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If your comic had its own game. What genre would it be.
no-longer-active1 at 10:59PM, Feb. 24, 2010
posts: 38
joined: 1-8-2010
I actually do have a online game coming up based on a mini series. Yeah its true, I'm a game programmer over at yoyogames..loved by all. Since I don't develop in 3D, it's a sidescroll shooter with quick time events, voice acting and passable melee.

If it was a commercial game, I guess it would be an open world game similar to the GTA series and it'll have a bunch of DLC episodes so I wouldn't have to make a sequel for the next 10 years lol.

Going through motions while I get my head straight.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:32PM
I wanna be a Marysue at 2:16AM, Feb. 25, 2010
posts: 10
joined: 3-28-2009
My game would be a 2D platformer. Travel around to new locations, face new challenges. Some levels would feature special characters who let you use their abilities as well as your own to pass a level. Bosses will pop up sometimes. Annoying water and ice levels. There'd b co-op multiplayer available too.

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:55PM
PIT_FACE at 6:53PM, Feb. 25, 2010
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
PUTRID MEAT would be a controler nightmare cuz it'd change from a side scroller to a first person game to a 3rd person and all sortsa crazy shit judging on the level and what you had to accomplish. there'd be all sortsa sound baites and stuff in there too. like when bones would get shot up he'd be like “aw shit!” and stuff like that. it'd be really interactive like halo and GTA too. you could steal shit and use different things for all sortsa different uses and reactions and of corse there'd be plenty of gross and dirty stuff. it'd be cool to even have some other characters from different DD comics show up. some that help ya, some ya gotta kill.switch characters in some parts. it'd be a coniption of killer stuff.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:45PM
alexcat321 at 7:50AM, Feb. 26, 2010
posts: 90
joined: 4-16-2009
TINA THE KNIGHT would most definitely be Action Adventure. I'd love to see this comic turned into a game. That's an awesome dream come true!

here's my deviant art: add me!

last edited on July 14, 2011 10:48AM
no-longer-active1 at 4:18PM, March 2, 2010
posts: 38
joined: 1-8-2010
I wanna be a Marysue

Somehow..I could see Baby Aliens being a real video games on the DS.
Going through motions while I get my head straight.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:32PM
Djeinus at 5:20PM, March 4, 2010
posts: 201
joined: 9-27-2007
Miranda would be an H-game. Definitely.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:12PM
Aurora Moon at 5:29PM, March 4, 2010
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
Magical Mania would definitely become an fighting game with an plot, sorta like how Soul excubliar II and III was like. nothing like attractive babes beating up each other with martial arts and magic.

Endless Dream would be an adventure rpg.

Aurorean Tales would be a mixture between rpg and a dating sim. :P
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:10AM
Ozoneocean at 6:52PM, March 4, 2010
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Aurora Moon
Endless Dream would be an adventure rpg.
I always saw that as a sort of dreamy World Of Warcraft game… but better.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:36PM
Aurora Moon at 12:00AM, March 6, 2010
posts: 2,630
joined: 1-7-2006
Aurora Moon
Endless Dream would be an adventure rpg.
I always saw that as a sort of dreamy World Of Warcraft game… but better.

yeah, you're proably right… maybe it'd be better off as a MMOrpg. :)
I'm on hitatus while I redo one of my webcomics. Be sure to check it out when I'n done! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:10AM
Kroatz at 8:55AM, March 6, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
So, waddoya think?

The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
highspeedcomics at 1:44PM, March 6, 2010
posts: 124
joined: 12-7-2007
I'm thinking Car Crash Kid would be like a racing game, but you could change your vehicle mid-race to get different abilities/stats.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:48PM
Byth1 at 8:07PM, March 7, 2010
posts: 175
joined: 9-13-2009
So, waddoya think?

Updated every friday!
Updated every monday!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:35AM
Kroatz at 2:03AM, March 8, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
Thanks, that was the response I was looking for!
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
KademonsterX at 6:45PM, March 9, 2010
posts: 77
joined: 7-17-2009
Ha, great topic.

