usedbooks on March 30, 2009

It took a whole extra layer and more effort than I realized to use my handwriting rather than replace it with a font. Probably not the best idea. I don't have the nicest handwriting, and it was a lot of effort to go through for a worse product. Eh. Live and learn.

People who were paying attention to Mina's conversation should recognize a couple inconsistencies here. If Mike had talked to her, he'd know it too.

I'm moving along with the new character bios. This weekend, I uploaded pages for three minor characters (two of them dead), Jerry, Mike Sr., and Ms. Taney (Mina's mom).

ghostrunner: ^_^

patrickdevine: A good poison should dissolve in solution unless there is either too much solute or it's contaminated.

The job's not a “living,” just a part-time, seasonal position at a state park. ;-) I modeled the most recent version of Yuki's bike on a police motorcycle I saw.

Peipei: Cats are great. ^_^

Tantz: I love irony. XD

Jonko: I had a dog that liked apples. Heh.

dueeast: It's a word now! Mwahaha!

amanda: I love it when people say film instead of movie. Makes it sound more artistic. ^_^

JustNoPoint: Mer…cy? What is this “mercy” you speak of? Oh wait. It’s French for thank you, right? As in “Thank you, sir! May I have another?”

Aghammer: Cats are more useful than they appear. ^_^

man in black: Cats want to own the world.

tttyler: My cat does that too. She yowls if she's left alone.

trevor: Sounds fun. I haven’t landed any “big” interviews – and I haven't had luck with the seasonal stuff either. It is immensely hard to find a job when you’ve never had one before. -_-

Camisicado: Thank you. :-)

DAJB: I don't drink tea, but I've seen what it does to people's teeth!