Episode 435 - Spinoffs!

Jul 15, 2019

We're discussing spin-offs in this one. Why do them? There are many very different reasons for doing a spin-off as opposed to a sequel, prequel or a totally new story:

Topics and Show Notes

- Spin-offs make promotion and marketing of the work easier because it has an existing audience who are invested in its world.
- It gives you as a creator more freedom because you're not as strongly constrained by the existing cannon of the parent stories, unlike sequels etc. and you don't have to do any new world building!
- For big commercial comic publishers it makes it easier to keep their universes fresh and their audiences connected by spinning side characters off into their own stories .

Indeed, because of their long-running nature, the investment involved and the shifting structures of their creative teams there's a VERY strong commercial imperative to keep birthing new stories through spin-offs rather than create totally new ones.
Webcomics have very different pressures so spin-offs are a lot more rare, but they Do happen. Do you know of any webcomic spin-offs?

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to The Great Khan: Happy, fun, jollity! This one bounces through your door with glee and excitement, happy to see you and wanting no more than a snack and a belly rub! A happy little dance number.

Topics and shownotes

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Featured comic:
Android Blues - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/jul/08/featured-comic-android-blues/

Featured music:
The Great Khan - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Great_Khan/, by Gr8k4an , rated E.


Tantz Aerine's fantasy novel spin-off from her Art of Veiling series:
Becoming a Healer - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D0UJ8SM/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0

Spin of story in Pinky TA - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Pinky_TA/5044382/

Epic of Blitzov, spin-off from Putrid Meat - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Epic_of_Blitzov/

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean

Episode 424 - Selling your creative dish

Apr 29, 2019

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On one side we have creators of content and on the other we have the consumers. The consumers number in their billions and they're voraciously hungry for constant stimulation! Pretty much all creators are consumers too… So why don't they want the beautifully made, clever, spicy, artisanal dish you're selling? Why do they prefer the nice, bland, familiar mass-market high in fat, sugar and salt fast-food of the mainstream instead?

Episode 420 - Substance abuse and use

Apr 1, 2019

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The entire gang is here this time again. This marks number 420 of the Quackcasts we've done. 420 is code among some for smoking dope, so going with that theme we're talking about the influence of substances on creative endeavours. People try and use substances to facilitate their creativity, we chat about why they do it, how it works, why it fails, the benefits and the issues. We DO NOT advocate taking illegal things in any way at all. This includes ANY substance, from dope, to coffee, to redbull, tea, wine, beer, cold and flu medication, headache pills, opium, adderall, ANYTHING at all, as long as it produces some mental or physiological change, it counts!

Episode 417 - Can we be better?

Mar 11, 2019

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What is Social Marketing? Basically its word-of-mouth and viral marketing smashed together and weaponised: Marketing companies hijack hot-button social issues and hitch their client's brand to them in clever campaigns (“We can be better”, etc). The purpose isn't really to make a brand seem progressive, modern or new, rather it's another way of getting it trending on social media that's guaranteed to work, unlike the legion of hit or miss but mostly failed “Viral” campaigns. Whether people say negative or positive things about this issue is irrelevant to the marketer, as long as people are talking about the brand is all that matters. Free advertising is the goal, but it has a social cost.

Episode 318 - Maintaining enthusiasm!

Apr 10, 2017

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The most important thing when doing your comic is to maintain your enthusiasm- THIS is what helps you keep working, not feedback, not praise, not fans, but your own internal passion. Feedback is great, but you can become addicted to it and when it's not there or there's not enough of it your work can die. In order to be able to keep creating your passion for your work should be internal, not external, you need to be self sustaining: A readership is nice and feedback is great, but you really have to do your comic for yourself, not for other people. But there's more to it than that. Bored by doing your webcomic? Why is that? What do you need to change to make it interesting to do once more? What is holding you back? Those are some of the things we talk about in this Quackcast! The music for this week by Gunwallace is for the previously featured comic Numb. This is the sound of a long road trip under the burning sun in the hot, dry, dusty, desert air, and on into a cold night through a desolate city lit by retreating streetlights. Progression, but where to?

Episode 316 - The Quirkcast!

Mar 27, 2017

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For this Quackcast we decided to chat about quirks- the things that stand out about a character, help you remember them, get interested in them, traits that pick them out as individuals and can ALSO be used to point at deeper character traits! These are so useful in so many ways and really help to define a character as well as giving them a handle for the audience to latch on to. The idea was nicked from a newspost where Tantz goes into it with a lot more depth, so check that out too if you can! the cover image is from the Nazi General sketch by Smith a Jones- it's all based on quirks. This was Tantz's fantastic idea for a newspost. Speaking of Tantz, this newspost was recorded around the time of Greek independence day! Happy independence day to Greece!

Episode 285 - Ride the wave of the Anti-heroes

Aug 22, 2016

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Comedy anti-heroes are a great deal of fun. My faves are characters like Tankgirl and Flashman; they can be selfish, greedy, violent, lustful, out for their own needs first but they still manage to do the “right” thing and vanquish the bad guy along the way regardless, or a character like George Costanza from Seinfeld who's jealous, pathetic, cowardly and greedy but we still love him anyway because identify with him and root for him against the unloving forces of the universe. To be a GOOD comedy anti-hero you have to keep the audience on their side though and that can be a tricky balancing act, you have to surf a number of factors (especially in a long running project), since to actually BE an anti-hero they need to have things about them that an audience would normally despise, these need to be counteracted by things like sympathy and pathos, traits we strongly identify with, intelligence, luck, charm, humour, sexiness, coolness, allowing them to win sometimes, or even redeeming some of their anti-hero behaviours occasionally. Get that balance wrong and they can so easily completely lose audience favour and sour the rest of the story/show/film. Pitface, Tantz, and Banes weigh in on this with me. And there are more opinions in the forum thread from which this evolved. Gunwallace's musical theme this week was for Pestilent. It's thoughtful, haunting, reminds me a little of a classic horror film soundtrack. Pretty scary!

Episode 277 - The great DD meet-up number 2!

Jun 27, 2016

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Well this was the SECOND big electronic DD meet up! And we had many people joining us and coming in and out over the cause of the ten our time that we were on. We started at 11am New York time (which is 11PM my time) and went till 9pm New York time (9am my time), and let me tell you I was buggered by the end of it. This time we had some new people on and some returnees from last time. It was a good long, party, with much drinking, friendly swearing, and eating. We'd be ecstatic if you joined us for next time! I'm thinking we'll do the next one on the 23rd of July, so sign up for Skype and add Ozoneocean as a contact. We MAY try Google Hangouts but we'll need to experiment with it first. ANYWAY, give this a listen to hear some of the madness… This Quackcast has just a bit over an hour from close to the beginning of the meetup. There is a LOT of swearing so sensitive ears should be prepared… There were two Aussies this time so that's what you get. Gunwallace's theme music this week was COCHLEA and EUSTACHIA - creepy as hell, pretty, intricate, striking, panoramic.

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