This newspost is about lba!

skoolmunkee at 2:28AM, June 17, 2009

lba is a user here on DruckDuck who does a comic Last Words! The comic is pretty good, we feaured it and everything. He hasn't updated it in a while but that's ok, it happens to all of us. It is a comic about pieces of gum (or ...

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This is not my beautiful news... no wait it is

skoolmunkee at 2:19AM, June 6, 2009

JillyFoo's Demon Eater has a contest going! Help her design a character (even choosing a gender) and not only get your design used in the comic, possibly win some other cool prizes as well! Visitits forum thread for the full rules and prizes!

Today, HyenaH_ll's The Hub ...

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Thursday's feature! Robomeks!

skoolmunkee at 3:11AM, May 14, 2009

Robomeks! This stylish comic centres on 3 teenage robot mechanics whose job is surprisingly dangerous and exciting. A colorful and funny action comic with a lot of neat design moments (such as the flamenco robot who fights with his feet). In the current story, the Robomeks are called in to ...

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Monday's feature is Daqueran!

skoolmunkee at 11:56PM, Jan. 25, 2009

Daqueran is a handsome fellow (and a bit of a jerk) who travels the lands slaying dragons, bathing in springs, brushing off girls, doing deeds for unicorns, chatting it up with naked sirens, and carrying around his companion Tik (a tiny, adorable chameleon octopus). The comic is in its early ...

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News so good you want to gobble it up (or maybe just makes you sleepy?)

skoolmunkee at 10:38AM, Nov. 27, 2008

I'm bad at Thanksgiving jokes.

Community stuff first!

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups end on the 1st- so this is your last chance to participate in this great yearly art exchange!

As of Thanksgiving Day (that's today), there are only 3 days left to vote in the 2008 ...

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Heidi-ho neighborinos!

skoolmunkee at 6:12AM, May 12, 2008

We've got a new DD Creator Interview today! This time round, I ask helmelby of Chad the Fat Kid a bunch of questions about Chad (a character who is very unlikable, yet readers still sympathise with him)…

Can we get a laundry list of Chad's problems?

Over weight ...

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Today's featured comic is Our Time in Eden!

skoolmunkee at 7:03AM, April 3, 2008

Our Time in Eden tells a story of lost innocence, and even moreso a story of lost individuals. Two people, unhappy and alone, stuck in places that aren't doing them any good. There is a mix of comic and illustrated prose here, which is done quite well (the writing ...

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More interviews!

skoolmunkee at 4:04AM, April 2, 2008

First of all, sorry there's not a featured comic today- I forgot to queue one up last night and now I have to wait for the next ‘turnover’ so that will be Thursday. :[ sorry sorry!


Drunk Duck Creator Interviews Extravaganza continues! (If you dunno what that is, click ...

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Today's featured comic is Starsign!

skoolmunkee at 1:39AM, March 31, 2008

Fun to look at, fun to read, Starsign is just fun all-around. Siblings Petre and Mia are occultist weirdos who like to fight zombies and demons and seem to have some rather disturbing (yet strangely fitting) personality quirks to boot. Amazing use of color and design, lots of entertaining action ...

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Lots of random little news bits today!

skoolmunkee at 11:18AM, Feb. 8, 2008

First of all, an apology for not having a new featured comic up. Something about the new main page design isn't bringing up the comics we've put in, so… I suppose a new comic will be up as soon as it's fixed, or whenever we can pester ...

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