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Comment of the previous posters song and post your own type thread.
Genejoke at 5:52AM, Dec. 15, 2015
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
Seeing as we are having a little chat about music on the rant thread I figure we can try one of these again. Post a link to a video or audio or what you're listening to and share it. But don't forget to comment on the previously posted song.
I'll get the ball rolling.
Toadies belly of a whale
last edited on Dec. 15, 2015 5:55AM
Ozoneocean at 6:28AM, Dec. 15, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
A good lve performance. It's a very catchy song, not country at all despite the long setup. Sort of a folk-rock sound more than anything. Just a good catchy, high energy, rolling, rocking tune with some nice accoustics.

Here's mine.
Stone Temple Pilots - Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart:
tupapayon at 9:05AM, Dec. 15, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
Calm enough to just sit down and realax, but upbeat enough to get me going… makes me wonder if it's tobacco they're smoking…
This one has had a place in my heart: Chop Suey, System of a Down
last edited on Dec. 15, 2015 9:06AM
El Cid at 9:50PM, Dec. 15, 2015
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Oh wow, a S.O.A.D. sighting! I used to rock out to that album while I worked on comics. That was years before I found this place, back when people listened to music on shiny metal discs. ‘Chop Suey’ is such a strange-but-beautiful song; like a lot of their music it sort of goes all over the place but they still somehow manage to hold it together. I think 'Sugar' is my favorite S.O.A.D. song, though… but I guess it depends on what mood I'm in. Glad to see STP getting some love, as well. The 90s were a magical time for rock music.

I'll drop this one for your listening displeasure. A personal favorite, the song has some nice mood swings, melancholy and rage, but also hope:

***Also, I'm shocked and amazed that the Toadies are still making music! Another great band… despite their inexplicable cult status among gothy vamp weirdos.
last edited on Dec. 15, 2015 10:01PM
fallopiancrusader at 8:18PM, Dec. 17, 2015
posts: 410
joined: 12-27-2013
Oooo I'll have to check out more Poison The Well. I never heard of them before. I was really into the NYC hardcore scene in the early 90's. Now my musical tastes are much more slapstick, like this one:
Genejoke at 12:28AM, Dec. 18, 2015
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
What the hell did I just see and hear? Damn… Will Smith has a lot to answer for.
Another 90s band who are still kicking around.
Ozoneocean at 9:21AM, Dec. 18, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
Sounded like a mixture of acid circus music and John Lydon. I didn't know you have Cash Converters in Britian as well. Commentray on poverty- that's what I get from the lyrics.

Here's mine. These guys never made it big… It used to be the only way you could get this was on bootlegs and nothing else. A friend burned a CD of it for me years ago, I found it so dull at first but after a few listens I got to love it.
Amelius at 3:25PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 394
joined: 1-6-2004
I liked that a lot! I'm going to give that another listen with headphones because my crappy speakers made the song sound like it was fading into outro and starting up again several times, but it was good enough for another listen so I don't mind. I wonder why they never got much attention? The singing and string instruments are both lovely! (and yeah with headphones I can hear more clearly, it does sort of stop and start up but I don't mind) Queued up the whole album, and the first track is pretty awesome. Yes, this Fuschia here is good! Gonna share it with my mother, I think she'd like it. Yeah progressive folk rock! How did these talented people get overlooked?!

I'll listen to dang near anything, but lately I'm into a lot of synth stuff. I'm pretty fond of the video that goes with this one as well.
Ozoneocean at 7:55PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
Your link is broken Amelius :( - Nope, I got it working!!!!! I'll give it a listen if I can load it on my phone.


I'm glad you like the Fuschia track! I think the one I linked to might have been a couple of tracks recorded from a record so it faded into the second one…
The reason they never made it big was because no one knew how to promote them at the time and they were booked for the wrong types of concerts- like being lined up with Black Sabath etc. It's really hard to get the levels right for acoustic and electric instruments at live venues set up for electric only bands and the audience wasn't that receptive as you can imagine.
So they only did well at small university gigs and they couldn't make a living that way.

