Blah blah blah!

skoolmunkee at 10:09AM, May 25, 2007

OK, well there is A WHOLE BUNCH of news in this update, but that's not because I put it off too long this time! It's just because people have sent us a lot of news. THEY HAVE SENT A LOT!


The Drunk Duck Awards have started! Visit ...

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Oh man I have like a million news announcements

skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, April 9, 2007

And I'm going to quote all of them! (Read them all, there's something in here for everyone. It's a veritable menagerie of announcements!)

Community project gets first announcement!

If all goes well Comic Remix will be updating with all the remixed strips on Thursday. Get excited!

I ...

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A steaming bucket of special recipe news!

skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, March 23, 2007

First, a couple of little site-type announcements…

Dragonlova, who came to us from Platinum Studios, has left the job and surely moved on to bigger and better things. She was a friendly and familiar face on th forums, and met some of you at Wizard World. Also I for one ...

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It's Friday night and I have news!

skoolmunkee at 4:37PM, March 9, 2007

In no particular order! (No, I'm lying. There is kind of an order.)

If I have interpreted the PQ right, I am supposed to mention that folks who would like to do musical collaborations a la Twonks and Plonkers would make F_Allen and Mr Mustard Seed very happy! (Contact ...

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More news! Milestones galoore!

Black_Kitty at 3:32PM, Feb. 22, 2007

HapyCow's For God's Sake has reached Chapter 3! And there's a nifty cover page too!

Remember basketcase? It was a comic here on DD that was featured around the beginning? Well to celebrate the fourth anniversary of its main site, Jebus would like everyone to know that ...

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Tomorrow is Chinese New Year!

Black_Kitty at 10:27PM, Feb. 16, 2007

Got some delicious news for all you lovely people out there! You may have noticed that there is a new interview up! Check it out! It's of Ronson who does The Gods of ArrKelaan!

Both 2 Bitter 5 Words and Return Zero is reaching their 25th strip! Yay!

Meanwhile ...

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All we hear is Radio Gaga

skoolmunkee at 4:21AM, July 24, 2006

Just as a friendly reminder, NO DD ADMIN WILL EVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD.

As of last Friday, Two Moons has reached 200 pages! (That's older than some trees, if a page equalled a year and if a webcomic were at all comparable to a tree…) Also, Jenshin has ...

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Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.

Black_Kitty at 1:01AM, June 2, 2006

Got a whole batch of news for you guys today~

The Quack released their June issue recently! It features an interview with hpk, some very delicious comics and many more! July's theme is going to be “summer vacation” and if you're interested in contributing, contact Eleika about it ...

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More news is good news!

Black_Kitty at 9:37PM, March 19, 2006

You can now read old newspost! …Well, you always could in the Main Page/Newspost Discussion forum but now it's more convenient! All you have to do is go down to the bottom of this newspost and click on “Read Past News” and you're all set.

I say ...

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It's ok ma'am, I'm a professional.

skoolmunkee at 3:41PM, Feb. 18, 2006

Time for another fun-filled newspost! Since “guys and guy-ettes” sounded a bit chauvanistic toward women last time, here's something chauvanistic toward men to even things out: Hello goddesses and useless meat-sacks!

Does that make me a modern “woman of today” now that I can freely insult men? I feel ...

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