
Talk about your remix!
reidavidson at 7:56AM, Aug. 31, 2007
posts: 177
joined: 1-29-2007
Oh and Marine, sometimes I think you have the kindergarten boy syndrome. That is, you piss people off, make them want to hit you and possibly at times hurt them, then expect love and attention for it. Like a small boy might harass a girl he likes in order to get her attention and make her like him.

I'll admit without shame that, yes, as soon as I saw your name in the remix, I suspected bad things. And yes, as soon as I saw your remix, I felt these fears had been confirmed.

A lot of people are saying “well as long as the original artist likes it…” but, while I'm glad he does, I'd hate to think that someone who wanted to have a properly drawn comic got you next time and you just pulled something like that.

And I know you seem to think you're actual drawn version was bad, but if you weren't satisfied with that, why didn't you try a different style? Adding more to it, like AQua_ng did on mine? Using new characters? I mean, all I did was redo Fern's comic in my own style and KoS said it was one of his favorites (which made me feel warm and fuzzy *clings to Kos*).

Whether your intentions were good or not, I don't know. Frankly, the boy's cried wolf too many times in your case.

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
reidavidson at 7:58AM, Aug. 31, 2007
posts: 177
joined: 1-29-2007
I started my remix a week after we were supposed to say which comic we were doing (I'll assume I was the first to turn mine in, since it was first on the site?).

You were the first to tell me which strip you were going to do. The first person to send me a finished comic was…idunno, either fern or darthmongoose. I got a couple, like, a day after the assignements were sent out
Oh yeah, I knew I didn't finish mine first. XDD I just meant turning in which one I was gonna do.

I finished mine llllaaaaate.

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
VegaX at 10:27AM, Aug. 31, 2007
posts: 617
joined: 4-28-2006
Now, i initially meant to do a normal panel page but i found it troublesome since Sage of “blip” uses so many small panels. I'm used to drawing big panels with lots of detail and when i did a quick storyboard for the remix it came out as two pages. I decided id just go for the thing i love to do and that is montage pages that tell the story in a few bigger panels. Frankly i think the original Blip makes more sense and my version feels a bit confusing if read as a stand alone piece. It lacks some explaining stuff that i couldn't fit into one page.

Oh and Marine, sometimes I think you have the kindergarten boy syndrome. That is, you piss people off, make them want to hit you and possibly at times hurt them, then expect love and attention for it. Like a small boy might harass a girl he likes in order to get her attention and make her like him.
Marine is, and has always been, a compulsive lier. During the years i have been at DD he has always talked his mouth off. Even IF he actually DID spend as much time and thought on that page i wouldn't believe it. He is after attention, in whatever form it comes and i just find it so tiresome when he signs up for every community project there is and always turn in the same “edgy and funny” result. *yawn*

EDIT: ….and i just got a PM from marine where he states that: “I get the feeling that you don't like me”


last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Ozoneocean at 12:53AM, Dec. 22, 2007
posts: 28,828
joined: 1-2-2004
The forum needs reviving!
I love doing these things. The two I've done so far I knock them of in a day or less and I have great fun at it :)
My own comic takes forever and gets more dull each time, but the remixes are a great break from that! All the hard work is already done, all I have to do is make my own version and I can let loose and be creative doing whatever I like. It's a whole load of FUN ^__^
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PIT_FACE at 10:59AM, Dec. 24, 2007
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
agreed!i'm so curios and excited about this, i'm literaly a “kid at christmas”.heh heh heh. man i cant wait!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
usedbooks at 6:36AM, Dec. 25, 2007
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Comments for 4.0! (Forum, you will live again! :) )

I was assigned to remix Magick for this round. I'd never read that comic before, but I remembered the page from last round, because I found it especially witty in the writing and violent in story (and I like a bit of witty violence). I started looking through the comic and stopped on this flashback scene – and this page in particular. I'm pretty sure I chose it because I like to draw blood and big knives. I also had a pretty vivid image of a full body picture of Loki for the first panel.

