The Cull - Chapter 2 - Page 23
Singring on Sept. 27, 2015
The old leg stump to eye socket move…never fails!
This page went through quite a bit of work and needed a bit of fixing of proportions from the pencils to the final inks stage. In particular, Saphyr's right arm was too short and her body was too small in relation to her head, so I increased their size digitally (I'm a traditional guy, but sometimes the PC is a lifesaver!)
I was also struggling with the writing on this one as I wasn't quite sure the panels would speak for themselves - hope it's clear what is going on.
Bottom line - making comics is HARD!
Thanks as always for the comments!
KimLuster at 11:13AM, Sept. 27, 2015
I knew that leg stump jab was coming :D Very well done once more! I know there's no point in telling an artist everything looks fine - the artist always sees stuff they wish they'd done differently. That said, as not-the-artist, this page kicks all kinds of ass!! Beautiful and deadly!!
tupapayon at 9:44AM, Sept. 27, 2015
"Out of the ruins, out from the wreckage Can't make the same mistake this time We are the children, the last generation We are the ones they left behind And I wonder when we are ever gonna change it Living under the fear till nothing else remains We don't need another hero We don't need to know the way home All we want is life beyond the thunderdome"
fallopiancrusader at 9:09AM, Sept. 27, 2015
The panels tell the story quite well (especially panel 1), but the narration helps a lot to get us into her head. I guess the tribesmen finally figured out that her outfit is essentially two giant handles! She'd be best off getting rid of it...