Everyone Was Innocent Once

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 23, 2023

There's generally a tennet about character building for a villain in a story or webcomic that urges the creator to humanize them by giving them a backstory that “fleshes them out”. Often, “humanization” of a villain is taken to mean that they come across as more sympathetic or appealing ...

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Book of Desolation

lothar at 12:00AM, Dec. 22, 2023

Book of Desolation

This is not actually a comic but more of a sourcebook. I've always loved source books, ever since I got the starwars sourcebook way back before the prequals. It's great to see worlds get expanded outside of the original movie, comic, book , whatever. This one ...

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Three Books

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 21, 2023

I've only read three books in my life.

Okay, that's not true - over the years I've read nearly a dozen.

But the first art-instruction book I used (at least, the earliest one I can remember) was this book
about using basic shapes to draw animals.

It was ...

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DD's Group Events

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 16, 2023

This year we almost didn't get our annual Secret Santa! But the awesome Niccea stepped in and the Secret Santa is on! Unlike most times, the deadline is near New Year's, so you have time to participate. Go sign up today! I'm sure there will be a ...

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Destiny Thwarted

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 14, 2023

I was just watching a commentary on The Empire Strikes Back, and the person had an interesting take on things. She was talking about the sequences where Luke sees a vision of his friends in pain, and Yoda tells him he's seeing the future. Will they die? It's ...

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Belief is a mirror

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 9, 2023

Last week I had the fortune of stumbling across Netflix's latest animated series, Blue Eye Samurai. I didn't expect much, but I was so bowled over by the sheer excellence of this show that I ended up binging the entire first season overnight. Like all shows, it's ...

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lothar at 12:00AM, Dec. 8, 2023

DOME BUSTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a real blast from the past. .. So far back in the past that I can't recall if I even remembered it berfore I found it today … Again ..

This comic makes me want to make webcomics again.
Check it out and leave a comment about it ...

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A Wayback Playback

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 7, 2023

I have a handful of hobbies that mean a lot to me - from an early age, reading, and music (drums at first), and drawing were all important pastimes.

The other day I found an old workbook dated from when I was eight years old. It was an A to Z ...

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Why Drawing Styles Make Webcomics Unforgettable

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Dec. 2, 2023

Why hello fellow comic creators! Ever stopped and wondered what is it about each webcomic that makes them feel like a unique journey into an artist's imagination? Well today, I’m spilling the ink on why drawing styles matter so much in the magical world of webcomics and why ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2023

Zines were in the news recently

What’s a zine you might ask? It’s a small print run, usually small sized, amateur magazine. Often using photocopied pages, hand stapled, and it can be very unpolished in terms of content, but ...

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