They finally got my orientation correct at least!

iPad2/Safari and Google Chrome
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
last edited on Jan. 2, 2014 10:46PM
at 11:36PM, Jan. 2, 2014
I got a load of stuff come up on my phone, to the point I couldn' visit the site without being redirected to download some alleged anti malware stuff.
at 9:17AM, Jan. 3, 2014
Thanks for the info Genjoke. Any specifics though? If you could give us even a few names of the antimalware stuff?
So far We've had reported in that vien: Java update, Firefox update, Flash update, and PChealthboost update.
On this site and no other normal site. This site is etting exactly as dodgey as video streaming and song lyric sites. I would bet $100 USD that most free porn tube sites are cleaner than here.
So far We've had reported in that vien: Java update, Firefox update, Flash update, and PChealthboost update.
On this site and no other normal site. This site is etting exactly as dodgey as video streaming and song lyric sites. I would bet $100 USD that most free porn tube sites are cleaner than here.
at 9:30AM, Jan. 3, 2014
Just collecting these here to make things a little bit easier…
I'm not getting these on my PC where I have adblock, but on my iphone I'm continually getting redirected to this game:

…as well as another one called Clash of Clans. I've also been redirected to explicit adult websites a few times, and see the same ads as kawaii does.

I'm not getting these on my PC where I have adblock, but on my iphone I'm continually getting redirected to this game:

…as well as another one called Clash of Clans. I've also been redirected to explicit adult websites a few times, and see the same ads as kawaii does.

at 12:38PM, Jan. 3, 2014
And here's the source code (I've also just been booted to the “War Games” site Hippy mentioned above.
Windows XP, mozilla firefox
Windows XP, mozilla firefox

at 2:56PM, Jan. 3, 2014
I had the same problem as Genejoke - a popup with only an “OK” button overlaid the screen so I couldn't go forward and back. I'm on Android.
One of the links in question was lovelinks.us/red/mobo/360lp.php
One of the links in question was lovelinks.us/red/mobo/360lp.php
at 6:48PM, Jan. 3, 2014
Reposting from Locoma's newspost comment:

I caught this screenshot of a redirect yesterday. The search bar specifically names nym1.ib.adnxs.com and when I looked it up, it is a type of malware.

UPDATE: You know, this is a crapshoot, but I just disabled Java on my safari browser then cleaned out the history and cache. I know Java can be a source of really bad malware. I am now not seeing any ads, but I also cannot see the featured comics on the front page. I will keep my fingers crossed that this can be a temporary solution.
After disabling JavaScript, I have not been bothered with any ads for hours (and counting). This is how I now see the welcome page:

I caught this screenshot of a redirect yesterday. The search bar specifically names nym1.ib.adnxs.com and when I looked it up, it is a type of malware.

UPDATE: You know, this is a crapshoot, but I just disabled Java on my safari browser then cleaned out the history and cache. I know Java can be a source of really bad malware. I am now not seeing any ads, but I also cannot see the featured comics on the front page. I will keep my fingers crossed that this can be a temporary solution.
After disabling JavaScript, I have not been bothered with any ads for hours (and counting). This is how I now see the welcome page:

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
last edited on Jan. 3, 2014 9:58PM
at 9:02AM, Jan. 4, 2014
Copying this here from the newspost:

Also, don't know if this is useful, but the url before I get redirected to whatever crazy site appears to be this:http://tracking.msales.com/incoming/click.php?b=153&rc=3