I decided to make my remix a touch more serious in tone than the original. I liked the creepiness of the situation. (It reminded me of Practical Magic.) I chose to put it all on a black background for the sake of mood, and faded and irregular panel borders give it an eerie/surreal feel. (And I did cut a line for the sake of creepiness. ^_^; ) My favorite part of the page is the last picture. I actually had a complete background colored and ready for that panel, but in a last minute decision, I decided to crop the picture very closely around Kate, so she appears right out of the darkness with a sort of “glow” around her. I also like the facial expression and blood splatters. It was all very fun to draw, and I'm really happy with how this turned out. (I surprised myself a little.)
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
kingofsnake at 10:27AM, Dec. 25, 2007
posts: 1,374
joined: 9-27-2006
When I first got my remix assignments I had planned to do Red Moon in Modern Day Witchdoctor style, and Wolf in the slightly more realistic Children at Play style. I had already designed Wolf characters in MDW style for an earlier trade, and Tantz being one of my only vocal MDW fans, I didn't want it to seem like that factored into my decision (which clearly it was, only in reverse.) But I wasn't very familiar with Red Moon, so I had to read through it a couple times, once just to familiarize myself with the story and the characters, and another time with “how can I remix this” in mind. So I had a few pages picked, some I would do straight and some that I would use the script in a new and interesting way. I'd never done that before, sometimes I've run with a joke without adding further dialogue, but I'd never flat out changed something, and I kinda wanted too. I liked the idea that the “feeling something wierd” was Godzilla stepping on a person, and frankly I'd just read a bunch of dinosaur comics like a week or so before this so that factored into it I'm sure. Now, I've had the character of Mexican Godzilla kicking around in my head for years, but I've never really had a chance to run with it, or really develop it fully, so the leap from godzilla to mexican godzilla, in my brain, was a small one. Originally he was part of a storyline in Children at Play where godzilla attacked, and so we fled to Mexico, and then mexican godzilla attacked and he was the same as regular godzilla except he wore a sombrero, and so we fled back to new hampshire. It was rejected as being “funny, but too crazy.” Making him more of a light-hearted cartoon character, however, just seemed to click for me. All his dialogue should be Spanish, of course, but I didn't want to break the rules of the project. Since starting this project I have even more of a background to his crazy cartoon world now, including side characters and nemisi.

That decision having been made I could no longer do Wolf in C@P style, then I wouldn't have a comic in MDW style. To me Wolf pages can be categorized in two major types “talking” pages and “action” pagegs (and I don't mean to break down Tantz's involving story so simply, but in deciding what page to do that really was a factor.) Tantz has been so awesome in the past that I wanted to do the best work that I could. Plus, now that I new I was doing it in MDW style a predominately “talking” page, to me, was no longer an option. MDW is a very slow building strip, but it was important to me to show that it *could* be action packed(to myself, if no one else,) and Wolf was a great opportuinty to do that. Unfortunately, at first, I had a lot of trouble getting the character models to work from some more dramatic angles, because I wasn't really that familiar with them. I had to draw a few panels of a different strip in MDW style to get the models down, patcilarily Zoe, before working on the strip I was planning to do. The thrid panel had a different inking style that I impliment in darker work, but very rarely, because it's time consuming, wherein I ink alot of my pencil sketch lines. The biggest issue I had was getting the flow of this comic to work properly, and I'm still no 100% happy with it. At one point I was considering breaking it into two pages. Tantz always has so much going on in one page, it's hard to manipulate the panel layout and keep everything moving along properly.

