Episode 131 - Contributors Comic Classic Movies

Jul 1, 2013

This week we have some generous contributions from people who have let us know about their fave adaptions of comic book movies! Last week it was just Banes and I crapping on about our choices, THIS week we get to hear from a much wider perspective. Our contributors had some very interesting things to say about their choices!

Episode 125 - 2013 DD Awards Time

May 13, 2013

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Niccea tells Ozoneocean all about this year's DD comic awards! They're just starting and just beginning to pick up steam! You can join the discussion to help direct how the awards will work, you can try and become an awards judge or you can even try and get your wonderful webcomic nominated for a DD Award!!!! Actually, even if you don't DO a comic you can nominate your faves and help along with the whole process. At the moment they want you to submit a bit of artwork on a fun theme where your characters try and raise money to help with the awards, as a way of showcasing your stuff and helping you get nominated/voted for. Just go to the DD award comic!

Episode 111 - Banes Overcomes Character Obstacles on His Own

Feb 4, 2013

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For this episode we asked many of our esteemed DrunkDuck creators to weigh in and enlighten us on the subject of creating and overcoming obstacles for their characters. This of course ties in with Quackcast 109 where we discussed aspects of that topic with Pit Face and Tantz Aerine. Here we specifically asked: "Obstacles, challenges for your characters. How do you create 'em? How do you and your characters overcome them??? Just tell us about the things you go through with your characters and their plotlines!". Due to a small misunderstanding Banes heroically handled this entire Quackcast on his own!

Episode 109 - Tantzface and Pit Aerine Quacktet TAG TEAM

Jan 21, 2013

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Ozone and Banes are joined by some of our most fave recurring guests Tantz Aerine and Pit Face, to form... The Quacktet! The Quacktet talk about characters, writing and all the things that can go wrong and right with character development, both in story writing and in visual design. Things went a BIT awry and this was our THIRD attempt at doing a Quackcast that eveneing, to top it off I was quite ill at the time too, with a bucket by my side... Tantz says "NO" a lot, we learn that characters need proper discipline (it turns out spanking just isn't enough), we talk about Pit Face working on a new collaborative community project, and Tantz Aerine fighting the good fight as a hero of the modern Greek political resistance.We apologise for getting a little bit silly.

Episode 91: The Quack Always Casts Twice, 2012 DD Radio Play

Aug 20, 2012

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Banes introduces the 2012 DD radio play! Maxwell McDuff must face his most diabolical trial yet in... THE DUCK ALWAYS QUACKS TWICE! He's joined by many other notable and fiendish characters in this new and epic adventure involving anvils, Maltese quails, crocodiles, and terrifying torture! This fine story was written by Gunwallace, organised heroically by Ayesinback and edited together by Banes. This story of the amazing Maxwell McDuff and many other characters was the product of many hours work and organisation by many different participants. Before the play there are some great interviews with members of the cast, but if you’d like to jump to the play, that starts at 38.41 minutes.

Episode 87 - Up with people: Heroes and Villians

Jul 23, 2012

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What are the Do's and Do Not Do's when it comes to creating protagonists and antagonists??? For Quackcast 87 we asked for people's opinions on making heroes and villains, we asked who are some of your fave heroes and villains? What makes your own characters such good heroes or villains? What are YOUR Do's and Donts, how do YOU prefer to construct your heroes and villains? Is the hero just a hero because they're the protagonist? Or are they a classic hero? What's the difference between heroes an protagonists? Villains and antagonists? etc. Some clever and intelligent people weighed in on this and shared their opinions on it with us.

Episode 69 - Dude with a Problem, Screenwriting: Part 2

Mar 19, 2012

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DUDE... where's my problem? In this truly excellent number sixty nine Quackcast we get to the second part of our exploration of screenwriting techniques. We quickly recap on last weeks story structure outline and genres and then move on to talking about three NEW genres: Out of the bottle, Dude with a problem, and Rites of passage; Genres variously represented by things such as The Twilight Zone, Diehard, and Stand By Me. We also have the TENTH episode of our fantastic DD comedy soap "What Happened While I Was Away?' where we have the hilarious introduction of two totally new characters: the frantic, fried and frazzled Macattack, and the debonair cad Ironscarf. Don't miss it!

Episode 65 - Men and Women in Tights

Feb 20, 2012

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Banes and Ozoneocean round off the topic of superheroes, beating that wonderhorse to death well and truly. There's a lot of reminiscing here about ancient superhero pop-culture and along the way we discuss silver age and golden age comics, supervillains, second stringer superheros and why the remain that way, the gender and culture appeal of some characters, evolution of superheroes towards realism and grit, then webcomic superheroes, especially those on DD, and then finish up with why we like superheroes. Sidekick Captain-Ozone continues to echo disturbingly from the void while the real hero, Ultra-Banes, continues to bring the humour. We decide that it all comes back to Superman and Batman, who are the ultimate prototypes for the two main types of superheros: super, good, and perfect Vs normal, flawed, and human.

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