Straight from the pens of Darryl Hughes and Monique MacNaughton comes SKY COMMANDER! It's WW2, racing through the skies over Berlin is a brave man all dressed in leather with a streamlined shiny helmet on his head and a rocket pack strapped to his back, taking down German fighterplanes with nothing more than a few shots from his trusty pistol to their engines. That's how you win a war! This is daring do, adventure, war, intrigue and spies! Inspired by the likes of the Rocketeer, Indiana Jones and other exciting tales of adventure, Sky Commander is drawn in a delightfully retro fashion. Solidly black and white artwork with clever use of half tones and cross hatching.
Read SkyCommander, by Coydog, rated T.

FEATURED COMIC --> Sky Commander
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 2, 2018

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AmeliaP at 10:51AM, May 4, 2018
Best dieselpunk!
Ozoneocean at 6:17PM, May 2, 2018
Great work needs promoting :D
Ironscarf at 5:34PM, May 2, 2018
Lovely retro vibe to this one.
TheDeeMan at 5:31PM, May 2, 2018
God, KimLuster, writing The Continentals was intense. It took me 3 months just to write that dinner party scene with Smythe, Fiona, and the Poole family. Intense. ;) Dee - Sky Commander writer dude
Albino Ginger at 3:30PM, May 2, 2018
I need to check this out! the art looks amazing!
Coydog at 3:24PM, May 2, 2018
Thanks guys. Darryl and I are happy to be batting .1000 when it comes to getting featured.
KimLuster at 2:49PM, May 2, 2018
Look up some of their other stuff... esp. The Continentals!!
KimLuster at 2:49PM, May 2, 2018
Well deserved! These artists have always had the talent for art and story!
Tantz_Aerine at 9:37AM, May 2, 2018