Happy 6-6-6 !!!

kaminari on June 5, 2006

What a bizarre opener to this series of random doodles of mine !!
If you read the description, you'd see that Kami likes to cosplay !! and I thought, why not cosplay her and Supazu as devils with her in some bizarre over-the-top goat-head outfit.

Lo and behold, I created this and was kinda freaked out by it, lol.. but it came out nice !!
I think >.>

This will be a comic of one to two image scenes involving these two and possibly a couple of other chibi characters. It will be updated whenever I have something new.

Ive got TONS of Kami backlog images though, lol.

Coming Up Next: Jellybean Kami and her history.

Also, check out my other webcomics if you havent:

