The Means Make the Villain

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 2, 2020

There are the mustache-twirling villains, that enjoy being evil. They're deliciously fun!

Then there are the nutjob villains. Those that are basket cases one way or the other, psychopaths or antisocial, unfettered madmen with a logic of their own that wreaks havoc upon the world. They're also very ...

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After Marriage

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 25, 2020

Usually in adventures, thrillers and other stories, when the main characters are romantically involved, the B plot (or even the A plot) is the ‘will they/won’t they' question: will they get together in the end, usually with a happy end scene of marriage, or some such thing. Romance ...

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The Challenge of Writing Genius

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 7, 2020

Everyone loves a genius! The character that has the answers, or makes the deductions, or solves the puzzles for the team. The guy (or gal) that will have a gift for noticing what nobody else does, sees the connections that elude everyone else. Even in stories that aren't of ...

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Writing Wise Folk

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 1, 2020

Wise men are like valuable spice for a story. They are also a wonderful plot device, or an extremely cheesy one, depending on how the character is used and written.

Wise men (and women) are often the moral compass to the main characters, or hold some kind of answer to ...

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On Writing Therapists 3

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 25, 2020

And so we have arrived to the juicy stuff- Evil Psychologists!

You'd be surprised, but there have been a LOT of those in real life. It's the reason that the ethics code and penalization if that code is broken is so severe for professionals in the mental health ...

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On Writing Therapists 2

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 18, 2020

Therapists are the type of character whose occupation can easily seep into their ‘off the clock’ life. It's not something that can often be helped. Psychologists don't ‘turn off’ their perception of behavioral patterns and personality analyses, the same way you can't ‘unsee’ the rabbits after you ...

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On Writing Therapists 1

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 11, 2020

I've already written a bunch of articles on writing mental illness, so I figured I should write about writing therapists as well!

Oh, the woes for therapist representation in narrative works! All the stereotypes are there: from the shrink that is actually a little (or a lot) loopy and ...

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Motivation, Ideology, Action 4: Your Thoughts

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 7, 2019

Having completed the (very quick) foray into the workings of motivations, ideologies and behaviors, the time has come for a look-see of all your amazing comments, from all three articles!

I haven't done this before so I'm not entirely sure how to present them. I'll wing it ...

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Motivation, Ideology, Action 3

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 30, 2019

So there's this saying that it's a completely different thing to talk the talk than walk the talk- to do as you preach. To put your money where your mouth is. To actually apply what you say you ascribe to.

In short, putting into action everything you've ...

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Motivation, Ideology, Action 2

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 16, 2019

Last time we talked about motivation in people, and its relationship to behavior. And I must say you all had great comments I feel deserve to be addressed, so instead of a four-part tour to the world of what makes people tick, I will add a fifth part where I ...

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