Quackast 394 - Nostalgia, creative fuel?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2018


Nostalgia! - Where does it fit in the creative process? People are the product of their influences. For a lot of us the strongest influences happen when we're growing up and learning about the world and all the things IN it for the first time. As you get older ...

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Mecha Drawing

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 2, 2018

Emma is indisposed today so it's my turn to step into the breach.
What I want to chat about today is how to draw mecha. I draw a lot of it. It's fun, but it's not that easy.
What is “mecha”? Mecha usually refers to futuristic looking ...

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Nothing Under the Sun

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 22, 2018

A friend of mine, many years ago, showed me a cartoon that was fascinating, funny, and horrifying. In my memory, it was the first anime I'd ever seen. I'd forgotten most of it over the years, and would try to find it once every so often, without knowing ...

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Quackcast 353 - Beautycast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 19, 2017


This is the Beautycast. We decided to have a chat about beauty. What IS beauty? is it universal? I would contend that it's not and that's what we tended to agree in the Quackcast. Beauty is a highly relative concept dependent on many factors like symmetry, rarity ...

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Character Development and a Captivating Storyline OR Stunning Graphics?

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 25, 2017

Above: Final Fantasy IX (2000) by Squaresoft. Below: Final Fantasy XIII (2010) by SquareEnix.

One of the main influences of my art style comes from the Final Fantasy video games of the late 1990s and early 2000s. I remembered being mesmerized by the full orchestrated score by Nobuo Uematsu, I ...

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Where do you get your design inspiration?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 21, 2017

When you're just starting out, coming up with good designs is pretty simple, but when you've been doing it for a while or it's your job, you run out of easy ideas- you've picked all the low hanging fruit. What do you do then?
This applies ...

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READ MY COMIC DAMN IT! (A "how to" guide)

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, June 16, 2017

Well hell, long time no see huh? I'd like to say I'm back from my, er, break all rejuvenated and refreshed and what have ya but honestly it's damn near midnight and I'm running on three hours of sleep that I managed to eek out on ...

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Movie Inspirations for Comics

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 13, 2017

So I’m worrying I might be boring the hell out of all of you with Jung and archetypes and odd archaic symbols and mystical imagery cryptography of late…

So here’s something a bit more fun that’s been rolling around in my head as I was gathering up ...

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Drawn Together

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, April 21, 2017
tags: hell, Hyena, newspost!

Let me start off by distracting y'all from my complete and total failure to even show up last week by saying, hey! to celebrate TEN YEARS of PUTRID MEAT, Pit Face has made this special behind the scenes “the making of…” video for y'all! Check it out!
https ...

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Cultural background and comicking

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 13, 2017

My city had a massive snowfall on Boxing Day this year – the day after Christmas, for you non-Canadians. Nothing too unusual for a Canadian winter, but even so the city always seems to grind to a halt when it happens. After having a neighbour help him get his car unstuck ...

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