Public Profile


member since June 06, 2008


Call me K.

Im a pretty shy person.

If I dont comment on your art, or reply back to you, Im trying to be polite. =) Im somewhat of an unfair critic, so I like to keep my thoughts mostly to myself.

I love comics as a whole. I read lots of them and have my own ideas for them very often. Of course I want to get mine published. Most authors do after all. But even if I dont have readers, I just cant imagine not making comics.

My favorite style is definatly a manga-like one. I like a high emphasis on the characters and a contrast between them and the background.

My favorite subject material is darker things. Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, and Noir.

Comics By kayadros

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Comics Assisted By kayadros

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Comics Recomended By kayadros

It's a fantasy comic loaded with unashamed homages to my favorite horror movies, featuring a colorful cast of characters, and for some of them I mean that literally. The cast is mostly non-human, both mythological creatures from folklore and original creatures. A lot of friendship and found family, and a few rampages of revenge.

On a cannibalistic planet where the inhabitants only food is each other, Saturno was on a losing streak in the survival of the fittest until he discovers the world of humans and creatures who want to become them.

where does your memory begin? story of 5 boys and girl searching for their lost memory so horrible to even remember it.

kayadros's friends

  • Volte6
  • PantherSentinal
  • Blackswan
  • Tcb

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