Also, don't know if this is useful, but the url before I get redirected to whatever crazy site appears to be this:http://tracking.msales.com/incoming/click.php?b=153&rc=3
at 2:22AM, Jan. 5, 2014
Just got it again. This one:http://lovelinks.us/wang/mobo/360.php
at 7:13AM, Jan. 5, 2014
OK! It just happened at 4pm sharp. This url "http://www.updating-your-browser.org/Firefox-DE/“ opened itself in a new tab while I was reading the latest updates of ”Demons Mirror".
If anyone is really curious, I'll be happy to provide a full translation, but I think the short version “Click OK to prove you're an idiot” should be sufficient. ;)
It doesn't seem to be linked to the comic or certain pages though - it didn't do this when I went back and forth to reload the page. (btw. I'm using Firefox 26, German version “fr Yahoo Deutschland yahoode 1.8” and the help screen assures me it's up to scratch).
If anyone is really curious, I'll be happy to provide a full translation, but I think the short version “Click OK to prove you're an idiot” should be sufficient. ;)
It doesn't seem to be linked to the comic or certain pages though - it didn't do this when I went back and forth to reload the page. (btw. I'm using Firefox 26, German version “fr Yahoo Deutschland yahoode 1.8” and the help screen assures me it's up to scratch).
at 7:19AM, Jan. 5, 2014
at 8:15AM, Jan. 5, 2014
This one seems to have run in the background, keeping the comic I wanted to see from loading. It only appeared when I hit the “stop” button.