The lead singer became a producer and moved all the way accross the world to my city, Perth. Later he formed a company in Sydney that made comercial music like jingles and soundtracks. I think he's back in the UK now and has played a few gigs with the old bad again :D

last edited on Dec. 21, 2015 7:57PM
Ozoneocean at 8:12PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
Wow! That Gunship track was great :D
The best of the electronica 1980s sound- reverb, harmonious vocals and sparkeling synths. Amazing clip too, love it, very shadorun, cyberpunk. I will be looking for more tracks by these guys. Gotta watch that track again on a bigger screen. ^_^

Whatched it on the biger screen. Great clip. I'm sure that was FULL of references, but the only ones I could get were Blade Runner, Tron (saw Flynns' in the back there), and Neuromancer.

OK, my track:
Mango & SimonIddol - Glitch Punx (Glitch Mob VS The Young Punx)
I've no idea what this is… some sort of mashup. I like music by both groups and I bought this song some time ago because I love the “hyper” feeling it has.
last edited on Dec. 21, 2015 11:54PM
Genejoke at 1:50AM, Dec. 22, 2015
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
That's mashed up all right… not convinced it's a good thing. There's a decent bass line in there somewhere.
My 90s listening continues with menofearthereaper by PWEI
Amelius at 1:58AM, Dec. 22, 2015
posts: 394
joined: 1-6-2004
Whoa I haven't heard Glitch Mob since grooveshark got shut down, it was in heavy rotation on the electronica station! A good VS there, sounds like exactly the kind of music you'd want blasting on full-volume when going to kick some butts (metaphorically or literally). The lyrics especially lend to that mood, a good track for some motivation I'd say! The Young Punx I'm less familiar with, but checking them out now too. (Listening to their track Harlem Breakdown, this is good, yes, very good)
(oh and thanks for the info on Fuschia! Yeah, I can see how that'd hurt their chances getting paired up with the wrong bands, especially with a crowd who's all worked up for some electric guitars going “WHAT, violins? What is this!”)
I'm glad you caught the Shadowrun stuff in there! I'm sure there's a list of the references somewhere, I know for sure the last bit is a direct reference to the Monkey Island games with that rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle.
Alright since I took so long typing I'm just gonna edit in this post! (Sorry Genejoke!)
Pop Will Eat Itself, I name I haven't heard in forever, but I can't remember if I actually heard anything of theirs before! Now I have, and a good tune it was indeed. I'm not gonna pretend I know what to classify that as, alternative industrial maybe? All I know is that would've been exactly the sort of thing I'd burn to a CD and listen to when I was in school, and I'll be giving them a thorough listen as well to see what I've missed out on. Youtube's autoplay should start getting interesting for me I hope!
Hopefully my link doesn't break again haha! Another track that follows the sort of punkland 80's dystopian future motif (with a title that sounds like it's for a Mad Max movie) here's Anarchy Road!
last edited on Dec. 22, 2015 2:11AM
Ozoneocean at 2:56AM, Dec. 23, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
The Carpenter Brut Anarchy Road track sounds like a musical take on futuristic apocalyptic 1980s movies. Not an imagined theme for one of them but a symbolic theme for ALL of them, from Cherry 2000, The Wraith, Robocop, and a host of glorious B movies that were so serious…
It sounds very modern, but it has the skeleton and and blood of the 1980s inside of it. It reminds me a little of INTERSTELLA 5555, in that that's a modern take on a 1970s style disco musical theme for a deliberitely 1970s looking retro animation.


OK, going with the electronica, another massive fave of mine:
Rerezzed. The FAR better remix and video of Daft Punk's Derezzed, by The Glitch Mob… again :D
Genejoke at 4:47PM, Dec. 23, 2015
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
That would be the best version of that song I've heard. I'm not a fan of the original but I like that mix.
I've just found myself listening to the transplants.
I've always liked this band, guess it's the mix of styles but lack of electronics and over production I like.
Ozoneocean at 5:04AM, Dec. 24, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
Not bad. I didn't think much of the vocals at all, but the lyrics were pretty good and the music was very slick and well done. The bkack and white documentary style clip with the creative use of lyric text was prety good too.

