- Face Off
- Ruthlessness
- Brotherly Love
- Girl Talk
- Late
- Now you're playing with Dark Magick!
- Rescue Mission
- Fair Play
- Mocking
- Trust Issues
- CRASHITY crash crash!
- Joining the Team
- Useless Fight Scene!
- New Filler
- Amy vs Katrina: Bring it
- Job Security
- Live Corporation
- Recruitment Failure
- Faulty?
- Hit me with Your Best Shot
- Demon Grabbed
- Trolls and Culture?
- Kidnapped Conversations
- Grabbed!
- Cliche averted?
- Monsters to the Left, Monsters to the Right...
- Monsters
- Rekul Filler
- What She Needs
- Proposal
- 500!
- Recruitment
- Raven's Big Fancy Plan
- Rejection
- Small Update
- So-or-ry.
- Pleasing Mother
- Choke
- Sorry
- Romantic Comedy
- Storming off? Again?
- Cliching the Cliche
- Kate Stops the Action
- Easy Joke
- who are you?
- Anti Drug Filler!
- All things must come to an end: Even catfights
- Filler
- Thrill of the Fight
- Rules of Engagement
- Catfight!
- Returning the Book
- Rule 73
- The Principal is Your Pal
- Can't be Bothered
- Explanation
- Katrina vs Zeus
- Gods and Katrina
- Pitching Woo
- God Meeting
- Stalker?
- Cheerleading in America
- The Smiths and the Squad
- Nick Doesn't love his Mommy
- Kate: Matchmaker
- Gorilla?
- Angry Amy
- Sad Amy
- Bad Move
- Raven Info
- Amy's Best Friend
- The Boss
- Raven's Apartment
- Will: Still a Douche
- Color! Unheard of!
- Merry Christmas!
- Eve Update
- Get Real
- Metaphors gone askew!
- Compliment
- Raven the Teacher
- Bad News
- Flying... monkey?
- Actual Update!
- Filler!
- Useless Attack!
- Blue Knight: Attack Plan
- The Undramatic Return of the Blue Knight
- Tothgar and Raven
- Procrastination
- Teaching Ella
- Back to the Basics
- Meet Molly Still
- Meet Molly
- Pregnant Boy
- Albino Voodoo Cheerleader
- Naturally Blue Haired Steve
- The Background Guys
- Halloween
- Got Kate?
- Ella: Roots
- Ella at Home
- Wakon Yosai Fanart
- Amy and the Demon
- Leaving Her Be
- Raven Explains it All
- Kate and the Demon
- The Boss and Janet
- Raven Interview
- The Smith Family Robinson
- Go Back a Page for MORE bonus non-real update fun!
- Damn Internet Monkeys...
- The Meeting: Sweet Summonings
- The Meeting: Holy Banter
- The Meeting: A Matter of Gods
- The Meeting: Coming Clean
- The Meeting: Possess-y the Clown!
- The Meeting: Evil Girl Talk
- The Meeting: Leaving, part deux
- The Meeting: Leaving
- The Meeting: Evil?
- The Meeting: The Real Prophecy
- The Meeting: Lifted and Seperated
- The Meeting: Slip of the Tongue
- The Meeting: Refusal
- The Meeting: Meet the Council
- 400!
- The Meeting
- Back to the real world
- Boy Kate and Loki
- Boy Kate and Amy
- Kate and Katrina
- Big Boy
- Yet Another Change
- Ella's Spell
- Ella's Trick
- Character Analysis
- Demon meets Jerk
- Change
- She has Arrived: What about Ella?
- She has Arrived: Getting Rid of It
- She has Arrived: The End
- I Got the License!