Dracco was a late entry, and helped pick up the slack for some mid-round drop outs. Rather than try to find someone to remix him, I figured I'd just do it myself. I'm always asking other people to do extra work, it's only right that I suck it up and do some myself. Like Fish in Water offers a challenge because, theres only so many ways you can draw fish, and Andy from caggage pretty much hit a home run in round one. So rather than do a poor attempt to draw the fish in my style, it wasn't a big leap to use mexican godzilla a second time, I was already kinda enamored with the character. And the TV Star strip just clicked, because it really made the whole thing seem, to me, like it wasn't a remix at all, like it was it's own strip and that Mexican Godzilla was just a fan of Like Fish in Water. Eddie and Fern's appearance was an accident really that came out of the coloring phase. I colored eddie's shirt red, and had made him a white guy, but then was like “he can't be a white guy that doesn't make any sense, this is mexican godzilla, he should be mexican.” So I darkened up his skin tone and thought “That kinda looks like eddie, I should make this dude getting stomped on fern!” and i did. Really I think of the to Mexican Godzilla strips, that the Like Fish in Water came out far better.
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AQua_ng at 1:37PM, Dec. 25, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
To be honest, I've never heard of One Shot. But it was a very well done comic. I was kind of like ‘WTF?’ when they changed from one story to another, paying no notice to the big clue in the title. Nevertheless, I found the archives a good read.

Originally, I was looking for a page, which I could just be flippant about, similar to the thing I did for my previous remixes. But then, I kind of screwed the rules when I found out that this may be the last remix, so I wanted to do something original and unique. At first, I was going to do a live action version of a page. However, I could find any that was possible for me to do (reasons shall remain undefined in order to keep my dignity).

'Screw it, I'll just animate something, that's kind of original'.

Worth it.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
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Tantz_Aerine at 2:50PM, Dec. 25, 2007
posts: 1,989
joined: 10-11-2006
Putrid Meat was a challenge for me- because it is so unusual in content compared to what I usually do. Pit Face already had a great feel of these two guys and their environment, and I felt a little out of the water as to what to do. I read through the comic enough to get a feel of their attitude and behavior, and then decided to make a page ‘flipped’, as in, told from the point of view of the one of the two characters which was not on the focus.

I had great fun with it, drawing a guy that is very comfortable in a really messy room being himself pretty messy, and I tried to see just how much I could bend a mouth's shape out of …eh, shape lol! Anyway, I tried to make it slightly funny, and switch to Puke, and I think it is at least remix material ;)

Le Farce's remix was something completely unplanned. KoS needed someone to pick up the remix, and I took it, while unbeknownst to me, the day I was planning to make the page was going to be LOADED with insane work. So I drew it today, from memory while I was listening and attending to more business, and just before I was ready to scan it, I checked for dialogue accuracy.

Le Farce's pages are really busy and have several panels. It took a little thought to have them merged into fewer panels to fit my style better and still keep the insane violence level at the same notch lol! So I had the guy straddling mr. Fergalicious and beating him to a pulp with the microphone. I also made the panels wonky, not straight as I usually make them. It was fun- stressed fun, but fun nonetheless.

Sorry for the slight delay, by the way, KoS ;)
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Kxela at 3:29PM, Dec. 25, 2007
posts: 222
joined: 1-7-2006
If there's one thing I really liked about this project it was that I pretty much
forced me to read an entire comic archieve, big or small.

Its been a while since I last ran into a comic longer than mine… and incredibly
colored no less ^^;

20 Galaxies was a pleasure to read and to remix. I've always liked super power comics :D Although I was a bit disappointed to hit the lastest page of the comic.
I WANNA READ MORE OF IT!!! (…@_@ need to update my comics myself..)

Anyways… For the last 3 remix's I colored the remix if it was in color… but this
time I dunno… I didnt think my coloring would do the original page justice… so I
stuck to my black and white style… I used gray scale markers like I did in the first
two pages of Nightmares cure :3

It was fun, I enjoyed this entire project :D
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reidavidson at 5:51PM, Dec. 26, 2007
posts: 177
joined: 1-29-2007
When KOS said I got Lost Invisible, I had to laugh. Not only do I read Lost Invisible, I have for like two years. And I gave him a pretty detailed 3rd anniversary picture.

