usedbooks on March 26, 2008

What's this? A book store customer talking about books and buying a book? Yes. Yes it is. (It happens sometimes. Lol.) And a little mini-micro flashback to the Verona children. As you might recall, their dad was a field anthropologist, so they didn't see him much. Sharing a book by the fire was a nice way to spend their limited time together.

We have two book titles on this page. If you haven't read it, I recommend The Hobbit for all ages. It is a fun fantasy story. I also enjoyed The Source, but it isn't for everyone. It centers around an archaeological dig and follows the history of the site by telling a story behind each artifact found (starting in the Stone Age).

LanceDanger: It is kinda fun. ^_^

ghostrunner: Needs some verbal laxative.

Tantz: We'll see. Kaida fully *intends* to take responsibility for her actions… eventually.

Peipei: It is tough for Kaida. She has worked hard to create a nice crime-free life, but what's done is done.

JustNoPoint: I made the mistake of half-assing an “extra” once – but then he sorta turned into a main character (Mike) and now I'm stuck with a weird character design. :-/ So… I'm careful about all the designs now. (This one has provided Kaida a temporary distraction, at least.)

amanda: Kaida tends to look rather lady-like when the shades come off (or the hair comes down). She doesn't like to be “pretty” most of the time – if she can avoid it.

trevor: Lol. Kaida finds him rather intriguing. She doesn't meet a lot of visitors without her shades.

n_y_japlander: ^_^ I didn't actually have any resemblance in mind when I created him. I just had an idea about crows feet, the pony tail, and the scar. (I think the chest hair is his biggest link to Connery. Lol.)

Locoma: Yeah. Kaida is really tense/depressed because one of her crimes could be uncovered considering how determined Tucker is.