- Filler
- She has Arrived: The Deal
- She has Arrived: The Merge
- She has Arrived: Amy vs Amy
- Filler
- She has Arrived: Kate PUNCH
- She has Arrived: First Encounter
- She has Arrived: Lack of Death
- She has Arrived: Witch Chat
- She has Arrived: Sean Encounter
- She has Arrived: The Real Amy
- She has Arrived: The Hallway
- She has Arrived: The Bathroom
- She is Coming
- She is Coming
- She is Coming
- She is Coming
- She Is Coming
- Trouble Brewing: The End
- Trouble Brewing: The Return
- Trouble Brewing: Fire
- Trouble Brewing: Casting
- Trouble Brewing: The Third
- Trouble Brewing: Snap
- Trouble Brewing: The Blue Knight Takes Charge
- Trouble Brewing: He's Baaack...
- Trouble Brewing: Kick Face!
- Trouble Brewing: Running Fun
- Trouble Brewing: Kate in Trouble
- Trouble Brewing: Running Time
- Trouble Brewing: Argument
- Filler: Caption Contest
- Preview: The Otherworld
- Trouble Brewing: Death From Above
- Trouble Brewing: Hair!
- Trouble Brewing: The Office
- Trouble Brewing: Ella's Tantrum
- Trouble Brewing: Enter Bad Guys
- Trouble Brewing: Walk to School
- Trouble Brewing: New Morning
- Trouble Brewing: Big Boss
- Trouble Brewing: Classy Exit
- Trouble Brewing
- Will: Amy's Crush
- Will: Racism!
- Will: Dealing with Ella
- Happy Easter
- Will: Enter Ella
- Will: Dealing with Nick
- Will: Break
- Will: Boring
- Will: Nick
- Will: Kidnapping
- Choose the Hair
- Will: Sisters Arrive
- Will: Mate Selection
- Will: Fun with Amy
- Will: Intro to Personality
- Switching Midstream
- The Other: Call Amy
- The Other: Mystical Impotence
- The Other: Sister Squabble
- The Other
- Date Night: The Comic Before the End of the Story Arch
- Date Night: Awkward 2.0
- Date Night:The Hook Handed
- Date Night: Un-Transformation
- Date Night: Transformation 2
- Date Night: The Transformation, part 1
- Date Night: More Plot Stuff
- Date Night: The Kissing Page
- Date Night: Katrina's Powers
- Date Night: Seats
- Date Night: Tickets
- Date Night: Movie Night
- Date Night: Katrina meets Nick
- Date Night: Awkwardness
- Date Night: Enter Jace
- Date Night: Lecture
Date Night: Getting Ready
- 300!
- A Day at the Mall: Villains
- Merry Christmas
- A Day at the Mall: Good Times
- A Day at the Mall: Wild Magic and You
- A Day at the Mall: What if...
- A Day at the Mall: Making Learning Fun!
- A Day at the Mall: Meet Melissa
- A Day at the Mall: Guilt Factor
- Review Board
- A Day at the Mall: Lunchtime Conversation
- A Day at the Mall: Reasonablity
- A Day at the Mall: When Nick Met Ella
- A Day at the Mall: Pre-Mall
A Day at the Mall
- The Spirit Realm: Snapping out of it
- The Spirit Realm: Outside
- Filler
- Spirit Realm: Un-Flashbacking
- The Spirit Realm: Chaos and the Girl
- The Spirit Realm: Anger
- The Spirit Realm: Amy's Demon
- The Spirit Realm: Amy's Boy
- The Spirit Realm: One Year Ago
- Sick
- The Spirit Realm: Crossing Over
- Happy Halloween
- The Spirit Realm: Amy
- The Spirit Realm: Past Trauma
- The Spirit Realm: Casting
- The Spirit Realm: Pre-casting
The Spirit Realm: Every Friday
- Sean: Aftermath 2
- Sean:Aftermath 1
- Sean: The Old Switcheroo
- Sean: Heartfelt
- Sean: The Effect
- Sean: Power
- Sean: The Bad
- Sean: Hammer Time
- Sean: Bad Stuff
- Sean: Raven and the Beast
- Sean: Cure?