As you can see, Vaine is my favorite character. XD

Alex and I had been trading fanart for awhile, so I was a little sad that there was little I could do that he hadn't already seen from me. Selecting the page wasn't difficult either. I'm shocked he didn't know it was me from the start. The page had no one but Vaine in it besides the kitty and JerkFace McGee in the last panel (who I opted not to draw. *fumes at him*)

If there had been a page that consisted of just Cody and Vaine I totally woulda done that one.

So anyway, I picked my page and sent it and nearly immediately rough sketched my page, then did my official pencils. Then, as usual, I procrastinated.

Then, I pulled out my scanner to scan something else and realized I'd CRACKED the effin GLASS on my poor scanner. My face looked like this > DDDD:

I ordered a new one but I realized pretty quickly it wasn't going to arrive in time, so I got out the tablet and opened Flash and did it over again in Flash. ^^; Thus the lack of detail I usually do. u.u *shame* However, I think the kitty turned out cute and I got to draw Vaine. :D

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CZweig at 10:37AM, Dec. 28, 2007
posts: 101
joined: 2-11-2006
^ Jerkface McGee *gigglesnort*

I guess I'm in a similar boat to Rei; I've been a fan of my remixed comic, The Reborn, for a while now. I was pretty excited about it, but at the same time, somewhat nervous. It's the first time I ever remixed a comic I had even so much as a passing familiarity with; I don't know why that made me nervous, but I always get that way around new concepts…

I had wanted to pick a page that would make sense without really being familiar with the comic (ie, not one in the middle of a conversation haha) but would still be interesting and fun to remix. … I… guess I didn't include “pick a page that doesn't make Adrian look like a creepy stalker” in that criteria *facepalm*

So, I picked my page pretty early (for once), started in on the panelling… and then everything went wrong haha. I'm not going to go into too many of the boring tl;dr details, but I definitely got my remix in later than I'd wanted to (see: I was rushing in on the morning of the 18th).

The biggest hurdle for me, probably, (aside from, you know, getting it done on time) was making sure Angela didn't look too much like BTRN's female lead, Jennifer. I still feel like I failed at this part, sometimes; every time I look at that middle panel, I can't help but go “:/”. I guess I have Takeshi Ohbata syndrome: I can only draw a few separate faces for each gender. No this is not a good thing; back to people-watching for me.

Overall, it was a really fun experience – not just the whole “drawing a comic I like” thing, but the entire Comic Remix project! *mushy mushy mushy* – and I'm really glad I got to take part :)
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Kxela at 4:26PM, Dec. 28, 2007
posts: 222
joined: 1-7-2006
you coulda just tossed Cody in to the page if you wanted :P lol

I just didnt expect to have someone I know remix my comic XD;;
well, I did get assigned Mastermind BTRN for the first remix…
but I didnt think it'd happen again…

but the Flash page looked pretty cool ^^
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kingofsnake at 11:20AM, Dec. 29, 2007
posts: 1,374
joined: 9-27-2006
I didnt think it'd happen again…

I only keep track of what people drew and who drew them in the previous round. The people who they drew two or three rounds prior were always tossed back into the hat, so to speak. This isn't the first time people have been paired up more than once. I drew Teenage Wasteland in round one, and Fern was assigned to MDW in round three. I'm sure there were others that I just can't recall. With sixty odd participants each round over four rounds, it's not surprising some people got matched up multiple times.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
PIT_FACE at 2:44PM, Jan. 5, 2008
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
ahh, little late i guess for o comment, but what the hell.

it was hard to pick what page to do for AHAHA cuase there's just tons of variety, there's something different going on on almost every page, interesting characters, weird writing. i mean basicaly if i wanted to do something high in action i could, something about the relationship between the characters, i could, hell, if i wanted to draw a tar man with a leaky hose, it was there. but i thought the seer was awesome though and the main characters were there and i think in interpreting something well. it's good to have the main thing of the story in there… and i wanted to draw the h-bomb at the end.

and the rebound one, i just wanted to draw osama skitzin out at the end.haha.

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM

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