- Face Off
- Ruthlessness
- Brotherly Love
- Girl Talk
- Late
- Now you're playing with Dark Magick!
- Rescue Mission
- Fair Play
- Mocking
- Trust Issues
- CRASHITY crash crash!
- Joining the Team
- Useless Fight Scene!
- New Filler
- Amy vs Katrina: Bring it
- Job Security
- Live Corporation
- Recruitment Failure
- Faulty?
- Hit me with Your Best Shot
- Demon Grabbed
- Trolls and Culture?
- Kidnapped Conversations
- Grabbed!
- Cliche averted?
- Monsters to the Left, Monsters to the Right...
- Monsters
- Rekul Filler
- What She Needs
- Proposal
- 500!
- Recruitment
- Raven's Big Fancy Plan
- Rejection
- Small Update
- So-or-ry.
- Pleasing Mother
- Choke
- Sorry
- Romantic Comedy
- Storming off? Again?
- Cliching the Cliche
- Kate Stops the Action
- Easy Joke
- who are you?
- Anti Drug Filler!
- All things must come to an end: Even catfights
- Filler
- Thrill of the Fight
- Rules of Engagement
- Catfight!
- Returning the Book
- Rule 73
- The Principal is Your Pal
- Can't be Bothered
- Explanation
- Katrina vs Zeus
- Gods and Katrina
- Pitching Woo
- God Meeting
- Stalker?
- Cheerleading in America
- The Smiths and the Squad
- Nick Doesn't love his Mommy
- Kate: Matchmaker
- Gorilla?
- Angry Amy
- Sad Amy
- Bad Move
- Raven Info
- Amy's Best Friend
- The Boss
- Raven's Apartment
- Will: Still a Douche
- Color! Unheard of!
- Merry Christmas!
- Eve Update
- Get Real
- Metaphors gone askew!
- Compliment
- Raven the Teacher
- Bad News
- Flying... monkey?
- Actual Update!
- Filler!
- Useless Attack!
- Blue Knight: Attack Plan
- The Undramatic Return of the Blue Knight
- Tothgar and Raven
- Procrastination
- Teaching Ella
- Back to the Basics
- Meet Molly Still
- Meet Molly
- Pregnant Boy
- Albino Voodoo Cheerleader
- Naturally Blue Haired Steve
- The Background Guys
- Halloween
- Got Kate?
- Ella: Roots
- Ella at Home
- Wakon Yosai Fanart
- Amy and the Demon
- Leaving Her Be
- Raven Explains it All
- Kate and the Demon
- The Boss and Janet
- Raven Interview
- The Smith Family Robinson
- Go Back a Page for MORE bonus non-real update fun!
- Damn Internet Monkeys...
- The Meeting: Sweet Summonings
- The Meeting: Holy Banter
- The Meeting: A Matter of Gods
- The Meeting: Coming Clean
- The Meeting: Possess-y the Clown!
- The Meeting: Evil Girl Talk
- The Meeting: Leaving, part deux
- The Meeting: Leaving
- The Meeting: Evil?
- The Meeting: The Real Prophecy
- The Meeting: Lifted and Seperated
- The Meeting: Slip of the Tongue
- The Meeting: Refusal
- The Meeting: Meet the Council
- 400!
- The Meeting
- Back to the real world
- Boy Kate and Loki
- Boy Kate and Amy
- Kate and Katrina
- Big Boy
- Yet Another Change
- Ella's Spell
- Ella's Trick
- Character Analysis
- Demon meets Jerk
- Change
- She has Arrived: What about Ella?
- She has Arrived: Getting Rid of It
- She has Arrived: The End
- I Got the License!