- Sean: Age
- Sean: Possessions
- Sean: Enter Ella
- Sean: Two to Go
- Sean: One Down
- Sean: Practical Demon Summoning
- Sean: Thoughts
- Sean: Katrina Quips
- Sean: Kidnappable
- Sean: Uh Oh
- College
- Sean: The Goth Crowd
- Sean: Stalker
- Sean: Roll Call
- My 18th Birthday
- What She Really Wants
- Sean: 10 Things We Love About Katrina
- Amy's Crush
- Sean: Recruitment
- Sean: Cheer
- Sean: Smells like Teen Hormones
- Sean: Board to Tears
- Sean: Katrina's Time of the Month
- Sean: The Test He Hates the Most
- Good Morning New Breckenshire
Sean at last
- Foreshadowing
- Evil People
- Fanart: Rekul
- Fanart: Kitty17
- Puff: Kate and Andy
- Fanart: Sean
- Wintergreen Crossover: Things to Come
- Wintergreen Crossover: Aftermath
- Wintergreen Crossover: Clio
- Wintergreen Crossover: What Happened
- Wintergreen Crossover: More Fighting
- Wintergreen Crossover: Spell Shortage
- Gift
- Wintergreen Crossover: The Past Rises
- Wintergreen Crossover: Cooperation
- Wintergreen Crossover: Interference
- Wintergreen Croswsover: Girl Fight
- Wintergreen Crossover: RAGE
- Wintergreen Crossover: Katrina
- Wintergreen Crossover: Considering Casting
- Wintergreen Crossover: Nick's Song
- Wintergreen Crossover: Benefactors
- Wintergreen Crossover: Band v Band
- Wintergreen: Who do you want?
Wintergreen Crossover!
- The Guardian: Darkness and Dawn
- The Guardian: The Cloak
- The Guardian: Stabbity Stab
- The Guardian: Spiffy Magic Sealing
- The Guardian: Amy's Day
The Guardian
- 200
- The Amulet: Tying Up Loose Ends
- The Amulet: Just Plain Batty
- The Amulet: And Back Again
- The Amulet: Other Realm
- The Amulet: Back to the Present
- The Amulet: Past Casting
- The Amulet: Flashbacks
- 100,000 Hits
The Amulet
- The Deal: Revelations
- The Deal: Screaming, um, Bloody Murder
- The Deal: The Dark Side of Wonderful
- The Deal: Roses are Red
- The Deal: Demon
- The Deal: Binging Contract Indeed
- The Deal: Lots of text
- The Deal: Bad Things
- The Deal: Terms
- The Deal: Attention
- The Deal: The Meeting
- The Deal: Flashback!
The Deal
- The Fall of the Raven: End
- The Fall of the Raven: Family
- The Fall of the Raven: People
- The Fall of the Raven: It Begins
- The Fall of the Raven: When is the stupid torture gonna begin?
- The Fall of the Raven: Reassignment
- The Fall of the Raven: Enter the Smith Family
- The Fall of the Raven: Control
- The Fall of the Raven: Reasons
- tFotR: Meet the Boss
- The Fall of the Raven: Memories
The Fall of The Raven
- Which Witch?: The End
- Zombie Love
- Which Witch?: Chasing Amy
- Which Witch?: The Kiss Part Two
- Which Witch?: The Kiss (Part one)
- Which Witch?: Plot?
- Which Witch?: Casting
- Which Witch?: Begin the Spell
- Which Witch?: Whole Gang
- Leslie
- Which Witch? Ella gets Mad
- Which Witch?: Panic Attack
- Para Filler
- Which Witch: Enter Katrina
- Which Witch?: Ella Spills it
- Which Witch?: Ella Chooses
- Which Witch?: Nick
- Which Witch?: Reaction Time
- Which Witch?: Amy
- Which Witch?: Enter the girl
- Which Witch? Weirdness
- Which Witch?: Finding Ella
- Merry Holidays!
- Which Witch? Reassurence
- Which Witch?: The Walk to School
- Which Witch?: A Change
- Which Witch?: A Spell for Amy?
Which Witch? Title Page
- Family Matters: The End?
- Family Matters: And Home Again
- Family Matters: Attack End
- Family Matters Attack Part Two
- Family Matters: Attack 2
- Family Matters: Attack Part 1
- Family Matters: Nick
- Family Matters: Trouble
- Family Matters: The Prophecy
- Family Matters: Brain Washing
- Family Matters: Spying Game
- Family Matters: Demigods
Family Matters
- magick-anarchy: End!
