Brief update - thumbnails working again - and regular newspost

skoolmunkee at 10:37AM, Jan. 26, 2011

The site is recovering from the server move, albeit slowly. We're still seeing reports of problems trickle in, so keep letting us know about those and we can pass them on to the programmers at Wowio. Hopefully we will have more information soon.

Newest fix: Everyone should have thumbnails ...

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Are we back to normal yet? Can I post some milestones? Yes I can!

skoolmunkee at 5:56AM, Jan. 23, 2011

Okay! Last week was a bit chaotic with the server move and ensuing issues, but it seems to have taken this time, which is good! Most of the issues have been resolved, and the last few should be cleared up soon. This paves the way for future developments to the ...

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CCA charity donation drive, milestones, and don't forget the QUACKCAST (below)!

skoolmunkee at 12:15PM, Jan. 11, 2011

Shaman Quest by Dark Pascual reached 400 pages AND started a new chapter on Monday!

And the 100th page of vwyler's The Unthinkable Hybrid was also on Monday!

And the recently-featured Character Development by Gunwallace has made it to 150 pages “and still going strong at a page-a-day (puff ...

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Ozoneocean at 1:14AM, Jan. 6, 2011

Ka-Den is spirited away from her temple residence in the middle of the night by the mysterious blindfolded assassin Cale, but to what end? And is she all that she seems, is she truly a priestess or even human? There much is dark magic at play in this fantasy story ...

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Welcome back! A bunch of news for you - a belated gift!

skoolmunkee at 10:28AM, Dec. 27, 2010

I hope everyone's holidays are going well! We've got one (or more) down and one to go. The last week of the year is a pretty unique time so I hope people are enjoying it!

First up, we've got one more Drunk Duck member interview! This time ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> Arachnid Goddess

skoolmunkee at 12:45AM, Nov. 29, 2010

Arachnid Goddess is a long-running comic here on DD, and is a disturbing gem of writing. Think of it as an illustrated tale rather than a comic (it's very text heavy)- the art isn't amazing but it does the job and can sometimes be very evocative. What is ...

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A hundred sadfaces! And three milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:17AM, Nov. 23, 2010

How come no one is signing up for the Quack With the Ducks Community Interview Project? :[ :[ :[ A hundred sadfaces!

Guess what! The Drunk Duck MAFIA Comic (as run by Niccea and drawn by various cool people) hit 300 pages on Monday!

At 300 pages is DarkGesen's Gesen! It marks ...

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The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too

skoolmunkee at 8:35AM, Oct. 29, 2010

Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is ...

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I have a surprise for you. The surprise is news. Surprise!

skoolmunkee at 5:28AM, Oct. 22, 2010

Koshou's Kimeral reaches 150 pages today! She's also just starting the 4th chapter!

Energize by Nepath saw its 150th page on Wednesday the 20th! The character also features in the new sequel to the collaborative comic Crossoverlord, which is titled Crossoverkill!

On Thursday, Dark Sisters by Lopriest reached ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> Riddick Q Loss Tales

skoolmunkee at 11:29PM, Oct. 17, 2010

This fun comic is like an even more ridiculous (get it?) Dick Tracy. Our protagonist, hard-boiled yellow detective Riddick Q Loss, is on the hunt for the nefarious Sir Dimswitch - a man with an evil plan and a hot um… aunt. Loss is easily sidetracked however by the improbable cast ...

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