Meet the wonderful, enlightening calico cat that is here to serve a daily dose of positivity every day. Motivational Housecat is exactly what the world needs right now. Find yourself in a funk? Motivational Housecat will give you a friendly reminder that you are Awesome and that “You Got This!”. The comic strip along with the inspiring words by the comic's creator, Drew Gold, are certainly worth reading to help you through a difficult challenge.
The comic is drawn digitally and uses bright colors. The pages mainly feature the main character involved in different activities.
Open your heart with an open mind and let this little cat brighten your day by reading Motivational Housecat by MotivationalHousecat, rated E!

FEATURED COMIC --> Motivational Housecat
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 30, 2017

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AmeliaP at 8:45PM, Aug. 31, 2017
Is it possible not to love this cat?
Gunwallace at 1:44AM, Aug. 30, 2017
It is unrelentingly positive. Sometimes I need that. Sometimes I need to make fun of that. Either way it works.