I want socks with individual toes!

skoolmunkee at 5:45AM, Jan. 7, 2008

Man I need to do these more often. However like other resolutions, it will come to naught!

keithmccleary tells me that Killing Tree Quarterly has wrapped up… but that he does have more comic plans for the near future! Also, I don't think enough people read his interview. Do ...

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Happy Day After New Years!

skoolmunkee at 8:04AM, Jan. 2, 2008

You all realize at some point in history the decision of how to decide a new year was pretty arbitrary, right? Buuuut it's a good excuse to have a party so I don't have a problem with that.

Speaking of parties, don't forget about the DD community ...

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This is how a harem girl dances

skoolmunkee at 4:38AM, Dec. 17, 2007

New Creator Interview is UP!

I know it's been a while since my last one, and that's because… I've been lazy. But I've had my coffee now and interviews are back! This time around we talk a little about Westerns with keithmccleary of Killing Tree Quarterly ...

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Here is a newspost that I have made

skoolmunkee at 1:51PM, Dec. 10, 2007

Hey folks! Just as a reminder about what we'll make newsposts about, check out this forum thread!

The Asylumantics will be posting its 250th page this coming Friday. Also, I've re-released two Asylumantics comic collections just in time for the holidays. Readers can purchase them (and more ...

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skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, Dec. 2, 2007

hpkomic (Galactic Hub Serreven) and kcg (Horribleville) have teamed up and gotten a comic into Nickelodeon Magazine! Rush out and buy it and tell everyone how much you like Wizard Brothers!

Don't forget that Darth Mongoose of FanDanGo has made it into the top 15 finalists of Rising Stars ...

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Hey... YOU! I'm talkin' here!

SpANG at 1:13PM, Nov. 15, 2007

Don't forget that skoolmunkee is back to take your news tidbits, but feel free to send ‘em to me too. I don’t mind doing the occasional newspost either. It gives the impression that I'm actually doing some work! Ha!

Now for some announcements…

oachambers wants to mention ...

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Creator Interview: Fugli of View of Venus!

skoolmunkee at 3:02AM, Nov. 13, 2007

Hey all! I'm back! You can send me your millions of news announcements now! (And if you sent me any before, I deleted all of them, because I announced I wasn't gonna be here and I can't be bothered to check to see if someone else announced ...

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Contests, Lulu.com Printings, Milestones, and Other Cool Announcements!

SpANG at 6:45PM, Nov. 11, 2007

Don't forget about the Fix8 contest!

Okay everyone, check this out…

We're working with a company called Fix8 to put together a freaking awesome contest… here's how it works:

Fix8 has this software that puts a 3d model in place of you when you're on ...

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It's Black Kitty's Birthday!

SpANG at 7:37AM, Nov. 5, 2007

… So gives her some love, people!

British Users cannot access Drunk Duck
Due to some unforeseen developments, British users may not be able to access DD for now. If you know a Brit that visits often, please let them know that we are trying to correct the issue. Thanks for ...

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More stuff!

SpANG at 6:33PM, Nov. 2, 2007

Howdy, fellow ducks!

As a reminder, skoolmunkee is off for a while and Black Kitty is a little busy with her moving and school. So, please keep sending your news to ozoneocean and me, SpANG, for now. Thanks!

Don't forget to check out the LATEST GIGCAST (with DRUNK DUCK ...

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