- Filler
- She has Arrived: The Deal
- She has Arrived: The Merge
- She has Arrived: Amy vs Amy
- Filler
- She has Arrived: Kate PUNCH
- She has Arrived: First Encounter
- She has Arrived: Lack of Death
- She has Arrived: Witch Chat
- She has Arrived: Sean Encounter
- She has Arrived: The Real Amy
- She has Arrived: The Hallway
- She has Arrived: The Bathroom
- She is Coming
- She is Coming
- She is Coming
- She is Coming
- She Is Coming
- Trouble Brewing: The End
- Trouble Brewing: The Return
- Trouble Brewing: Fire
- Trouble Brewing: Casting
- Trouble Brewing: The Third
- Trouble Brewing: Snap
- Trouble Brewing: The Blue Knight Takes Charge
- Trouble Brewing: He's Baaack...
- Trouble Brewing: Kick Face!
- Trouble Brewing: Running Fun
- Trouble Brewing: Kate in Trouble
- Trouble Brewing: Running Time
- Trouble Brewing: Argument
- Filler: Caption Contest
- Preview: The Otherworld
- Trouble Brewing: Death From Above
- Trouble Brewing: Hair!
- Trouble Brewing: The Office
- Trouble Brewing: Ella's Tantrum
- Trouble Brewing: Enter Bad Guys
- Trouble Brewing: Walk to School
- Trouble Brewing: New Morning
- Trouble Brewing: Big Boss
- Trouble Brewing: Classy Exit
- Trouble Brewing
- Will: Amy's Crush
- Will: Racism!
- Will: Dealing with Ella
- Happy Easter
- Will: Enter Ella
- Will: Dealing with Nick
- Will: Break
- Will: Boring
- Will: Nick
- Will: Kidnapping
- Choose the Hair
- Will: Sisters Arrive
- Will: Mate Selection
- Will: Fun with Amy
- Will: Intro to Personality
- Switching Midstream
- The Other: Call Amy
- The Other: Mystical Impotence
- The Other: Sister Squabble
- The Other
- Date Night: The Comic Before the End of the Story Arch
- Date Night: Awkward 2.0
- Date Night:The Hook Handed
- Date Night: Un-Transformation
- Date Night: Transformation 2
- Date Night: The Transformation, part 1
- Date Night: More Plot Stuff
- Date Night: The Kissing Page
- Date Night: Katrina's Powers
- Date Night: Seats
- Date Night: Tickets
- Date Night: Movie Night
- Date Night: Katrina meets Nick
- Date Night: Awkwardness
- Date Night: Enter Jace
- Date Night: Lecture
Date Night: Getting Ready
- 300!
- A Day at the Mall: Villains
- Merry Christmas
- A Day at the Mall: Good Times
- A Day at the Mall: Wild Magic and You
- A Day at the Mall: What if...
- A Day at the Mall: Making Learning Fun!
- A Day at the Mall: Meet Melissa
- A Day at the Mall: Guilt Factor
- Review Board
- A Day at the Mall: Lunchtime Conversation
- A Day at the Mall: Reasonablity
- A Day at the Mall: When Nick Met Ella
- A Day at the Mall: Pre-Mall
A Day at the Mall
- The Spirit Realm: Snapping out of it
- The Spirit Realm: Outside
- Filler
- Spirit Realm: Un-Flashbacking
- The Spirit Realm: Chaos and the Girl
- The Spirit Realm: Anger
- The Spirit Realm: Amy's Demon
- The Spirit Realm: Amy's Boy
- The Spirit Realm: One Year Ago
- Sick
- The Spirit Realm: Crossing Over
- Happy Halloween
- The Spirit Realm: Amy
- The Spirit Realm: Past Trauma
- The Spirit Realm: Casting
- The Spirit Realm: Pre-casting
The Spirit Realm: Every Friday
- Sean: Aftermath 2
- Sean:Aftermath 1
- Sean: The Old Switcheroo
- Sean: Heartfelt
- Sean: The Effect
- Sean: Power
- Sean: The Bad
- Sean: Hammer Time
- Sean: Bad Stuff
- Sean: Raven and the Beast
- Sean: Cure?
