I guess the site wasn't frozen, meanwhile, here's some more news!

skoolmunkee at 11:30AM, Jan. 10, 2010

I forgot to announce this one on Wednesday, I'm sorry carolyn! :[

The Horribles (a featured comic) by carolyn reached 50 pages on Wednesday! Congrats!

OK! More news!

I'm not sure when the site freeze will happen, apparently it wasn't over the weekend (Plat warned that it might ...

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Second newspost of the year! *markedly less fanfare*

skoolmunkee at 10:07AM, Jan. 6, 2010

Okay! Let's get started, shall we?

In reverse order of my inbox, we've got:

On Wednesday, January 6, 2010, @$$hole! turns 250 pages!

Trevor is excited to receive a visit from his online girlfriend Jess (see the 2008 and 2009 Drunk Duck Awards for Best Romance Comic ...

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We Wish You A Very Large Newspost

skoolmunkee at 7:56AM, Dec. 11, 2009

I think I'm going to have to start doing these on Wednesday afternoon, because by Thursday there are just too many! Sorry today's is late, I just didn't have the time to tackle it. We're still friends, right?

Gillespie's Bacon Strips hit 275 on Tuesday ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Continentals

Ozoneocean at 10:58PM, Dec. 9, 2009


It's 1889, barely a year after the mysterious Jack the Ripper's murderous rampage and equally mysterious disappearance the city of Mansfordshire, England is shaken by a series of brutal “mangling” murders that plunge the city into an abyss of fear.

The Continentals is a gorgeously funky Victorian crime ...

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You there, I see you. You're thinking, "I wish there was another newspost"

skoolmunkee at 3:02PM, Nov. 29, 2009

I feel like I might have accidentally deleted one or two PQs, so if you sent me news and I didn't post it, please resend it!

Wouldn't you like to sign up for Drunk Duck Secret Santa 2009? Only a couple days left to sign up!


trevoramueller ...

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This newspost is delicious but it is filling!

skoolmunkee at 10:46AM, Nov. 22, 2009

A new DD member interview! This one is conducted by ifelldownthestairs, a champion of a man, who always is happy to help out around the house and fill in for folks when slack needs to be picked up (as was the case here, as taradaga's original partner vamoosed). Also ...

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The News What Once Was Monday And Now Is Sunday!

skoolmunkee at 2:02PM, Nov. 15, 2009

(For those who missed my announcement last week, I'm changing the news schedule slightly… regeglurlar news on Sunday PM and Thursday AM, instead of Monday AM and Wed-or-Thurs AM.)

Okay! Let's reach into the Mailbag here…

This letter is from raven37, who says:

My webcomic, Insects Corp ...

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Show me some news baby, awww yeah

skoolmunkee at 2:38AM, Nov. 12, 2009

Hey all! Quick ‘admin’ announcement - I'll be doing regular newsposts on Sunday afternoon and on Thursday morning from now on, instead of Monday and sometimes Wednesday mornings. I have to get up really early those days and get out the door and I don't even have time to ...

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Lots of big announcements this Monday!

skoolmunkee at 10:54PM, Nov. 1, 2009

Before I do anything else, I forgot to post this on Saturday:

by doctorlime reached 50 pages on Saturday! I feel extra bad about forgetting to announce it because a comic called Zombiepocalypse would have been PERFECT in an announcement on Halloween, and plus people would probably have liked to ...

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MONDAY FEATURE - The Pools of Zara

skoolmunkee at 10:54PM, Nov. 1, 2009

Although Zara is the titular character, the mercenary Killerkind (a good fighter with some character flaws) is the one who steals the show here. Not to mention likable art (reminiscent of older Euro-comics, maybe?) and a straightforward writing style. The comic is set up as a fantasy but ends up ...

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