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A bit of update (sort of vent).
Furwerk studio at 9:08AM, Oct. 22, 2023
posts: 237
joined: 12-18-2019
Kind of something to keep myself sane because I have no real place to turn to right now to get this off my chest, but right now as I start this topic I am kind of stuck watching all of my and my mom's stuff plus the cat while she goes around setting up tents for a very phoney outdoors church that is blasting Eric Cartman levels of Christian music.

This is going to a long, and possibly a very mess, post so give me a sec to cover what's happening.

To start I nearly lost everything again, after losing all of my physical books, my old flash drives I had for years, my physical art equipment along with my anime collection due to my mom choosing to have a hotel room over paying storage fees when he had it, we almost lost the things we bought with us on the plane because Mom wanted expensive food over going to the soup kitchen, and that's my fault too because those things are disgusting and are, for me, the very last resort.
Back on topic I managed to pull off a miracle and get enough commissions not only to pay for storage, but only a dollar short of paying off the next bill coming up. Only thing is mom is telling me to hold on it until the last minute, I know she wants that cash for bus fare but I don't want to, I nearly lost what little last time and have a horrible time carrying around my very last piece my past (my dad's Elmo he had up until he died, my Mudkip and a little guy from Fimal Fantasy). I lost my own computer and have to use my mom's to get work done, I lost my drawing tablet and have to rely on a loaner from the library.

I am beyond tired, yesterday I actually came close to stepping in front of a speeding car.

I had been upset by the stress of the situation. I can't watch movies, anime, cartoons, listen to music, podcasts or YouTube reviews and BARELY, and I do mean BARELY partake in social media and what little draw I got done is mainly on a crappy phone before hastily pulled together on the computer. All personal art stopped completely, even making comics stopped due to this situation.

Why? Well, my mom is a source of a lot of it because she pissed off people who run the country on many levels. Starting with a friend of our old boss that manage to blackball her at the airport for reporting their friend for sexual harassment, then turning in the Sheriff's department for trying to chase off the homeless from the airport, then the bus company because the drivers are assholes, half the riders getting on for free, being racists and trying to attack us through Cacat,then the people at the library because of taking my cat, Caramel, in on the first floor.
I feel like I am painting her in a bad light here because these people are corrupt assholes, but it made her and me a huge target to the point only us was hit with a tresspass warning and under threat of being arrested if we set foot at the airport.
And we keep going back because she believes it is the only safe place we got to sleep and charge up. I really can't offer up an alternative right now, the shelters here are worse than sleeping on the streets, have a ton of thieves (one of them tried to take Caramel after stealing our phones) and on the night we were told to leave the airport or go to jail that we are not welcomed there at all.

I hate this life, living on the tiny commission work I barely get to do because we are running from one place to another, from the airport to the library only to run to a soup kitchen to a grocery store where we sit for HOURS but I am unable to work, I learn to do crappy layouts on the phone and finish a piece within a half an hour of I am lucky. I gave up looking for a job due to being unable to clean up, can't shave or wash up because we have to run quickly or get arrested according to her, can't use the money for a haircut because we need to feed her friends, can't wash my clothes because she needs all of her's ready for the next big job she was supposed to get only to be told they don't want to hire her.
And I just want to touch on a subject that is just upsetting me to the core. She keeps talking about wanting out of this homeless life, but every turn I see her making friends with permanently homeless and promising them things, we keep going to these soup kitchens where I see she in a crowd of people acting like it is a high school clique.
We went to one place where they regularly have fist fights, the lowest of the low go there and she is laughing it up, making friends like she actually doesn't want to leave while I see this thinking, ‘jesus Crist lady, we want away from this life, not wallow in it.’
This followed an incident going back two months ere she befriends two con artists who bilked both of us out of almost 500 dollars(250 from her, same out of me became I was trying to keep her and I alive) through buying them food and bus tickets, and the reason why I was super late on paying storage. And to top it off she wanted to spend the money from her tax refund on getting them an apartment, that stopped when the drug dealing guy of the two try to sell my mom for a sandwich behind her back to a very disgusting weirdo. She was pissed but tried to be friends again afterwards only for it to happen again…
Here's the thing, she surrounds herself with 60 to 80 year olds, and pushes everyone else out of “the circle”. I tried to have a friend to talk about comic books she latch on, and mutates it to be about their work until I am just left sitting there without a person to talk to.

Speaking of which she almost killed my comic, she pushed her way in talking about spread sheets and calculating time I spend on drawing, being an editor and writing then converting it to a dollar amount and telling about profit and loss, that each book should be 30 dollars a piece despite I try to tell her that is not how comics work only told that I don't have a clue about marketing because she went to Warren University and knows better.

I am a mess right now, wanting to post more but I am going to have to come back to it later.
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:36PM, Oct. 22, 2023
posts: 767
joined: 3-23-2007
If your current life situation resembled the Mordor exposition scenes from Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, do you best picture yourself as Sam, Gollum, or Frodo?

I once had an assistant manager at a work place who would constantly goad me for making up excuses. It was the same work place where I learned the meaning of the phrase, “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean.”

Furwerk studio–it looks as if you are in a very serious need of a vacation.
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