It's Christmas Eve now, so the song for that is Fairytale of New York by the Pogues:
Tantz_Aerine at 12:19PM, Dec. 26, 2015
posts: 1,987
joined: 10-11-2006
I hadn't heard this one before! But it really stayed with me. I really like how it turns to a more optimistic christmasy tune. Very optimistic on the whole, tongue-in-cheek and ironic and I like the vid too!
So since this is still the Christmas season I see your Pogue, and raise you some Dropkick Murphy's. I haven't read through the thread yet so if it's already posted I apologise XD
tupapayon at 10:16AM, Dec. 27, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
My kind of humor… and my kind of family…
This is an old song, different version. I kinda like what they did…
Ozoneocean at 7:33PM, Dec. 28, 2015
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
Tantz's Dropkick Murphys clip was great, a good christmas family celebration! Very, very Irish :D

Tupapayon's Sounds of Silence Was pretty sobre and epic. I do not like the clip though, that just didn't fit for me… It was trying to make the songs feeling too much like a nu-metal kind of thing I thought… I liked it better just listening without watching. It was a very powerful performance.


My Music. In honour of the late Lemmy, a great Motorhead track:
The Game
I never really followed Moterhead, the first time I was introduced to them and Lemmy was the 1987 film Eat The Rich. A fantastic movie… I always listened to them here and there but wasn't a fan. I just listened to a few songs now and this one jumped out at me. Very metal, taking big stompy strides in huge black tattered leather boots with many buckles. That's how I'd describe this track.
Genejoke at 1:51AM, Dec. 29, 2015
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
That was sobering news to wake up to. Good track too. I've always admired motorhead, as opposed to be a massive fan. Y'know appreciate the classics and give respect where it's due.
Staying with the Lemmy theme a little hawkwind.
last edited on Dec. 29, 2015 1:53AM
Amelius at 2:40AM, Dec. 29, 2015
posts: 394
joined: 1-6-2004
What, what! Now Lemmy's gone?! Frick, frick! ỌДỌ I too was more of a casual fan of his work as opposed to consuming every bit, but this is upsetting news. RIP Mister Kilmister.
Hawkwind-Silver Machine, a fabulous 70's track. I really enjoy the echoed vocals (I tend to gravitate toward that sound for some reason?) and this would go perfectly in a road trip mixtape. The one and only thing I didn't much care for was what sounded like a child's voice (could be one of the guys singing in a funny voice though?) shouting “Silver Machine” near the outro! It's interesting to hear a less gravelly-voiced Lemmy vocal from his earlier works though. Makes me wish it was Summer and I was out on the road going somewhere! (Because it's a phsychadelic 70's song though it makes me think a Silver Machine is less a cool space rocket and more a van to get high in the back of! Or one of those twinkie-shaped metal campers)

And the bad news reminds me of another band I liked, nay, one of my FAVORITE EVER bands, which lost the frontman years ago and I'm just glad I got to see them in concert once. This song echoes my general sentiment when we lose another talented entertainer! (warning for a loud bang at the start, it comes off a between-tracks bit)
Genejoke at 5:19PM, Dec. 29, 2015
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
Type o negative are one of those bands who have always been just outside my sphere of listening. When I've heard them I've kind of liked them but never really embraced them at all. I like that song, quite apt too.
I give you an acoustic offering from one of my favourite singers. Paul Miro.
Ozoneocean at 11:31PM, Jan. 4, 2016
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
Like Genejoke Type O was also only on the fringes of my awareness byt I did like that song. Nice and dark. I appreciate a singer with a powerful voice.

Genejoke, I loved the guitar playing, that was amazing! Nice song, good recording. I really wish I had more good accoustic stuff like tha on my playlists to listen to. Something about the raw, bare bonesness of it is so natural and appealing.

Here's mine:
STP, the original recording session (or one of them), for Pretty Penny for the Purple album. One of my fave tracks on the CD back then in the early '90s.
Gunwallace at 12:10AM, Jan. 5, 2016
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
Well, that got my feet tapping. Nice.
In he spirit of one room recordings, here's the Barenaked Ladies (well, two of them) in a bathroom.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
Genejoke at 4:12PM, Jan. 5, 2016
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010
Two narenaked ladies in the bathroom??? Im there….
Awesome song given a great performance good pick.
To get away from acoustic. . I give you killing joke pandemonium.
Love the sound of the guitars on this song.
Ozoneocean at 8:57PM, Jan. 5, 2016
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
I like the Eastern sound they include there all through. lots of Arab style musical sounds in the background. Obviously samples, but good ones, it adds a lot of texture, depth, and spice to the driving rhythms of their heavy sound.

