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Mafia game: Expanded Edition signups
harkovast at 8:16AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,200
joined: 10-12-2008
i'm deliberately not sporting a moustache.
Hitler, Stalin, Sadam all had them and they were all not NEARLY evil enough!
A bunch of sell outs and goody goodies!
Vote Vast and you will get some seriously insano evil!
Don't settle for second best when it comes to your all powerful dark over lord (or major as it is occasionally known)!

For more Harkovast related goings on, go to the Harkovast Forum
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:42PM
leaderofstars at 9:54AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
vote for me

death to hitler
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
Hakoshen at 9:56AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 2,090
joined: 11-23-2008
*EDIT* Forward: I assume all this campaigning isn't really for anything yet. I mean, I just threw up that poster yesterday as a gag, not thinking anyone would reply since we don't know who's a townie and who's mafia yet. But now… now I can't stop. And so…

My opponent Harkovast thinks it funny to wing such hurtful words as “newbie” and “diet” around like playthings, since he has no appreciation for the finer points of madness. Well I, good people, abhor the use of the “N-word”, but I will not condemn my opponent for it, for these are his beliefs and he is entitled to them. Perhaps you want more of the same, lackluster chaos. Sure, some people cried, some peopel died, and a lot of people hanged. But it was all so… peaceful. Well, I can't condemn him for being a closet pacifist with your bests interest at heart.

What I WILL condemn is his policies! There was chaos and murder in the streets yes, but look at how many innocents died in the process! How many suffered the hangman's noose when they were good, honest people? How long did the Mafia run wild? He was not even in charge, and look at what his effort wrought!

He claims I am but a sliver, a fragment of his presence. Well I agree! Harkovast is a man…cat…knight creature of excess and hubris! I however will cut the fat and keep the flavor! I will slaughter my enemies like a wolf among lambs, and the mafioso will quake with fear, and all without the grotesque over spending and taxation as proposed by my opponent.

And my opponent with the cardboard mecha. See how easily he opts into open warfare against me, but what weapons he chooses to do so with? My opponents are numerous and vengeful, but I will show them, and the mafia, the true definition of bloodshed. I can't promise to put a mech in your garage, but I can promise you that they will be made of sterner stuff. You want a mecha of ferro fibrous armor and endo-steel? You want gundanium? My good people, it WILL happen, and you will build them with your own two hands in one of my many labor camp factories!

I guarantee you this people. There will be utter chaos. There will be madness. There will be anarchy. And these will all lead us to a brighter tomorrow, one illuminated by the fires of our enemie's corpses! STAND UP, my citizens! Stand up, grab a brick, and throw it as far and hard as you can!

The time for revolution has come! The time for war is at hand! The time for madness is nigh!

Utter chaos.

Hakoshen 09

(PS Hark, omg, you nearly got me fired. I was reading that while talking to a client and almost burst out laughing in his face while he was talking about his divorce.)
God needed the Devil, the Beatles needed the Rolling Stones, Hakoshen needs me.
I'm the enemy he requires to define him.
Soon or later, he'll bring me back to life again for another epic encounter of shouting about power levels and grimacing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:40PM
Niccea at 10:03AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
THat is what you get for being on during work. I have a good poker face though. I just look like I'm typing out notes in this boring class. But I feel insulted. You didn't post a rebuttal against me. T_T Am I not a major contender?

-Edit- My Speech:

I would like to announce my will to run for mayor of Townston. I may have been the godmother, but I have been reformed. Ignore the casino chips hanging from my pockets, I tell you. They are old.

As mayor, I promise not to overuse my power against my people or use cheap intimidation tactics to root out mafia.

I'm tired of writing history. Let me make it!

Paid for by the Niccea for Corrupt Government Official campaign.

Also! Send me your posters or permission and I will put them up. This includes the first round.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
leaderofstars at 10:07AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
vote me for prez-mayor-thing-whatever

or face my accounant

he'll slice n dice n pump you full of lead
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
waff at 10:08AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 1,486
joined: 10-18-2008
*EDIT* Forward: I assume all this campaigning isn't really for anything yet. I mean, I just threw up that poster yesterday as a gag, not thinking anyone would reply since we don't know who's a townie and who's mafia yet. But now… now I can't stop. And so…

And my opponent with the cardboard mecha. See how easily he opts into open warfare against me, but what weapons he chooses to do so with? My opponents are numerous and vengeful, but I will show them, and the mafia, the true definition of bloodshed. I can't promise to put a mech in your garage, but I can promise you that they will be made of sterner stuff. You want a mecha of ferro fibrous armor and endo-steel? You want gundanium? My good people, it WILL happen, and you will build them with your own two hands in one of my many labor camp factories!

I guarantee you this people. There will be utter chaos. There will be madness. There will be anarchy. And these will all lead us to a brighter tomorrow, one illuminated by the fires of our enemie's corpses! STAND UP, my citizens! Stand up, grab a brick, and throw it as far and hard as you can!
Me neither (I want to stop and save myself for when I get my role) so the open warfare is just my way of having fun, that and I don't think people want to be in forced labor camps.
I say we stop campaigning for now and have a good, old fashioned and polite scrap. say leader do you want your accountant to have first crack.

