PWITM contest #8 - Cameo!

dgriff13 on Jan. 31, 2008

Another big congrats to our pals slimredninja AND dantheman, for some hilarious entries to this month's PWITM Contest! Hope you like your combo-cameo!

Slimredninja is involved with many comics here on the duck, but most notably “Morning Squirtz”, a spit-beer-at-your-computer-screen smorgasborg of comedic gold…. as well as “Slim Red Ninja”, an amazing kung-fu-type action-adventure (matched with amazing artwork) based in Detroit. Both are something to check out!"/

And we all remember Dan the Man from an earlier contest win, found here:
You just can't go wrong with a Charlie Brown Character and multiple imp sidekicks. Not sure where the imps came from, but who the heck cares, it's funny! Go read it, already:

Is that enough links to keep you guys busy?

Happy 1st of February, happy Friday!