I make one newspost a week on average and here it is!

skoolmunkee at 1:41AM, July 15, 2006

Hello and welcome on the Drunk Duck Tour Bus, I'm your guide skoolmunkee.

The first stop on our tour is Get Well Vaati, a comic account created to post the get well messages for DDer Vaati, who was badly hurt in a recent car accident. If you'd like ...

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Newspost with six announcements

skoolmunkee at 2:42AM, July 6, 2006

Hello and welcome back to the Internet, everyone! I knew you couldn't stay away.

I shall make these short because, although I am at home, I am supposed to work from home, so really I should be doing work (at home) and not playing on the Internet. :(

Announcement the ...

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Public Speech About Drawing Figures and Webcomics

skoolmunkee at 3:32AM, April 24, 2006

Jillyfoo is giving a public speech today (April 24th) about using references for drawing webcomics. It is at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Minnesota, Mankato. It's titled Drawing the Figure Using References For An Online Comic. Sorry, I don't know the time….

That's understandably ...

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Eep! Nearly forgot to post this!

Black_Kitty at 10:40AM, April 14, 2006

I just realized I forgot two pieces of news! So here's to them and sorry about this guys. :( This is what happens when you post in the middle of the night.

Life and Death hit its 200th comic on April 10th. Everyone should check it out and offer some ...

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Well what do you know?

skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, March 17, 2006

Sorry the updates have been fewer and farther between lately. We aren't completely organized yet (also we like to keep major things on the front page, if we can).

Would someone who went to the UK Mini and Web Comics Thing like to send me an email or PM ...

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skoolmunkee's mess-o-post

skoolmunkee at 6:25AM, Feb. 10, 2006

Welcome back to Drunk Duck!

Hey guys (and gals, or you know… womyn or something), if you're here then you know Drunk Duck is back. Congratulations! To… us I guess.

This blog/news post will be a fairly brief rundown of how some things work around here. Keep in ...

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