Were you ever excited to go on field trips to the planetarium or natural history museum when you were a kid? If the answer is “Yes!” then you may get a kick out of Sedna, a comic about two brainiac youngsters that like to make science references to space astronomy, dinosaurs, chemistry, and geology. Sedna is a very smart girl who is constantly seen with her enormous telescope. Dini is her best friend and frequent play buddy and the two are always seen making references to science. This comic is adorable, but most importantly, it is educational and you might learn a thing or two about Saturn's satellites by reading the archive.
The art is drawn digitally and makes use of a monochromatic color scheme for each individual page. The art style has very clean lines.
Bring out your inner science nerd and read Sedna by thomasmcdonell. Galileo would be proud.
Link: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Sedna/

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 1, 2017

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rawdale at 9:30AM, March 6, 2017
Great line work and I really dig the use of a limited palette for the colors.