Drunk Duck Civil War: Page Six
MrRiot_Zac on March 25, 2007
Hey Zac here: Oh wait? This is a page by me…
ANYWAYS. You guys are making me proud! I'm seriously about to cry. There've been a ton of GREAT, GREAT things already made by you folks. Did you know this comic has only been alive for a WEEK now, and in just a week, you've all helped to create a stir on DrunkDuck! I've heard rumors from the grapevine that some of you folks came back to DD specifically for this event! (It makes my heart sing to hear this).
Because we don't have the checklist up yet, I'm going to plug some stuff here.
First off, there have been some AWESOME covers done in the Propaganda thread. Trust me, Riot and I have been doing our own variations of team roster pics, and they're not easy to do!
Everyone's done a great job! We've have literally NO COMPLAINTS (except maybe Glarg needing to keep his pages a bit more kid friendly ;) But we still love him anyways)
There are about to be a ton of links below. Bear with me AND DO check them out.
Hero's Story: The First Event we got! WOO
Hurtle Acadia's Event
The -G- Spot Glargs Event
Eviltwinpixie's event
Dockworker's event
Phantom Penguin's event
Kadiro's event
Fern's Even
Greenbot's event!
Freux's event
Lizard Bite's event
Avalon Comics event
Persephone's event
Pink Diaper's event
These will be posted in a fun template thingy later AND IN chronological order.
Pretty soon we're going to posting details on doing stuff that isn't prologue related, since sticking to canon is going to be a bit more difficult to do.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check back on that.
Also Check out the awesome character designs
Hereand Here
Anywho, more updates later when I can think of em! Zac out!
Any questions? PM me or Riot!
Black_Kitty says referring to the printing we wanna do:
I know this is just an idea you guys are throwing around but I just want to add another point to that:
When printing, the file needs to be at 300 DPI. You cannot have a 72 DPI file however and then change it to 300 DPI. The computer will simply put the dots wherever it thinks it should go and that may not help the quality of your pages.
Instead, work from 300 DPI then shrink to 72 for web viewing.
I just want to mention this since this is still pretty early and so it's not that hard to do that now. Later on and three hundred gazillion pages later…that would be a pain. :(
I'll leave the rest of this post for Riot to say stuff:
cool guy at 2:11PM, April 15, 2007
I'm still with riot
simonitro at 10:23PM, March 26, 2007
Go... Zac Go! I'm with you pal! Don't disappoint me! Action BALLET!!!
Chris chris at 5:40PM, March 26, 2007
Ballet action Zac! :D
SarahN at 4:57PM, March 26, 2007
Oh yeah, Zac rocks baby. XD
Custard Trout at 4:30PM, March 26, 2007
Question: Do I e-mail events or pages to you or just put them up myself and let you know? So far it seems to be the latter, but I thought I'd better make sure. Question (again): I already asked this, but for some reason I can't find it. Anyway, I do my stuff in Flash, I can live with not making it interactive or animated, but what size should I make them?
BigFishComic at 4:07PM, March 26, 2007
oh man, that sweet ballet action almost makes me want to abandon riot for zac... awesome sidestory comic list too~
DJLink at 2:59PM, March 26, 2007
Man this is getting gooooooooooooooooddd
Azaeziel at 2:23PM, March 26, 2007
Oh, Oh, Oh... I wanna join!
shisno15 at 1:57PM, March 26, 2007
Wow just when I think Zac can't get any cooler he does!!!
Evil Emperor Nick at 1:56PM, March 26, 2007
Finally a new community project! Very intersting, very fun.
Greenbot at 1:50PM, March 26, 2007
The pink guitar is priceless
fern at 1:05PM, March 26, 2007
it'x only beena week?! wow... seems like ages.
Generic Human at 12:58PM, March 26, 2007
I have a guy friend that does ballet. He's the coolest guy ever.
Darwin at 11:59AM, March 26, 2007
My Civil War Tie in is up! Cover for now Page One at Midnight! More to follow!
Kali at 9:18AM, March 26, 2007
Go ZACK! GO! Ballet action!
Phantom Penguin at 8:53AM, March 26, 2007
i will probably make a real event. It seems mine wasn't that good. oh well. BALLET ACTION!
Cheeko at 8:47AM, March 26, 2007
My hero designs should be done very soon. Watch your inboxes. :)
corytheterrible at 7:53AM, March 26, 2007
Metrosexual powers...ACTIVATE!!!
Zac at 7:21AM, March 26, 2007
[quote=ovion]...I am irritated.. I've updated my Avatar from my wolf to my 'I'm With Riot' Tracer Avatar.. and its not updated on the roster. Keep up th good work though[/quote] That roster is done all by hand. If the avatar changes I have no one of knowing unless someone posts about it. So I'll totally make a thread about it and update the list tonight.
Tantz_Aerine at 6:54AM, March 26, 2007
It's the confidence that amazes me. Hehe.
Kadiro_Kapira at 6:53AM, March 26, 2007
Ballet action plus a guitar worries me... yep, it worries me lots. Could be a very violent and deceptive style of fighting.
F_Allen at 6:19AM, March 26, 2007
nice go zac our glorious spokesperson
Willowanderer at 6:08AM, March 26, 2007
now that's a fighter with class.
ovion at 5:49AM, March 26, 2007
...I am irritated.. I've updated my Avatar from my wolf to my 'I'm With Riot' Tracer Avatar.. and its not updated on the roster. Keep up th good work though
Dylanlip at 5:36AM, March 26, 2007
I Just Said before That I'm With Riot.