- Sean: Age
- Sean: Possessions
- Sean: Enter Ella
- Sean: Two to Go
- Sean: One Down
- Sean: Practical Demon Summoning
- Sean: Thoughts
- Sean: Katrina Quips
- Sean: Kidnappable
- Sean: Uh Oh
- College
- Sean: The Goth Crowd
- Sean: Stalker
- Sean: Roll Call
- My 18th Birthday
- What She Really Wants
- Sean: 10 Things We Love About Katrina
- Amy's Crush
- Sean: Recruitment
- Sean: Cheer
- Sean: Smells like Teen Hormones
- Sean: Board to Tears
- Sean: Katrina's Time of the Month
- Sean: The Test He Hates the Most
- Good Morning New Breckenshire
Sean at last
- Foreshadowing
- Evil People
- Fanart: Rekul
- Fanart: Kitty17
- Puff: Kate and Andy
- Fanart: Sean
- Wintergreen Crossover: Things to Come
- Wintergreen Crossover: Aftermath
- Wintergreen Crossover: Clio
- Wintergreen Crossover: What Happened
- Wintergreen Crossover: More Fighting
- Wintergreen Crossover: Spell Shortage
- Gift
- Wintergreen Crossover: The Past Rises
- Wintergreen Crossover: Cooperation
- Wintergreen Crossover: Interference
- Wintergreen Croswsover: Girl Fight
- Wintergreen Crossover: RAGE
- Wintergreen Crossover: Katrina
- Wintergreen Crossover: Considering Casting
- Wintergreen Crossover: Nick's Song
- Wintergreen Crossover: Benefactors
- Wintergreen Crossover: Band v Band
- Wintergreen: Who do you want?
Wintergreen Crossover!
- The Guardian: Darkness and Dawn
- The Guardian: The Cloak
- The Guardian: Stabbity Stab
- The Guardian: Spiffy Magic Sealing
- The Guardian: Amy's Day
The Guardian
- 200
- The Amulet: Tying Up Loose Ends
- The Amulet: Just Plain Batty
- The Amulet: And Back Again
- The Amulet: Other Realm
- The Amulet: Back to the Present
- The Amulet: Past Casting
- The Amulet: Flashbacks
- 100,000 Hits
The Amulet
- The Deal: Revelations
- The Deal: Screaming, um, Bloody Murder
- The Deal: The Dark Side of Wonderful
- The Deal: Roses are Red
- The Deal: Demon
- The Deal: Binging Contract Indeed
- The Deal: Lots of text
- The Deal: Bad Things
- The Deal: Terms
- The Deal: Attention
- The Deal: The Meeting
- The Deal: Flashback!
The Deal
- The Fall of the Raven: End
- The Fall of the Raven: Family
- The Fall of the Raven: People
- The Fall of the Raven: It Begins
- The Fall of the Raven: When is the stupid torture gonna begin?
- The Fall of the Raven: Reassignment
- The Fall of the Raven: Enter the Smith Family
- The Fall of the Raven: Control
- The Fall of the Raven: Reasons
- tFotR: Meet the Boss
- The Fall of the Raven: Memories
The Fall of The Raven
- Which Witch?: The End
- Zombie Love
- Which Witch?: Chasing Amy
- Which Witch?: The Kiss Part Two
- Which Witch?: The Kiss (Part one)
- Which Witch?: Plot?
- Which Witch?: Casting
- Which Witch?: Begin the Spell
- Which Witch?: Whole Gang
- Leslie
- Which Witch? Ella gets Mad
- Which Witch?: Panic Attack
- Para Filler
- Which Witch: Enter Katrina
- Which Witch?: Ella Spills it
- Which Witch?: Ella Chooses
- Which Witch?: Nick
- Which Witch?: Reaction Time
- Which Witch?: Amy
- Which Witch?: Enter the girl
- Which Witch? Weirdness
- Which Witch?: Finding Ella
- Merry Holidays!
- Which Witch? Reassurence
- Which Witch?: The Walk to School
- Which Witch?: A Change
- Which Witch?: A Spell for Amy?
Which Witch? Title Page
- Family Matters: The End?
