Public Profile


member since August 08, 2015


I support and help my wife with her art… (she goes by KimLuster and her main comic here is the Godstrain)

Comics By EmilioV

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Comics Assisted By EmilioV

  • Sci-Fi |
  • 446 pages |
  • last: March 31 2018 |
Kimber Lee's got a problem! She can do things only possible in dreams; she's super fast, inhumanly strong, and nearly indestructible! Therein lies a conundrum! When you can do the impossible, how can you be certain you're not dreaming?
  • Sci-Fi |
  • 44 pages |
  • last: March 28 2018 |
(An Illustrated Online Novel): The world has changed, long since recovered from a vast eco-apocalypse, and now, with nature turned up to eleven! So beautiful, so bountiful... and so very deadly! And now, a new danger (or, an old one, reawakened)! But where there is danger, there is a hero. She just needs to know it first!

Comics Recomended By EmilioV

(An Illustrated Online Novel): The world has changed, long since recovered from a vast eco-apocalypse, and now, with nature turned up to eleven! So beautiful, so bountiful... and so very deadly! And now, a new danger (or, an old one, reawakened)! But where there is danger, there is a hero. She just needs to know it first!

EmilioV's friends

  • raytoons
  • KimLuster

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