- magick-Anarchy 11
- Happy All Hollow's Eve!
- magick-anarchy 10
- magick-anarchy 9
- magick-anarchy 8
- magick-anarchy 7
- magick-anarchy crossover 6
- magick-Anarchy page 5
- magick-Anarchy Crossover Part 4
- magick-anarchy crossover part 3
- magick/Anarchy crossover 2
- Nick's band
- Summary Part Three
- Summary Part 2
- Summary
- Crossover Part 1: Casting
Title Page
- Kate: Stalker
- Red Heads Have more Fun
- First Kate
- Filler
- Wrap up
- Home-Coming
- Temptation
- 100
- Crushed Poetry
- Heartbroken
- Back
- Kill Will
- Family Matters
- Personal Talk
- Raven Gets a Memo
- Katrina Filler
- Anti-Love Potion
- Hall-wise
- Kate meets Jace
- Raven
- Katrina and Jace: The Plottingness
- Re-Dudified
- It's Out!
- Nick's power
- Real World'd!
- Loki: The Deal
- Loki
- Gods?
- Tablet!
- The Mystery of Girl-Nick
- What does she know?
- The Unspeakable Horror
- Torture
- Torture
- Backwards, young Jedi
- Uh Oh
- Bat Girl
- Zshoop!
- Back to The Other Plotline
- Siren Vs Amy Round Two
- Siren vs Amy, Round One
- Siren VS Ella: Last Round
- Siren Vs Ella Round Two: Power Outtage
- Siren vs Ella, Round One: Ella
- Filler
- Supression
- Intro 3
- Intro 2
- Introduction
- Scream
- Past Cast 1
- The Siren's Lament
- Sean's Recap
- Death Filler
- Will's Story
- Filler!
- Bra
- Amy's Brother
- Un-Coma
- Confrontation
- Villianyness
- Awkwardness
- Thoughts
- Awkwardness
- Girl!
- Change
- Hero Filler
- Spell Casting
- Drama
- Amy Alone
- Jace and Katrina
- Remember Them?
- Any Questions?
- Art Upgrade
- Video Part Three
- Video Part 2
- Video Part 1
- Video
- Hair
- Convincing Amy
- Morals
- Walk to School
- Babysitting
- Speak
- Sean
- Summon
- The Book
- Amy's Mom
- Katrina
- New Family
- Crush
- Bites
- Fight
- Animal Rights
- Parents
- What could happen?
- Cheapness
- Ella Enchanted
- Libido
- Tape
- The Culprit
- Pacification
- The Menfolk
- Fire Spell
The First
The Spirit Realm: Every Friday
magickmaker on Oct. 18, 2007
I used to do that sort of thing with my friend Claire. Not the changing in front of her bit, but the dancing to the theme song and saying repeatable lines and stuff. It's pretty fun if you've got a friend you can do that sorta thing with. Kate and Nick have been friends for a very long time. There are some minor errors, but I feel like I'm getting the hang of Correl Paint at last. I might even like it better than Photoshop. Thinking about getting it for good.
artdude2002 at 3:18PM, Oct. 19, 2007
reader at 2:40PM, Oct. 19, 2007
The best friends are the ones you can act silly with. And the art just keeps getting better.
Mutation at 9:31AM, Oct. 19, 2007
"Something adorable is happening, I must stop it!" Hehehe
magicalmisfits at 8:24AM, Oct. 19, 2007
only thing to do
KAM at 4:32AM, Oct. 19, 2007
Am I the only one who doesn't know what show they're watching?
Peipei at 11:54PM, Oct. 18, 2007
Hehe what a fun guy :3 I'd love to have a male friend like him. To act funny and dance and make me feel happy when i'm down ^^
LanceDanger at 10:29PM, Oct. 18, 2007
Lol, that last dialouge was priceless XD And yeah, I had a gal pal that I did that with all the time, especially, singing the theme to "Pinky and the Brain" XD