'there is no “overkill” there is only “open fire” and “time to reload” rule #37
the things on my box are a dead squirell, a medal and a paper bag hat.
ow! I have shards of the fourth wall in my eye!
WAFF-MAN!! as of mafia VI
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:43PM
Niccea at 10:15AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
Technically we weren't supposed to be campaigning. But humorman should know better than to leave us bored. We are dangerous when restless.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Hakoshen at 10:15AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 2,090
joined: 11-23-2008
Well, you didn't… you know, attack me. As in with a missile or hurtful words. But since you asked, just insert the following up there somewhere.

And lo, the deposed former Godfather/mother now makes her bid. I ask you, what does she know of corruption? What does she know of evil? Why, she knows everything! And that is why we cannot let her take control!

Think about it people. Darth Vader. Hitler. Michael Jackson. Evil as sin itself but what did they all want? ORDER. Don't vote for lawful evil. Vote for CHAOTIC GOOD. If Niccea is mayor, I can guarantee you that we will all suffer without purpose. She'll embezzle your funds, sell your grandchildren cocaine and buy fancy robots with taxpayer money. But for what? To oppress you? I'll do all that, but I will liberate you instead!

The tragic, fragile peace is at an end. It is time for a darker day. A time for a crusade of blood.

Utter chaos.

Hakoshen 09
God needed the Devil, the Beatles needed the Rolling Stones, Hakoshen needs me.
I'm the enemy he requires to define him.
Soon or later, he'll bring me back to life again for another epic encounter of shouting about power levels and grimacing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:40PM
Niccea at 10:17AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
My money goes to the poor I tell you! …ok fine…I lost all my money in the casino in a box enabling the purchase of Waff's mech.

^^ Yaya! I had a anti-Niccea post! Woohoo!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
leaderofstars at 10:21AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
vote for me i'm the only one who had experience in dealing with large amounts of people who don't seem to get that the indoor plants ain't a damn toilet!! they should use the outside tree! it costs money to replace those plants! if i can lead trained stupid minions to create a engine thats runs on water i can lead unarmed, untrained civilians to destroy this mafia. *kills a minion*

i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
waff at 10:23AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 1,486
joined: 10-18-2008
If Niccea is mayor, I can guarantee “that she'll” buy fancy robots with taxpayer money.
my box mech isn't that fancy, 'sides most of nicceas money went buy more fancy casino stuff from leaderofstars, I mostly scavenged for my box mech. although the park comitee have put up a “have you seen this…” ad for thier rubbish-bin.
But for what? To oppress you? I'll do all that, but I will liberate you instead!
so you'll lead a resistance against yourself? boy that'll be confusing.
vote for me i'm the only one who had experience in dealing with large amounts of people who don't seem to get that the indoor plants ain't a damn toilet!! they should use the outside tree! it costs money to replace those plants! if i can lead trained stupid minions to create a engine thats runs on water i can lead unarmed, untrained civilians to destroy this mafia. *kills a minion*
no I meant physically attack me what with swords and guns not words. *launches missles at a nearby postbox*

'there is no “overkill” there is only “open fire” and “time to reload” rule #37
the things on my box are a dead squirell, a medal and a paper bag hat.
ow! I have shards of the fourth wall in my eye!
WAFF-MAN!! as of mafia VI
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:43PM
leaderofstars at 10:26AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
fine elect me to mayor and my minions shall make battle mechs for everybody

i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
odysseus55 at 10:28AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 220
joined: 10-3-2008
*EDIT* Forward: I assume all this campaigning isn't really for anything yet. I mean, I just threw up that poster yesterday as a gag, not thinking anyone would reply since we don't know who's a townie and who's mafia yet. But now… now I can't stop. And so…

My opponent Harkovast thinks it funny to wing such hurtful words as “newbie” and “diet” around like playthings, since he has no appreciation for the finer points of madness. Well I, good people, abhor the use of the “N-word”, but I will not condemn my opponent for it, for these are his beliefs and he is entitled to them. Perhaps you want more of the same, lackluster chaos. Sure, some people cried, some peopel died, and a lot of people hanged. But it was all so… peaceful. Well, I can't condemn him for being a closet pacifist with your bests interest at heart.

What I WILL condemn is his policies! There was chaos and murder in the streets yes, but look at how many innocents died in the process! How many suffered the hangman's noose when they were good, honest people? How long did the Mafia run wild? He was not even in charge, and look at what his effort wrought!

He claims I am but a sliver, a fragment of his presence. Well I agree! Harkovast is a man…cat…knight creature of excess and hubris! I however will cut the fat and keep the flavor! I will slaughter my enemies like a wolf among lambs, and the mafioso will quake with fear, and all without the grotesque over spending and taxation as proposed by my opponent.