They're telling me in very broken German (Google Translate?) that I am (sic!) currently an outdated Java Plugin. This is the URL: http://www.autopartswarehousei.com/DE/?s1=HmXxDNLCMADdfHMBAAAAALvybwAAAAAAAgAQAAoAAAAAAP8AAAABEXf6RwAAAAAAb8J4AAAAAADhj4kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABmlhUAAAAAAAIAAwAAgD8A-90gY0MBAAAAAAAAADQ3MGY3Yzk2LTc2MjItMTFlMy1iOGU4LWVmNGUwNTQzYmEzYQAAAAAAAAA=
meta charset=“utf-8” />
meta name=“viewport” content=“minimum-scale=1.0, width=device-width, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no”>
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h2>Erkennt veralteten Java Plug-Ins h2>
div id=”images/x.png“ border=”0“> div>
div id=”update“>Sie sind zur Zeit ein Java-Plugin, das veraltet sein knnenbr>
Bitte aktualisieren Sie auf die neueste Version von Java (empfohlen) div>
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h1>Download von Java fr Windowsh1>
p>b>Empfohlene Version 7 Update 25 (Dateigre: 882 KB)b>p>
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a href=”http://www.autopartswarehousei.com/DE/Installer.php?dv1=HmXxDNLCMADdfHMBAAAAALvybwAAAAAAAgAQAAoAAAAAAP8AAAABEXf6RwAAAAAAb8J4AAAAAADhj4kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABmlhUAAAAAAAIAAwAAgD8A-90gY0MBAAAAAAAAADQ3MGY3Yzk2LTc2MjItMTFlMy1iOGU4LWVmNGUwNTQzYmEzYQAAAAAAAAA= startete keine Zeichenreferenz. ( sollte wahrscheinlich als kodiert sein.)“> startete keine Zeichenreferenz. ( sollte wahrscheinlich als kodiert sein.)”> startete keine Zeichenreferenz. ( sollte wahrscheinlich als kodiert sein.)“> !important;”> strong>Durch das Herunterladen Java besttigen Sie, dass Sie gelesen haben und die Bedingungen der Endbenutzer-Lizenzvertrag akzeptiert.strong> p>
div id=“disclaimer”>Disclaimer: Diese Website wird die Verteilung einer Installation Betreuer, der die Installation der ausgewhlten Software verwalten.
Neben der Verwaltung der Installation der ausgewhlten Software,Manager empfehlen die Installation zustzlicher freier Software, dass Sie mglicherweise interessieren Zustzliche Software Symbolleisten Browser-Add-ons, Spiel-Anwendungen, Anti-Virus-Applikationen und andere Arten von umfassen kann Anwendungen.
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They're telling me in very broken German (Google Translate?) that I am (sic!) currently an outdated Java Plugin. This is the URL: http://www.autopartswarehousei.com/DE/?s1=HmXxDNLCMADdfHMBAAAAALvybwAAAAAAAgAQAAoAAAAAAP8AAAABEXf6RwAAAAAAb8J4AAAAAADhj4kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABmlhUAAAAAAAIAAwAAgD8A-90gY0MBAAAAAAAAADQ3MGY3Yzk2LTc2MjItMTFlMy1iOGU4LWVmNGUwNTQzYmEzYQAAAAAAAAA=
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h2>Erkennt veralteten Java Plug-Ins h2>
div id=”images/x.png“ border=”0“> div>
div id=”update“>Sie sind zur Zeit ein Java-Plugin, das veraltet sein knnenbr>
Bitte aktualisieren Sie auf die neueste Version von Java (empfohlen) div>
div id=”terms“>
h1>Download von Java fr Windowsh1>
p>b>Empfohlene Version 7 Update 25 (Dateigre: 882 KB)b>p>
div class=”jvdl0 jvdl0v0“>
a href=”http://www.autopartswarehousei.com/DE/Installer.php?dv1=HmXxDNLCMADdfHMBAAAAALvybwAAAAAAAgAQAAoAAAAAAP8AAAABEXf6RwAAAAAAb8J4AAAAAADhj4kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABmlhUAAAAAAAIAAwAAgD8A-90gY0MBAAAAAAAAADQ3MGY3Yzk2LTc2MjItMTFlMy1iOGU4LWVmNGUwNTQzYmEzYQAAAAAAAAA= startete keine Zeichenreferenz. ( sollte wahrscheinlich als kodiert sein.)“> startete keine Zeichenreferenz. ( sollte wahrscheinlich als kodiert sein.)”> startete keine Zeichenreferenz. ( sollte wahrscheinlich als kodiert sein.)“> !important;”> strong>Durch das Herunterladen Java besttigen Sie, dass Sie gelesen haben und die Bedingungen der Endbenutzer-Lizenzvertrag akzeptiert.strong> p>
div id=“disclaimer”>Disclaimer: Diese Website wird die Verteilung einer Installation Betreuer, der die Installation der ausgewhlten Software verwalten.
Neben der Verwaltung der Installation der ausgewhlten Software,Manager empfehlen die Installation zustzlicher freier Software, dass Sie mglicherweise interessieren Zustzliche Software Symbolleisten Browser-Add-ons, Spiel-Anwendungen, Anti-Virus-Applikationen und andere Arten von umfassen kann Anwendungen.
Sie sind nicht erforderlich, um keine zustzliche Software, um Ihre ausgewhlte Software erhalten installieren. Sie knnen das Programm vollstndig zu entfernen, jederzeit in Windows “Programme hinzufgen / entfernen”.
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Call Me Tom
at 1:23PM, Jan. 5, 2014
I'm sorry for any offence I cause.
at 2:54PM, Jan. 5, 2014
@Call Me Tom: Yep! Anything like that…DD isn't supposed to have any popups or redirects. Any ads that seem inappropriate should be reported, too.
Anything else you can tell us like your browser/device you're using? Thanks!
Anything else you can tell us like your browser/device you're using? Thanks!
at 12:48AM, Jan. 6, 2014
I keep getting redirected by love links? I get a pop up that says my app store needs updating or some such then takes me to movie genie on the play store.
at 11:04AM, Jan. 7, 2014
I came across this article today, which I suspect is at least a part of what's happening here.http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/06/shady-app-install-ads-are-automatically-redirecting-mobile-users-to-app-store-google-play/
at 8:45AM, Jan. 10, 2014
Had a good chuckle just now. Instead of a comic page I wanted to see, I got redirected to this link: http://adobe.softpoor.pw/FlashPlayer3/C/DE/update.php?installer=Flash_Player_11_for_Other_Browsers 502
Bad Gateway
Now that's finally something we're all familiar with, aren't we? ;)
Bad Gateway
Now that's finally something we're all familiar with, aren't we? ;)
last edited on Jan. 10, 2014 8:47AM
at 2:43PM, Jan. 13, 2014
I haven't been redirected to any weird sites in the last couple days, although I'm still being forced into the app store. And my banner ads seem to have gone back to normal (ie no dating ads). Are other people still having issues?
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