Public Profile


member since February 02, 2006


Hello all. I am an otaku, and proud of it, and also an avid fan of webcomics. I read some 50 regularly, with a good 300 in back up, to be read when I am bored, or when I think they have updated enough for me to read them again. I was a member of drunkduck before the crash, and singed up again as soon as a learned it was back. I am still in high school, but only for another year…then to college!..hmm..yep thats about it. Ja Matte Ne

Comics By evil_incarnate

No comics.

Comics Assisted By evil_incarnate

No comics.

Comics Recomended By evil_incarnate

This comic is about what ever I feel like drawing. No real plot just whatever odd thoughts pop into my head. This is also my dumping ground for mini comics too short to get their own site.

It's a fantasy comic loaded with unashamed homages to my favorite horror movies, featuring a colorful cast of characters, and for some of them I mean that literally. The cast is mostly non-human, both mythological creatures from folklore and original creatures. A lot of friendship and found family, and a few rampages of revenge.

An angel and demon are forced to live together in a rare deal between Heaven and Hell.

The lost archives to Elijah and Azuu.

A young psychiatric patient is summoned from Earth to wield a magic sword and rescue a princess. Wackiness ensues.

With their lord dead a group of Shinobi venture forth to the high seas...

Once every 100 years, Nemution will be formed into a jewel his sould searching for his eternal lover. Once merged they must both accept each other for a complete transformation. However, because the lover is unable to recognize and prepare ones body for the merge, they destroy each other and are once again parted for 100 years; till nemution rises again and his reborn eternal lover is called to him. After many years of separation, Nemution has once again found his eternal lover; a promise and a vow, forever kept. But a new torment awaits the eternal lover. YAOI/BL

Cajun-spiced, hot-n-heavy, dark-n-deadly, supernatural science fiction goodness in every ever-lovin' spoonful.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, society is shattered into factions and all live in fear of a second alien invasion. Wren and his team fight to unite the earth against its real enemy: fear itself.


evil_incarnate's friends

  • DarioZanders
  • JadeKarma
  • Volte6
  • rougey
  • webcomics heh
  • wii208

Videos Shared By evil_incarnate

No videos.




rougey at 3:42AM, Dec. 31, 2010

beware the jabberwalk! it is the most recent addition to the boardwalk and park place monoploy....twice the rent! also "singed up"? tsk tsk

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