Love that Bare naked ladies thing too. Will always be a fave song of mine due in large part to the original clip.

OK, here you go: Tech Nior by Gunship.
Amelius posted that other great song by Gunship. I'd heard this one earlier but didn't realise it was the same group. It has a GREAT clip, but it detracts from the song a bit because it's so distracting.
Genejoke at 5:13AM, Jan. 11, 2016
posts: 4,210
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That track is everything it is supposed to be. Pure eighties. I like.
Well seeing as Bowie passed away I guess it would be rude not to be listening to his music.
The original.
and a cover version I like.
Ozoneocean at 2:34AM, Jan. 12, 2016
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
The original Bowie version of Unwashed
People always call Boiwe a trendsetter but it's only because he stood out in popularity. Looked at in context the music he produced was always in keeping with the time- though he definitely LOOKED better doing it than anyone else.

The performance is great. I love the sound, especially the harmonica. It's fun and catchy and full of energy. A real gem of a song from his early, more naturalistic period.

The performance by Apes Pigs and Spacemen has a very different feel. Their style gives it a more threatening, dangerous sound, which works. It's nice when people put a different spin on things and it works out. I prefer the original but I don't hate their version.


This is Icehouse with Crazy
The man has an EPIC mullet. The clip is everything I thought was stylish and sophisticated when I was a little kid XD
last edited on Jan. 12, 2016 2:36AM
Ozoneocean at 5:59AM, March 19, 2016
posts: 28,810
joined: 1-2-2004
I have to comment on my OWN song choice… the infamy! :(

Crazy is a great song, the guy who picked it for this thread was obviously a supergenius. What a lovely piece of 1980s Australian music with cool outfits and a horrible mullet.
Iver Davies was like a proto-ozoneocean.


My current song choice is Your Time is Gonna Come by Led Zeppelin:

This was a very early song for them, but it sounds more like something by a much more mature, together group- which goes to show how well they clicked. Every band member has a major part in it: Beautiful organ music by Jones, amazing acoustic and steel slide by Page, big bold drums by Bonham, and amazing lilting yet strong vocals by Plant.

The recording is lovely, but my fave part are the lyrics- a jilted young man who's basically whining pathetically about his unfaithful girlfriend.
“You don't respect me and you sleep around, you've pretty much left me… well I'll show you, I'll stop hanging around and leave you too! One day… I swear. One of these days I'm gonna go… I am. That'll show you. Yeah.”
Sway at 11:45PM, March 19, 2016
posts: 32
joined: 1-29-2015
It's hard to say anything new about Led Zeppelin which hasn't been seen before by a hundred other people, and often in better words. But I will say this: there really hasn't been anything like them since. Even the bands that try to replicate their sound or tone seem to fall short. There's just something there in that group of guys that makes creating auditory atmosphere seem easy.

I've been listening to a lot of John Carpenter stuff lately. Most people know him from his filmography (which I am also a huge fan of), but fewer recognize him for his amazing songwriting accomplishments. When Carpenter was at his prime, nobody could make genre movies like him: Halloween, Escape From New York, They Live, and their ilk are indelible classics. Yet many of those films also had equally iconic scores, many composed by Carpenter himself. Carpenter is almost seventy years old and just released an album of unreleased themes earlier this year. They are all, unsurprisingly, incredible. If you like his other stuff, you should definitely check it out.

Assault on Precinct 13 (main title):
last edited on March 19, 2016 11:48PM
Genejoke at 7:21AM, March 21, 2016
posts: 4,210
joined: 4-9-2010

Most of John carpenters soundtracks are great, except ghosts of Mars because that was the worst thing about the film. This is a great track.

I'm listening to the latest album from Therapy? I've not heard these guys since the late 90s but us a good album.

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