Episode 445 - Copyright and You

Sep 23, 2019

Copyright is a complicated thing and something that all creators should have a little bit of a working understanding off! Checkout my newspost lined bellow for more info! you need to know this stuff. I must apologise… I hadn't had much sleep and it was very late so I occasionally drift off into nonsense during the Quackcast.

Topics and Show Notes

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Dragons in Civilized Lands: Compelling, foreboding, panoramic, an epic landscape is slowly revealed bellow as you swoop on down through the grey clouds… the view spreads, wider and wider… cold mountains rear, vast stretches of icefields, patchwork fields, and a huge carpet of forest, past the occasional fort high on a hill, we narrow in on a clash between two brightly armoured hoards. Bright crimson flecks the shiny armour, brightly coloured pendants wave in the wind. Horses snort, men shout and scream… all fades to black.

Topics and shownotes

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Featured comic:
Stunklock - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/sep/17/featured-comic-stunklock/

Featured music:
Dragons in Civilized Lands - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Dragons_in_Civilized_Lands/, by RobertRVeith, rated T.


Ozoneocean's copyright newspost - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/sep/18/copyright-and-you/

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean

Episode 444 - 3point landing

Sep 16, 2019

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Endings… getting them right is SO very hard. We've chatted about this before but this time Tantz has a number of good methods to make them happen right! What are some of YOUR fave endings?

Episode 435 - Spinoffs!

Jul 15, 2019

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We're discussing spin-offs in this one. Why do them? There are many very different reasons for doing a spin-off as opposed to a sequel, prequel or a totally new story:

Episode 415 - lazy solutions cause plot-holes!

Feb 25, 2019

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This Quackcast expands on my newspost from Friday about forgotten abilities causing plot holes, but now bunny Banes and Lady Tantz wade in to lend their genius to my silly ideas and we chat about what the real issues are: bad writing and laziness! This is when a character gains the ability to walk through walls or become bullet proof or go back in time and then forgets it for the rest of the story or in the sequel When basically 80% of the problems they encounter could be solved by it… And you're mentally screaming at them “Use your damn power that you got 20 pages ago… Remember that thing that would help you avoid all this trouble!?” Using easy solutions to get out of problems causes plot-holes! And your audience will hate you for it.

Episode 409 - Meaning, Intention, and symbolism

Jan 14, 2019

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The topic we discussed in this Quackcast was looking for symbolism, meaning and intention in comics: The English literature approach! Deeper meanings and all that. It's fun to do actually and sometimes you really can hit upon the intentions of the creator, uncover NEW meanings, or just do it to entertain yourself. We used our own comics for an example and talked about things beyond the superficial for a change. For example: Banes' comic Typical Strange is a sitcom set in a video rental store, staffed by a group of characters that make up the cast. Why is it set in a place that is clearly decades out of date and relevance? A video rental place is an anachronism in this time. Is it saying that the characters themselves are stuck in time? It's a sitcom comic so situations often reset or rewind back to the status Quo, so that interpretation would seem to fit… Of course that wasn't Banes' deliberate intention but it's fun to think about that way.

Episode 406 - Amateur Vs Pros Merry Christmas DD!

Dec 23, 2018

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Merry Christmas one and all! And all that stuff. This year our release date falls exactly on the 25th! It was a busy year for us, lots happened. But in this Quackcast what we chat about is something rather different: the difference between pros and amateurs, specifically when it comes to comics. There's this common misconception that an amateur is a novice that will produce work of a lower quality, while a professional is an experienced person who knows what they're doing and will always produce things of the highest quality… The REAL story is more complex than that.

Episode 401 - Stan Lee, a stupid comedian, and the new prudes

Nov 19, 2018

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This is Quackcast 401! Error, error! Pitface and Tantz were absent so Banes and myself were left to go quietly off the rails and expostulate all sorts of radical, half formed, badly articulated thoughts. This is an interesting one! We cover the death of the great Stan Lee, titan of the comics and superhero world. Then we sidestream into talking about comedians trying to be political commentators (re: Bill Maher)… I must apologise for my Ad Hominems. And lastly our focus is on a “new puritanism” in some aspects of pop-culture. It all ties together, if a little awkwardly.

Episode 390 - Imprinting on your characters

Aug 15, 2018

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We nicked the idea for this Quackcast from a newspost by Emma Clare. What we chat about is the unintentional process of giving your characters you own traits or even traits of people you know without realising it: Every time you draw an expression for your character you're not really creating a generic expression but basing it on yourself… when you character is being quizzical or irritated for example people may recognise that as you. It could be in other things too: their taste, the way they dress, what they like to eat, their furniture. things that annoy them, their hobbies etc. It's interesting how tied they are to us.

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