My comic's game would be M, it'd be like MegaMan meets Mortal Kombat XD
Cease this, honkus!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:13PM
Faliat at 11:29AM, March 10, 2010
posts: 584
joined: 10-17-2006
I have too many comics I'm trying to do to describe them all.
But Nervewire/Mahlaste would be a Survival horror action RPG series resembling what you'd get if Resident Evil merged with Dead Space, Assassin's Creed, Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)and Mass Effect without aliens, Mayan magic or genetic time travel.

I should create a cover for each once I've actually finished the first few pages of both.

*Edit* And no quicktime events! I hate those goddamn things making games too easy. difficulty levels with have to go as well. Whatever the hell happened to putting a week of EFFORT into completing a sequence? */Edit*

Call that jumped up metal rod a knife?
Watch mine go straight through a kevlar table, and if it dunt do the same to a certain gaixan's skull in my immediate vicinity after, I GET A F*****G REFUND! BUKKO, AH?!

- Rekkiy (NerveWire)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:25PM
alwinbot at 11:41AM, March 10, 2010
posts: 884
joined: 1-12-2010
My life is already a rpg.
Read this comic. It is the greatest journal comic ever written and drawn. Trust me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:49AM
Lonnehart at 2:41PM, March 10, 2010
posts: 2,931
joined: 3-16-2006
My life is already a rpg.


“Lonnehart Strikes Alwinbot with Glass Sword”
“Alwinbot takes 0 damage!”
“Lonnehart casts Kaiser Ultima Meteo 9000 on Alwinbot!”
Alwinbot takes 0 damage!"

O… kay…
“Lonnehart dives into the program code for Alwinbot and deletes invunlerability flag”
“Lonnehart hits Alwinbot with Rage of Skoolmunkee”
“Alwinbot takes 99999 damage!
”Lonnehart casts OzoneOcean on Alwinbot“
”Alwinbot takes 99999 damage!“
”Alwinbot strikes Lonnehart with InstantWin Blade!“
”Lonnehart takes 999999999 damage!“
”Lonnehart is defeated! Game Over!!!

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:39PM
mechanical_lullaby at 7:37PM, March 10, 2010
posts: 1,903
joined: 1-7-2006
The best kind of game of course:

text adventure!

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:57PM
warefish at 4:23AM, March 11, 2010
posts: 570
joined: 5-25-2007
The best kind of game of course:

text adventure!
Please. Help yourself to some of my respect. :)

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:46PM
Lonnehart at 9:46PM, March 11, 2010
posts: 2,931
joined: 3-16-2006
Ah… Text Adventures. The first computer games I've ever played were those. And right now I'm learning to make one as a first step to making Visual Novels. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:39PM
Ozoneocean at 3:40AM, March 12, 2010
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
My life is already a rpg.


“Lonnehart Strikes Alwinbot with Glass Sword”
“Alwinbot takes 0 damage!”
“Lonnehart casts Kaiser Ultima Meteo 9000 on Alwinbot!”
Alwinbot takes 0 damage!"

O… kay…
“Lonnehart dives into the program code for Alwinbot and deletes invunlerability flag”
“Lonnehart hits Alwinbot with Rage of Skoolmunkee”
“Alwinbot takes 99999 damage!
”Lonnehart casts OzoneOcean on Alwinbot“
”Alwinbot takes 99999 damage!“
”Alwinbot strikes Lonnehart with InstantWin Blade!“
”Lonnehart takes 999999999 damage!“
”Lonnehart is defeated! Game Over!!!


Ah-hem, exsqueeze me?

