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Secret Santa Presents!
Radec at 11:51PM, Dec. 22, 2006
posts: 1,414
joined: 6-18-2006
guys, I'm sorry I had to drop out of the DWC, but if I can clear some time to take on one of the drawings that needs to be done, I'll let you guys know, alright?
Just having alot of thigns pop up recently.
<= dead and buried.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:58PM
Vixus at 4:07PM, Dec. 23, 2006
posts: 51
joined: 10-10-2006
This is for Vixus:

Although it is rather simple, I hope you enjoy it anyway! And yes, you live on the moon. Or mars. Your pick.
Thank you, Mazoo! I am digging the giant lava lamp right now (makes plans to create a real one). As for location, I think the Moon… wouldn't want to stray too far from good ol' Gaia. How did you know I wanted a pet pig? :P

Tending my fruit, tending my fruit
Ah, you've got to have a hobby
A man must have a shed to keep him sane.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:42PM
KomradeDave at 6:26PM, Dec. 23, 2006
posts: 599
joined: 9-26-2006
For Green_Tangerine, Happy Christmas!
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: The Anti Sprite Coalition on fire off the shoulder of Cut and Paste. I watched Top Drawer glitter in the dark near the Forumhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like… tears in the rain.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:20PM
Green_Tangerine at 6:42PM, Dec. 23, 2006
posts: 420
joined: 1-3-2006
For Green_Tangerine, Happy Christmas!

Gah, I came into this thread ready to be all “No present, whine whine bitch bitch”… (To myself of course, I'm not one to bellyache online) But this is awesome! Thanks so much, KomradeDave- you completely broke my funk. :)
Now I need to go find something else to whine and bitch about. Maybe I'll head over to that thread about how sunny and warm it is in Australia, as opposed to everywhere else… Hmm.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:38PM
KomradeDave at 6:56PM, Dec. 23, 2006
posts: 599
joined: 9-26-2006
Glad you like it! I had fun drawing it!
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: The Anti Sprite Coalition on fire off the shoulder of Cut and Paste. I watched Top Drawer glitter in the dark near the Forumhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like… tears in the rain.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:20PM
The mediocre one at 9:51PM, Dec. 23, 2006
posts: 846
joined: 1-15-2006
I'm sorry green, i"m your S.S that I've had horrible drawing block, I need one day to make the picture un-suck otherwise it looks like I drew it with my teeth. Sorry >_<
Paper Mache Cataclysm
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:15PM
Tantz_Aerine at 7:33AM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
Here you go, bobo_81! Happy Holidays! You didn't request anything specific, so here's the semi-functional family of sorcerers (and a paladin) from my Art of Veiling books, wishing you season's greetings! And in modern day clothes!

I hope you like it- I had fun drawing this.


…and this concludes my art duties for 2006! Heheh woot!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:06PM
bobo_81 at 12:32PM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 8
joined: 1-14-2006
Thanks, Tantz Aerine (btw, is your name supposed to rhyme with tangerine, or is it all in my head?)

Anyway, it looks great and now I can feel special cuz I gots me present!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:30AM
Tantz_Aerine at 1:15PM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
No bobo_81, it most definitely is not all in your head ;) You are one of the few to actually get the play of sounds there. Kudos!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:06PM
Miruku at 1:45PM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 69
joined: 1-18-2006

Oh, my, I didn't see where to post presents until just now…hopefully I won't go on the bad list…I'm sorry!

Anyways, this one is for Ian Jay; featuring an “earthworm that wakes up one morning to find that it can fly.” I had fun with it, and I hope it's what you were going for(even though the one that whoever it was that made another version of it did is much much prettier).
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:02PM
Zac at 12:44AM, Dec. 25, 2006
posts: 1,311
joined: 10-14-2006
Here's Magnus's present as it is now!

Magnus, I can color it if you'd like! I just didn't know the character colors..
It was kinda hard doing your fan art cause you didn't have that many pages T_T
I hope you like it!

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:53PM
magnus911 at 10:33AM, Dec. 25, 2006
posts: 83
joined: 11-17-2006
Thanks! That is awesomeness x 2385235870534762380. It doesn't matter to me if you color it, I like it just the same! Thanks a lot!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
Mazoo at 11:32AM, Dec. 25, 2006
posts: 599
joined: 1-2-2006
Here's to you, Dynamic!

She did SO much work in helping me out with running this Secret Santa, and I really appreciate everything she did for me. Thank you soooo much Dynamic! So here's your present, a picture of the Twins! Gwen seems like the kinda chick who would be a scenster or something along those lines.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:56PM
Dynamic at 6:16PM, Dec. 25, 2006
posts: 115
joined: 9-16-2006
Here's to you, Dynamic!


She did SO much work in helping me out with running this Secret Santa, and I really appreciate everything she did for me. Thank you soooo much Dynamic! So here's your present, a picture of the Twins! Gwen seems like the kinda chick who would be a scenster or something along those lines.

Oh my god I totally love it! It's awesome, and yeah she kinda is, we'll be seeing a bit more of it fairly soon actually.

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou You rock!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:18PM
Radec at 12:27AM, Dec. 27, 2006
posts: 1,414
joined: 6-18-2006
I'm sad.

I still haven't gotten my present…
<= dead and buried.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:58PM
Toadman at 7:55AM, Dec. 27, 2006
posts: 421
joined: 1-5-2006
Neither have I, Radec. Sadness overwhelms me…
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:31PM
Dynamic at 9:41AM, Dec. 27, 2006
posts: 115
joined: 9-16-2006

Toadman, you did recieve your gift, it's on page 3 about half way down. It's an external link you have to click on to get it rather than uploading it to the page. And for the record, it was given on the 17th.


Albert Einstein and Bob Saget as The Blues Brothers

It's kinda big so yeah. Anyway, have a great Christmas Toadman! Check out Toadman's comic, The Wasteland Circus. It's pretty awesome.

I posted this now because I'm leaving for California on the 19th, and I didn't want to forget this present and become a Deadbeat.

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:18PM
Radec at 11:49AM, Dec. 27, 2006
posts: 1,414
joined: 6-18-2006
Oh, well
It's alright, I guess.

I can still be happy for everyone who got the presents they liked! :D
<= dead and buried.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:58PM
Toadman at 4:45PM, Dec. 28, 2006
posts: 421
joined: 1-5-2006
I…wait, wha? I must have totally missed that…boy, do I feel stupid. Thanks verily, magnus911! I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this down, but I'm sure it was something close to that!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:31PM
Nyx at 8:50PM, Dec. 28, 2006
posts: 54
joined: 1-2-2006
I've never felt like more of a jerk… what is it, the 28th? That… is so unbelievably lame. Radec, you seriously deserve a present. I should've quit the DWC back when I knew I wouldn't be able to finish. So …I'm really, really sorry. Also, your request could've ended up so much more awesome then it did and I'm hoping you'll still like it anyways.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:19PM
Radec at 9:50PM, Dec. 28, 2006
posts: 1,414
joined: 6-18-2006
Oh, dont worry about it, Nyx!

it was TOTALLY worth the wait.

I love the picture!
<= dead and buried.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:58PM
Vaoni at 2:01PM, Dec. 30, 2006
posts: 108
joined: 6-10-2006
Alrighty, i was bobo_81's secret santa and i feel so so so bad that im really late ><
im so sorry! my life has been nothing but work and sleep lately.
seriously.. been so bad i havent even been eating very well.

but enough of that! no one needs to hear it.

im sorry its kinda messy :s my computer drawings always are O.< and i cant find my favourite pencil to do it by hand :(

hope you like it though. sorry again :(

- Updated! 1.10.06
“You'd never get a cat to be a servant. You ever see a cat return a stick? ”Hey man! You threw the stick, you go get it yourself! I'm busy! If you wanted the stick so bad, why'd you throw it away in the first place?"
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:39PM
bobo_81 at 5:04PM, Jan. 1, 2007
posts: 8
joined: 1-14-2006
It's alright, sometimes messy is good.
That picture oozes awesomeness, thanks!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:30AM
chary at 12:28PM, Jan. 4, 2007
posts: 14
joined: 1-8-2006
I'm back from my holidays, so I came to check directly ^^.

I must say, Lsnewton, that must be the awesomest, greatest picture I've seen ^^. I love how you did the cookies, and the elephant, everything really ^^. Especially the cookie in the top left corner xD.

Generic Human: I'm glad you liked it ^^.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:40AM

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