Monday's feature: Harkovast!

skoolmunkee at 10:27AM, March 16, 2009

Sorry the description is a bit late, kind of a crazy monday here for me.

Harkovast is an epic fantasy tale set in a land populated by various peoples and under threat of a dark and overwhelmingly evil force. All your favorite fantasy things are here, but Harkovast is… different ...

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It's Feature Thursday!!! You must all read Despotize!

Ozoneocean at 4:33AM, Feb. 5, 2009

Despotize, a company founded by the worlds greatest scientists has a dark secret. Their normal business is a front for their real intentions. Run by a madman whose ambitions are unknown, it's up to to a kid with hidden powers to take them down. Zero is a young man ...

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Thursday's featured is Mastorism!

skoolmunkee at 3:22AM, Jan. 8, 2009

Thursday's featured is Mastorism!

Mastorism is a universe run by the billion-year-old Phantom Lord, a guy with amazing powers and a fiery head. He's brought peace and prosperity to the planets in his universe, with the help of his Mastor police force (who are essentially all the other ...

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Tuesday is the day. The day for... More milestones!

Ozoneocean at 10:38PM, Oct. 13, 2008


-Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

Kyupol's dramatic MAG-ISA is up to its 175th page! A great achievement seeing how he's produced so many pages of so many other comics as well.

JustNoPoint's huge fab colour ...

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In case you didn't know...

SpANG at 6:53AM, Sept. 13, 2008

The winner of the COMIC BOOK CHALLENGE has been announced! Congrats to Carlos Weiser with THE ARMAGEDDON CHRONICLES!

So um… Just ignore those “Vote here, Vote now” banners… mkay?

Also, Insanity of Xade turned 75 pages old on Friday! Way to go!

There are many more pages than that ...

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Thursday's featured comic is The Villain Next Door!

skoolmunkee at 3:29AM, Sept. 11, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is The Villain Next Door!

Meet Dr. Argon. He's balding, has bad teeth, angry insomniac eyes, and some rather frightening claw hands. Why the white lab jacket? Well, it's because he's a misanthropic mad scientist supervillain. He's forced to live peacefully in ...

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Monday morning, you sure looked fine...

Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, May 19, 2008

Skool is away doing fun stuff in Italy with Italian people, So I get to make the news title again. -psst- Fleetwood Mac :P

Today's Feature is Bulletproof
“In Junction City, there are men and women with strange powers and abilities, the Omega Humans. Ostracised by society, many turn ...

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Today's (yesterday's) featured comic is Cloud Eagle!

skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, March 27, 2008

Sorry this didn't show up yesterday guys, I dunno what's going on with the queuer. :[

A lovely black-and-white comic, Cloud Eagle incorporates both American and Japanese style elements to tell what is turning out to be an interesting story. A group of teenagers focused on protecting their urban ...

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Oh the weather outside is frightful~

Black_Kitty at 8:57PM, Feb. 4, 2008

But the snow was definitely not delightful. :(

Anyhow, I'm slipping in with some PQs from my ever full PQ box! Let's begin with milestones shall we? Shall we? Yes we shall!

Timmy And The Bleach and Growth managed to put two and five together to form 25! (Pages ...

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Don't worry, I didn't eat your cookies~

Black_Kitty at 10:11PM, Jan. 18, 2008

I ate Terminal's! <3

There is actually quite a bit of news so what I'm going to do is split them into two newsposts. This is part one and part two will come in the afternoon~

Milestones galoore!

Breaking the Ice recently reached its 30th page!

(25 is ...

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