And my opponent with the cardboard mecha. See how easily he opts into open warfare against me, but what weapons he chooses to do so with? My opponents are numerous and vengeful, but I will show them, and the mafia, the true definition of bloodshed. I can't promise to put a mech in your garage, but I can promise you that they will be made of sterner stuff. You want a mecha of ferro fibrous armor and endo-steel? You want gundanium? My good people, it WILL happen, and you will build them with your own two hands in one of my many labor camp factories!

I guarantee you this people. There will be utter chaos. There will be madness. There will be anarchy. And these will all lead us to a brighter tomorrow, one illuminated by the fires of our enemie's corpses! STAND UP, my citizens! Stand up, grab a brick, and throw it as far and hard as you can!

The time for revolution has come! The time for war is at hand! The time for madness is nigh!

Utter chaos.

Hakoshen 09

(PS Hark, omg, you nearly got me fired. I was reading that while talking to a client and almost burst out laughing in his face while he was talking about his divorce.)

Oh man! Just what we need: another wordy politico. I like Hark. -HEY- that's catchy. He keeps his hyperbole short and too the point. Besides I think it is time for a knight in shining armor.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:20PM
Ochitsukanai at 10:39AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 979
joined: 6-11-2008
I dunno, Hakoshen is pretty impressive, what with his fancy posters and all those words to go with 'em. I mean, labor camp factories? Sounds pretty OFFICIAL to me.

If only he had a moustache. :(

Always, I wanna be with mew, and make believe with mew
and live in harmony harmony oh nyan
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:20PM
odysseus55 at 10:43AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 220
joined: 10-3-2008
I dunno, Hakoshen is pretty impressive, what with his fancy posters and all those words to go with 'em. I mean, labor camp factories? Sounds pretty OFFICIAL to me.

If only he had a moustache. :(

Awesome 'stache Ochi.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:20PM
waff at 10:45AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 1,486
joined: 10-18-2008
so the way to your collective heart is to make unreasonable promises?. but my campaign is built around 2 things:1)getting rid of the mafia and 2) only making reasonable promises which are possible to complete.
And where are these moustaches coming from?.

'there is no “overkill” there is only “open fire” and “time to reload” rule #37
the things on my box are a dead squirell, a medal and a paper bag hat.
ow! I have shards of the fourth wall in my eye!
WAFF-MAN!! as of mafia VI
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:43PM
Hakoshen at 10:48AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 2,090
joined: 11-23-2008
Who knows.
God needed the Devil, the Beatles needed the Rolling Stones, Hakoshen needs me.
I'm the enemy he requires to define him.
Soon or later, he'll bring me back to life again for another epic encounter of shouting about power levels and grimacing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:40PM
leaderofstars at 10:49AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
time for the chewbacca defense

look at chewie
great the staches have gotten to chewie

i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
Niccea at 10:49AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
*points at Ochi* She started it. She gave my avatar a mustache. Then Gullas got one. Then you and Ody…they are spreading. It is a plague!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
leaderofstars at 10:51AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
i may be evil be at least i don't have a stupid evil frenchie stache
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
waff at 10:52AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 1,486
joined: 10-18-2008
a plague of moustaches…well that tears it. If los isn't gonna fire the opening salvo I will just have to myself.*waff bitch slaps leadrofstar's clone and a couple of his minions with his dead squirell mecha*

'there is no “overkill” there is only “open fire” and “time to reload” rule #37
the things on my box are a dead squirell, a medal and a paper bag hat.
ow! I have shards of the fourth wall in my eye!
WAFF-MAN!! as of mafia VI
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:43PM
leaderofstars at 10:54AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
look at chewie

now lose the stupid ass mustaches
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
odysseus55 at 10:55AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 220
joined: 10-3-2008
a plague of moustaches…well that tears it. If los isn't gonna fire the opening salvo I will just have to myself.*waff bitch slaps leadrofstar's clone and a couple of his minions with his dead squirell mecha*

Waff buddy - maybe you need to lift yer ‘stache a tad…it looks more boobish than ’stacheish
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:20PM
leaderofstars at 10:58AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007

lose the damn mustaches
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
Niccea at 10:59AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
Now lose the stupid ass mustaches
Neva! This 'stache was a gift.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
leaderofstars at 11:00AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007

yes lose the mustache
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
Niccea at 11:05AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
I shall amend my speech: If I'm elected mayor I will insta-lynch LOS on the grounds of being annoying. And then there will be no personal attacks from me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Ochitsukanai at 11:06AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 979
joined: 6-11-2008
You too, Ody! Also, stylish hat you have there.

Leaderofstars, I think you're just bitter because YOU don't have a mustache.

Let me fix that for you.

Always, I wanna be with mew, and make believe with mew
and live in harmony harmony oh nyan
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:20PM
leaderofstars at 11:06AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 737
joined: 5-30-2007
focus on the x-wing

don't vote for niccea
i love being a evil genius. my evil genius code
GTsytVhw+:+d–a1990SA$–p80e100e–iq106ee–NH-:-Lutc -6
read the only true random comic on the duck

power to the offspring
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:30PM
Niccea at 11:07AM, Feb. 16, 2009
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
The people have already voted for me once (granted that was a lynching), I have faith that they will do it again.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM

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