One dock, three people. Una garza negra, the black dock.
It is sunset at a small pier as two men sit silently side-by-side when one of them breaks the silence. The two have an exchange of small talk when the quietest man begins a philosophical discussion about society and how appearances result in preconceived notions on how we judge groups. The pacing is slow and beautiful and reflects a small scene from everyday life. The mood reflects that of Vladimir and Estragon in Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot.
The art is So Gorgeous with its genuine line work. The illustrations are the real deal with its rawness and limited use of digital tools. In addition, all the font is hand-lettered, which give the conversations a realistic quality.
Step on the dock and read Una Garza Negra by Garza Negra, rated M!

FEATURED COMIC --> Una Garza Negra
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 19, 2017

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Avart at 12:30AM, July 19, 2017
It's an amazing piece of art. The art style, the setting and the dialogues are amazing. I find it disturbingly good! The spanish language may be a drawback (I speak spanish) but, you may check it if you want to see the incredible artwork and immersive story.