Design Language

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 1, 2019

When you're creating the look of your fictional world what can really help you in the design of the look and feel of it is coming up with a “Design Language”.
What I mean by this is the theme of the overall look of things and the reasons for ...

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QUACKCAST 429 - Bad ends, not bad fans

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 4, 2019

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This Quackcast was inspired by the fan reaction to Game of Thrones, a series that I haven't watched but Tantz and Banes have! Specifically it's ...

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Subverting expectations ≠ good storytelling

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 17, 2019

When creating a story you begin leading the reader down a path. You know where you’re going, or at least can pretend to know, but the reader does not. But, with some well laid out clues and foreshadowing, they can begin to piece the map together. Now here comes ...

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Gag Orders

Banes at 12:00AM, March 7, 2019

With how fast everything is moving now, I'm a week late on this post - but the underlying subject is still relevant and will continue to have effects on movies, fandom, and culture in general.

Last week, the Rotten Tomatoes review site shut down its “Interested/Not Interested” section, where ...

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QUACKCAST 412 - Hiatusssss D:

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 5, 2019

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A huge thank you to the fantastic Amelius, creator of Charby the Vampirate! We mined her great newspost on the topic of the comic hiatus for this ...

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Writing Mental Illness (Part 1)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2019

Writing a character with mental illness can be a very tricky thing. Writers usually go for the extremely rare, exotic and spectacular: multiple personality disorders, extreme manifestations of psychopathy or sociopathy, high functioning autism with that ever alluring ‘savant’ magic going for the character, bombastically spectacular schizophrenia… in many ways ...

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Imitation Flavor

Amelius at 10:14AM, Dec. 30, 2018

The first thing you need to know before we get into this discussion is the following: You can't copyright a style. It's true! Copyright protects an artist's expression of an idea, but not the ideas themselves, the technique, or procedure in making that style. Keep that in ...

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Convergent Creation Part 2

Amelius at 12:21PM, Dec. 16, 2018

Last weekend we discussed that strange phenomenon of independent creation, where there's more than a passing resemblance to another work but it's not a case of plagiarism. Interestingly, not long after I posted that I saw not one but two instances of independent creation being brought up (though ...

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The Need To Denigrate

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 17, 2018

Lately there has been this pattern that I've noticed in both social media and mainstream comics/cartoons outlets that is very saddening: the use of denigration and belittlement as a promotional tactic, or as an argument.

More and more I seem to notice that new series, reboots, retellings or ...

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Farewell to Stan Lee

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 15, 2018
tags: lee, stan

Stan Lee

1922 - 2018

'Nuff said.

No, of course, ‘nuff can likely never be said about this man and the body of work he’s left behind for us.

It's been a rough couple days for comic fans. I must admit, I've been a bit of a wreck ...

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