- Family Matters: And Home Again
- Family Matters: Attack End
- Family Matters Attack Part Two
- Family Matters: Attack 2
- Family Matters: Attack Part 1
- Family Matters: Nick
- Family Matters: Trouble
- Family Matters: The Prophecy
- Family Matters: Brain Washing
- Family Matters: Spying Game
- Family Matters: Demigods
Family Matters
- magick-anarchy: End!
- magick-Anarchy 11
- Happy All Hollow's Eve!
- magick-anarchy 10
- magick-anarchy 9
- magick-anarchy 8
- magick-anarchy 7
- magick-anarchy crossover 6
- magick-Anarchy page 5
- magick-Anarchy Crossover Part 4
- magick-anarchy crossover part 3
- magick/Anarchy crossover 2
- Nick's band
- Summary Part Three
- Summary Part 2
- Summary
- Crossover Part 1: Casting
Title Page
- Kate: Stalker
- Red Heads Have more Fun
- First Kate
- Filler
- Wrap up
- Home-Coming
- Temptation
- 100
- Crushed Poetry
- Heartbroken
- Back
- Kill Will
- Family Matters
- Personal Talk
- Raven Gets a Memo
- Katrina Filler
- Anti-Love Potion
- Hall-wise
- Kate meets Jace
- Raven
- Katrina and Jace: The Plottingness
- Re-Dudified
- It's Out!
- Nick's power
- Real World'd!
- Loki: The Deal
- Loki
- Gods?
- Tablet!
- The Mystery of Girl-Nick
- What does she know?
- The Unspeakable Horror
- Torture
- Torture
- Backwards, young Jedi
- Uh Oh
- Bat Girl
- Zshoop!
- Back to The Other Plotline
- Siren Vs Amy Round Two
- Siren vs Amy, Round One
- Siren VS Ella: Last Round
- Siren Vs Ella Round Two: Power Outtage
- Siren vs Ella, Round One: Ella
- Filler
- Supression
- Intro 3
- Intro 2
- Introduction
- Scream
- Past Cast 1
- The Siren's Lament
- Sean's Recap
- Death Filler
- Will's Story
- Filler!
- Bra
- Amy's Brother
- Un-Coma
- Confrontation
- Villianyness
- Awkwardness
- Thoughts
- Awkwardness
- Girl!
- Change
- Hero Filler
- Spell Casting
- Drama
- Amy Alone
- Jace and Katrina
- Remember Them?
- Any Questions?
- Art Upgrade
- Video Part Three
- Video Part 2
- Video Part 1
- Video
- Hair
- Convincing Amy
- Morals
- Walk to School
- Babysitting
- Speak
- Sean
- Summon
- The Book
- Amy's Mom
- Katrina
- New Family
- Crush
- Bites
- Fight
- Animal Rights
- Parents
- What could happen?
- Cheapness
- Ella Enchanted
- Libido
- Tape
- The Culprit
- Pacification
- The Menfolk
- Fire Spell
The First
Wintergreen Crossover!
magickmaker on May 27, 2007
This is the intro to my crossover with Hero's comic, Wintergreen! (www.drunkduck.com/wintergreen) Sean will have his story, but not today. It's two twenty one and I'm so tired, I honestly cannot manage to shade past the third panel. Sorry folks.
Flamen Tenebrarum at 7:25AM, June 27, 2007
AGAIN! SOMEONE SAID HER NAME AGAIN! I'M IN COMPLETE RELIGIOUS EXTASY! Aaaaaaaaaaah *little black hearts floating all around me* oh my Queen my Goddess *heart**heart**heart**heart**heart* Okay, so how about I at least try to seem halfway normal? Er, khm. Yes. I only wanted to say, "Have a nice day." Oh yes - and I was not being ironic. I hope no one assumed I was.
LanceDanger at 9:15PM, May 28, 2007
Lol, the puppy faces! XD
patrickdevine at 4:46PM, May 28, 2007
"bill, bill, hex..." Funny!
gigafelz at 8:46AM, May 28, 2007
Tee hee