Ozoneocean at 11:31PM, Jan. 6, 2010


Faye True Eolande was enjoying a nice trip to the market, looking at al the wonderful things on offer when she happened to meet a character from her past, who brought along all sorts of trouble with him. Whisked away in moments to certain danger, she can't even cry ...

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MONDAY FEATURE --> Bombshell Fights For America

skoolmunkee at 1:42AM, Jan. 4, 2010

Bombshell Fights For America might be a science fiction story. The premise is there- alternate worlds- but it also feels a little fantasy, a little political, a little drama. You might not be sure what to think of a comic which stars Marilyn Monroe (who has to save the world ...

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Thursday feature --> ELSPETH

skoolmunkee at 3:09AM, Dec. 31, 2009

Elspeth is a serious gal. She's a businessorc dealing in weapons, travelling between towns on her lonesome. Life is tough - medieval racism, persistent elves creeping on her, no sympathy for her pet cause even from the people she's trying to help. We get the idea she grew up ...

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Ozoneocean at 2:31AM, Dec. 17, 2009


Rekki Lune is a “knight”, she helps keep the peace in this swinging psychedelic Brit-pop town, and she makes a pretty bloody impressive sight in her striking red fashionable double breasted flared pants-suit and mini bomber jacket combo. Plus, the gigantic sword she carries sure is intimidating… You'll enjoy ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Continentals

Ozoneocean at 10:58PM, Dec. 9, 2009


It's 1889, barely a year after the mysterious Jack the Ripper's murderous rampage and equally mysterious disappearance the city of Mansfordshire, England is shaken by a series of brutal “mangling” murders that plunge the city into an abyss of fear.

The Continentals is a gorgeously funky Victorian crime ...

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Ozoneocean at 11:48PM, Dec. 2, 2009


Supermutants with fantastic abilities fight to survive in a very hard city. Aleksandur tries to find his place amongst them. Death is never far away. The writing in True North is gritty, earthy and dark, this isn't a nice world to live in, but it's a very compelling ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Light Within Shadow

Ozoneocean at 11:55PM, Nov. 25, 2009


Lizzie is a keen student and a girl with a mysterious past, but everything is fine until one day… The temple is attacked. Lizzie and her freind Zack rush to stop the killer, but he easily overpowers them. It seems that all is lost until a strange mercenary shows up ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Anyone but Virginia

Ozoneocean at 11:07PM, Nov. 18, 2009


Anyone but Virginia is the story of a woman who copes with the ghosts of her past, the travails of the present, and the uncertainty of her future, balancing between her personal life and that of a superhero: Volcano Girl! This is a fascinating story by Josh Eiserike with really ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Tales of the Travelling Gnome

Ozoneocean at 12:29AM, Nov. 12, 2009


Dottiar is a little fellow, a gnome actually. In his old age he decides to recount the stories of his swashbuckling hey-day, with a group of like-minded adventurers in search of the amulet of Ba'ra! This is an exciting, well told story comic. Matt Summers does a fine job ...

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Ozoneocean at 11:42PM, Nov. 4, 2009


The world is old and run down. Everything has gone to crap. People are crap. Their lives are crappy. Nothing is left. All of them are in the gutter… But some are looking at the stars.
Actually most are, but some ARE stars. They stand out and lead the populace ...

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