Casting OzoneOcean IS instant win.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:36PM
AshenSkye at 11:12PM, March 14, 2010
posts: 44
joined: 9-16-2009
Just Another Day would be a fantasy RPG.
Striped Hope would be one of those shoot-'em-up war games.
Cogito eggo sum. I think, therefore, I am a waffle!
My Webcomic: Just Another Day, Online since 2009
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:02AM
Lonnehart at 11:57PM, March 14, 2010
posts: 2,931
joined: 3-16-2006
Ah-hem, exsqueeze me?

Casting OzoneOcean IS instant win.

That's the problem with RPGs… You may think you have the ULTIMATE WEAPON, but hit the BIG BAD ULTRAGODMODE BOSS with it and he just shrugs it off before flicking you for massive damage…

Now I'm thinking that Magiversity could be a Shoot 'em Up with RPG elements (get a high enough score and you could put points into your shooting abilities)…
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:39PM
13mungoman13 at 12:51PM, March 15, 2010
posts: 26
joined: 7-7-2009
Random Violence would probably be a god game, where you tantralize the stickmen at will, let random objects fall on their heads, let them be chopped up by ninjas or let them die due to natural disasters.
Could be for WiiWare, would work greatly with the motion-controls.
Bacon is awesome. Some people don't like bacon.
Me don't likes people who doesn't like bacon.
Peoples must die.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:44AM
Peipei at 8:40PM, March 16, 2010
posts: 535
joined: 7-18-2006
Definitely an RPG *^^*; Heh. Both my comics :p.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:41PM
Air Raid Robertson at 8:11PM, March 18, 2010
posts: 292
joined: 5-7-2009
I don't know if Air Raid Robertson would make a good videogame. A lot of time is spent on my characters standing around and yelling at each other.

But, what the hell. I'd make it a side-scrolling beat ‘em up like Final Fight or Turtles in Time. Just about every goddamn thing in the history of creation was adapted into a side scrolling beat ’em up from 1987-1995. I'm sure Air Raid Robertson will fit right in between River City Ransom and Cadillacs & Dinosaurs.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:48AM
Ozoneocean at 9:38PM, March 18, 2010
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
That's the problem with RPGs… You may think you have the ULTIMATE WEAPON, but hit the BIG BAD ULTRAGODMODE BOSS with it and he just shrugs it off before flicking you for massive damage…
That's why only the BIG BAD ULTRAGODMODE BOSS is allowed to cast OzoneOcean ;)


I'm thinking now that Pinky TA would be more like the Mass Effect games- Less like the RPG side and more like the RPG-interactive movie side of that series.
So you get to do fighting, mecha piloting, lots of talking to characters and getting more of the story etc.
I could really make that work ^___^
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:36PM
Kroatz at 1:17AM, March 19, 2010
posts: 2,417
joined: 8-18-2008
I'm in a media class and one of my courses is designing and creating a computer game together with a team of about 30 classmates. the chances that my comic gets picked to make the story is about 50% now. There is a big chance that No Heroes will be a game in two months!

The other choice is about ninja monkeys though, so I bet that'll get picked…
The feeling you get, right before you poop.
That's the best feeling in the world.

- Albert Einstein
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
DrLuck at 11:20PM, March 27, 2010
posts: 134
joined: 1-4-2009
A Loonatic's Tale would be an action RPG most likely. Crossbones, though, would totally be like Dragon's Lair where you have to hit the right keys at the right time or die a horrible death.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:17PM
meemjar at 8:25AM, March 28, 2010
posts: 186
joined: 12-10-2008
My comic, ‘The Dragon Fists of Smorty Smythe’ would be a platform humor/adventure in the vein of ‘Jak & Daxter’ or ‘Ratchet & Clank’ as that the character would go on adventures that fulfilled a story arc. He would be aided and advised by the supporting cast as to what to do. The major villains in my stories would be the bosses and the levels would alternate between mission solving search & find-and-battle-a few-minions-levels to scrolling ‘beat’em ups' like the old TMNT games.

Mainly because my main character is a Martial Artist. And whats the point of having a Martial Artist as the main character without levels of full-out ‘knock’em downs.'?
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:58PM

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